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  • Location
    California, USA

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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Recording Facilities
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Guitar: Lead
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Electric/Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Some Vocals

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  1. Thanks for the kind words! Just to clarify, I believe Drew handled the production. Had a lot of fun with this one!
  2. Hi all! I'm not around here much these days, but some of you know me for my game covers and performances at MAG, PAX, etc. I'm going to be performing a bunch of game tunes at an in-home live-streamed performance on September 21. Mega Beardo will also be doing a set. http://twitch.tv/vikingguitar. Here's the FB event if you want to join up: https://www.facebook.com/events/518637968908370/ Thanks, and sorry to spam!
  3. Hi all! You might know me from some of my previous remix albums and tracks on compilations (Chronicles of Time, Spectrum of Mana, Vampire Variations, etc). For the past few years, I've put together a yearly Halloween horror music remix compilation featuring various musicians from the VGM scene. We did another one this year, and all proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders and ASPCA. It's free to download/stream, but if you want to toss a few bucks towards a good cause, we'd appreciate it! Thanks for listening, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Viking Guitar Productions Presents DANSE MACABRE 5
  4. Okay, gotcha. Yeah, I don't want to claim something now and keep someone else from doing it, but I'll probably check back in a bit and see where things are at and what's available. Thanks for hitting me up!
  5. I am tentatively interested in this, but it entirely depends on the timeframe. If it ends up being September, probably gonna have to pass due to prior obligations. If we're looking at something more like next year, I'm probably able to jump in.
  6. I'm not super familiar with the forum here. Is it possible to move this thread?
  7. Hi all. Some of you might know that a bunch of us have been working on a Secret of Mana full-soundtrack tribute called "Spectrum of Mana." Features Stemage, Mega Beardo, members of The OneUps, Descendants of Erdrick, Alexander Brandon of Unreal Tournament fame, norg, Dr. Manhattan, Super Guitar Bros, and more. Anyway, it's out and available for FREE download at http://www.spectrumofmana.com Go check it out! I know OCR has their own Mana album in the works, but this should hold you over until then. Both projects were actually started independently and without knowledge of the other, so no stepping-on-toes is intended. Hope you enjoy it!
  8. Yeah, if you still need someone, feel free to hit me up. I do a lot of death metal vocals (which I'm sure you're NOT looking for) but I can get that low grit into my speaking voice. And I was an active police officer for over five years. I'm used to speaking with authority
  9. I added my email address to the main post since I hardly ever check my mailbox here And yeah, not exclusively metal. That's my personal predisposition, but it's really just whatever fits the song best. Tim Yarbrough did an awesome acoustic song last year. Whatever's clever.
  10. If you're some sort of super-cool dude/dudette, you probably remember this album from Halloween last year: Viking Guitar Productions Presents: Danse Macabre Well, it was pretty well received, so we're doing it again this year! Some people are already signed up, but I want to open it up to everyone else that wants to participate. Here's the rundown: - The album will be a collection of cover songs from horror movies and video games. No original compositions, though you can definitely take lots of liberties with the source materials. - The album will be posted on bandcamp for free download. - There is a list of suggested songs, but this is not strict. These are just songs I think would be cool to cover. You can definitely pick a different one, but I need to approve it before hand. - All participants need to do their own recording, mixing, and mastering. Myself and other people will be able to help in limited situations, but plan on doing most/all of it yourself. Here's the BIG ONE. Sign ups are by AUDITION ONLY. I don't mean to be a dick, but I want to keep a fairly high level of quality with this album. I'm sure that most (if not all) of you will make the cut, but I do just want to talk real quick with you to take a look at what you can do. So, if you want to sign up send me an email (vikingguitar@vikingguitaruniversity.com) with: - What track you want to do (limit 2 per person) - A list of anyone that will be collaborating with you - A recent recording that represents your recording/mixing abilities Here's the list of WiP dates. Please don't commit to this unless you're prepared to stick to them. If something comes up, we can definitely work with it, but plan on making these dates: June 1 - First WiP due. If you have multiple songs, I just need one WiP. This doesn't have to be extensive, but I need to know you're actually working on the project. August 1 - Second WiP due. This should represent a decent amount of work on the song. If you have multiple songs, I'll need something for each song you're working on. September 1 - Third WiP due. One for each song you're doing. By this point, the songs should be nearing completion, or in the mixing/mastering phase. October 1 - Final tracks due. Yes, I know this is a month before Halloween, but it gives me time to work out things that need to be changed, and it allows for the (unfortunately) inevitable "but I just need another week or ten days" situation that some people will end up in. Here's who's already signed up and what tracks they have: VikingGuitar - Tales from the Crypt VikingGuitar - Ravenous Omigadrive - Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor Norg - Night on Bald Mountain Tim Yarbrough (from The OneUps) - Silent Hill Theme Brandon Hood and Lobos (ex-Descendents of Erdrick) - Silent Hill 2 Mike Treanor - Super Mario World Ghost House Kirby Pufocia and Cheryl Norfair - Danse Macabre Mega Beardo - They Live Big Matt (from Those Who Fight) - Resident Evil 2 Save Room Big Matt - "Cry Little Sister" from The Lost Boys Amanda Lepre - Demon's Crest Amanda Lepre - "Dracula" by Iced Earth Heosphoros - Sweet Home Brandon Strader - Music from The Walking Dead game Stemage, Kirby, and Cheryl - "All the Men In My Life Keep Getting Killed by Candarian Demons" from the Evil Dead musical (I know, right?!?!) Robert Curzon - Theme from "Psycho" Dr. Manhattan - Theme from "Shaun of the Dead" Jameson Sutton - Sweeney Todd medley Chunkstyle - Cantos Profanae (from "Troll") Here are some suggested tracks: Poltergeist www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWhH5isNvUc Ghost Town www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqZ8428GSrI Tales from the Darkside www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnE3-0X-174 The 7th Guest www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yhgme8Wufo Suspiria www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJUaCAIxSk4 Tenebre ("Flashing") www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDfAKQ1Xsa8 Dawn of the Dead ("The Gonk") www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksR0wDS-L_c Nightmare on Elm Street www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-_Xx9Dn0aI That's about it! Let me know if you have any questions, and I'm excited about people joining up! KEEP HALLOWEEN METAL.
  11. Don't worry, this isn't anything malicious. Just some shameless promotion for myself and some other musicians around here.
  12. It was worth it to promote sexy cop guitar-ness.
  13. Fair enough. Didn't even think about that! Here's a pic of the kickstarter page so you know it's an actual thing. The link will take you to the page. If you're still concerned, just hover over the link and see where the link will send you. You'll clearly see the "www.kickstarter.com." stuff! Thanks again. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/vikingguitar/viking-guitar-university
  14. SHIT! My cover is blown! This is really me.
  15. Hi guys. I posted this in the "Music Composition and Production" forum, but thought I should put it here too. Sorry if that's against protocol. I don't come around OCR too much to post, but I've done some remixing (Cave Story Remix album "Made of Metal") and have spent a lot of time doing home recording stuff. I'm trying to start a website to teach newcomers how to get started making music. I think that most everyone that's endeavored to do home recording has had situations where they're frustrated and scouring the internet for the knowledge they need. I'm trying to get all of that in one place so people can stop looking. To that end, I've started a Kickstarter to gather some minimal funding to get the equipment I need. I would greatly appreciate it if you'd take a look. If you can't afford to donate, I totally understand. However, please share the link around so that this thing can get funded. It really will help a lot of young musicians get on the right path to fulfilling their dreams. VIKING GUITAR UNIVERSITY on Kickstarter
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