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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Poll title is misleading. If you're gonna talk about just female stereotyping, then you should say that instead.

    My point exactly. I find that both men and women are portrayed unrealistically in games. It's not just the women, the male characters can be just as linier and shallow.

    There are exceptions though- look at Oblivion. Yes, there was some stereotyping in it- but it really didn't matter in that game who was male or female. Both looked like boring, kinda ugly people who'd either kill you, or you'd kill without much care what gender they were. Okay, this is a bad example as none of them actually had much personality, but it's a start. Metroid does a similar thing; it really doesn't matter what gender Samus is, it makes no difference to the game, storyline, atmosphere or character (ignoring the obvious "Zero Suit" and that crap). It's not so much liberation of a certain gender that people should worry about, more an equality between them as characters and as people.

    It would be nice to see more games with a character that doesn't have their personality dictated by their gender.

    So I'm going to have to go for A. Stereotypical.

    (I've got some bad examples, I'm tired. I know there are many games out there that take a more modern standpoint, however not enough.)

  2. Awesome, thanks for the help ^_^ . I'll try to stop asking stupid questions now and get to work xD

    Nawww, those questions weren't stupid- took me ages to work out the channel thing in FL (which was silly of me because I always knew the drum channel in MIDI was 10).

    Also~ you're english too! Hurray!

  3. Nah, no pressure at all!

    Just write a normal song in FL, replace all the instruments with "MIDI out" and then select the instrument you want in the plug-in pop-up menu thing; that's how I do it. Yeah, PM Doulife- soonish- before next month preferably.

    Don't worry! And I prefer "newb" for this circumstance. N00b is more an insult than anything.

  4. Sounds like a midi rip off the original.


    Now, 'nuff sed.

    Sweet, short and true.

    It does indeed sound like a MIDI rip- it's definitely not a remix. The SFX was cool in the ending, coupled with the ending theme, that's the kind of creative flare that'll write a mix. (Although, I wouldn't mix this particular track with the ending theme at the end as it's already been done- by Jredd I believe.)

    Stray from the source, add in some original chord sequences or melody and you'll have yourself an awesome remix. Good luck!

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