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Everything posted by Zeroboros

  1. hey dude its been a while. there's a Remix im doing and need your opinion on it

  2. been a while dude, how you been? yeah man as for this. It definitely sounds dark, something you would hear in the movies. maybe its just me but it sounds kinda muddy on the lows, and through certain parts of the song I can hear a "ssssssss" sound like you upped the highs on a certain instrument to much. other than that it sounds awesome man, hope it gets through.
  3. Although I hate bison when his AI is cranked to max, I do like his theme song. Only thing is, that I dont know which genre to lead it towards. Either DnB, Breakbeat, Or maybe even both dunno. So I want you guy's opinion on which genre would work for it. Beware though. its around a 40 sec preview of what im working on, so you're gonna have to replay it. no kick, claps, snares, or high hats. just everything else cause i dont know which way to lean it toward. much help would be appreciated! http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?q=hi&songID=10668163
  4. Wow this should definitely get a sticky since it would help alot of people and also lessen up repeat question about the same thing regarding this type of thing. I will dedinitely take a closer look at this later.
  5. Don't get it from ebay. Get it from a trusted site or an affiliate of image-line. Will definitely prevent you from getting scammed. at some point digital is cleaner and better, and should the digital get wiped out if your computer crashes, just download a demo and get your reg-key from the image line site.
  6. Alot of people who download massive vst's think it'll solve the problem of actually learning how to use them. you'd be suprised what people can do with just 3xOsc alone. same thing applies to the plug-ins you have to use in your mixer. even if you have T-racks or waves mercury bundle, If you don't even have experience with your fruity compressor or maximus, don't think getting a 300 to 1,600 dollar vst will solve the problem. Learn your equipment.
  7. From Melody composition, beat sequencing, and mixing things down, fl studio does the job for me. It is damn sure ram hungry but with 10 gigs of ram im not worried about it boging down my pc
  8. God that was pretty precise but exactly what i needed to hear. Thanks for the compliment man, I'm hoping that when I finished with this track it can go up on OCRemix and I actually get my foot in the door so to speak lol. The thing is that Although I have a lot of fun remixing this thing The original has way to many places to work with its also tricky to pick the right parts and hope it works. but my main itch(so to speak) with it is that it switces genres so many times in the song its crazy......and yet it dosent mess up the flow. i wanna keep that same pace and add some new elements to it.
  9. At least somebody please lol
  10. Its been a while since i posted anything up here but I found a song that really needs some tweaking and I hope you guys can help with this. Found this song on a ridge racer soundtrack and I fell in love with it. The song's name is move Me(youtube it up trust me you'll like it) I decided to give it a go and remix it but i dunno if it needs more work. Let me know what you think! feedback is much appreciated! http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=10155572
  11. This was my first project ive worked with and to say that this ends up becoming an album.......is pretty crazy haha.but for the most part Im glad to have been a part of it(even if i inadvertedly started it) and talked to some pretty amazing people to.in the end like garioo said i guess i proved........Myself wrong along with 8 other people proving me wrong to ROFL. Thanks guys for everything and if i start a project(song per se and I'll do it properly this time lol), work on a song,or need critiqing on a couple of things I'll let you guys know(and of course if you need help with a couple of things let me know to!)
  12. Finished and posted up at the KNGI forums.Handling the wav right now But It'll take a while:<
  13. You got THAT Damn Right:lmassoff: And also thanks To The Author And Arcana, for Directing this Thing.
  14. I don't think a thanks is necesary. A challenged was issued (Incidentally by me:lmassoff:) and OCR Rose to the occasion, But I wonder whose Remix is gonna get fast tracked? This'll be a tough one and a pretty Intresting Match.
  15. No prob man I didn't even this It was gonna explode this much, so I'm suprised as much as you are.Plus I like that little preview ya sent me.beautiful work Although he said No more electronica, that dosen't mean your out of the race........although I did mine in electronica to, So I know how ya feel arcana:smile: But your the director of this thing, so its all good
  16. Must have gotten Flooded with Trance,DnB, IDM, Techno, DubStep, probably house.........Yup, he definitely got flooded:lmassoff:
  17. Even if that is true, but hey at least It's made to a point where you have to love to love it......I know I do:)!!
  18. Trance Definitely Works, and so does house.I'm Completely done With My mix So If anything I'm gonna send it up when the guy wants it............Still can't believe I started all this:lmassoff:
  19. You Forgot one more.Trance/Dnb with a little bit of house touches to it It'll sound Nice. As for sound quality not too much of a problem, but What happens if they already got a Remix done for it? Can they use that as a sample for the sound quality?
  20. I'm just finishing up the last adjustments on mine so it should be finished by around 3 this afternoon.after I'm done reviewing it up with Swann I'll post it up
  21. Yeah I'm that guy!! damn I still can't believe liontamer caught that though, and its still making me laugh to.Yeah I get what your saying, and for now I'm just laying a basic groundwork for it so MANY thing will be fixed and changed as I go.Not even half way done with this guy so Most likely Won't finish with this guy for a while untill sometime in aprill.........wait,wait,wait, did you say single song ALBUM!?
  22. From what Started As a youtube post, now evolved into something else.This Takes on a trance type of feel to it, With some orchestra, and with a little bit of DnB elements to it.Still working on the melodies and spaning off from the original so im only a quaterway done but I figured I should post this up. here ya go.By the Way This Wasn't Maximixed so the audio is a bit low.Might have to turn it up Feedback much appreciated
  23. Wow when I posted that comment I originally thought It wasn't even a big deal because the song itself is great but it would be hard to remix, depending on what style your going for. But now almost 2 weeks later I see my comment posted on the forums and I had to laugh:lmassoff:.I'm glad that all the people who take the time to remix original works and post them up, genuinely enjoy doing it.But for the actual moderator to reply back and post about it just proved 2 things. 1.You guys are LITERALLY serious about this, and its great to know that.and...... 2.I dunno but, if that comment has offended anybody on this website I do apologize, but this song is still going to be a tough to do, and I will also do my share. I love the song so it should only be right that I be able to do a remix for it as well.
  24. what i ment by tweak was after i exported it out as a wav it sounded fine but when i started editing it in fl i only used stereo enhancher,multiband comrpessor(comp 2.0 preset)and parametric equalizer 2(for a spectrogram)when i converted the wav into an mp3 the quality of it sounded as if the volume had been reduced and the bass was dimmed down some(hence why i said hazy)but if anything im not sure if the quality was messed up because of the conversion or something else(honestly dont know)
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