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Status Updates posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Acronym's are fun.

  2. : O I literally forgotted. Dun kill meh plz.

  3. ...Damn you L!!!

  4. ...So like the Wii Play game or just a tub full of games consoles?

  5. ...So what happens when you're a posted mixer with a theme from GTA?

    Does it become ironic or...?

  6. "halc must die"

  7. *Nods* It's my fault too but I just wanna pass the blame on someone else and clear my conscience. Heheheh

  8. *pokes tongue out*

  9. I OWE YOU ONE. Thanks man, so very very much!!!!! You are awesome.

  10. I would do anything right now other than this dissertation. Seriously. I spent two hours this morning watching this.

    My mind is not well.

  11. 524 views, I win more.

  12. Actually no, it doesn't... But I WAN MAH PLUS BAK.

  13. Ah cool. Sorry that I ended up no better than Cyril himself... : (

  14. Ah lame, I'm all the way down in Portsmouth. ^___^ But still, at least we're on the same island. You're right, not enough English here!

  15. Ah well, I'm sure there'll be something. Lame. In fact, I'd never heard of your DAW until you told me you were using it.

  16. Ah, I know it's useless, they wouldn't be Christian otherwise. Yeah, I could give the logical contradictions of God's properties to him too (can God make a boulder he can't lift, if God knows everything then I'm not accountable to any of my actions because they're predetermined etc), but really, any cold, hard logic I provide he'll find a get-out clause, no matter how unsatisfactory it might be. Rozo is completely distorting facts to fit it to his beliefs then claiming everyone does the same, I don't think there IS any chance of 'winning'.

    Irritates me to hell that thread, good stress relief.

  17. Ahaha, go, go. ;D Sorry, I've been just so bloody busy.

  18. All of it is possible, mic works, will send recording in near future. (Seriously though? Degraded to harmony parts? ^ ^)

  19. All publicity is good publicity. Game sold well due to hype. Violent films are just as bad. The media will always find something to talk about.

    Why you hate it makes no sense, as I said before, you're hating it because of someone else's misunderstanding. You're going 'round in circles here dude.


  21. Anything for u sugahr bun.

  22. Apparently cool people say you're cool. They say you're a regular cool kid.

    Well are ya', are ya' punk?

  23. Are spaceships cool?


  24. Are spaceships cool?


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