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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Thanks guys. =) At the moment I think this is such an early WIP that it's not really worth posting it on the forums. I have a lot of ideas for it (I'm not completely sure how I'm going to get to them though...) and like you both said I need to fix the sounds.

    I think that's why you should post on the forums. If you have trouble trying to make the idea you want then there's probably someone who can.

    The out-of-tune stuff was all unintentional :oops:. I might leave some of it in though.

    Tut tut, and I stuck up for you. :<

  2. get his attention.

    Hrm? We're talking about me already? Cool. You've got my undivided attention for the next few minutes. Right. I actually really liked this, some bits could do with some improvement I think... For example, some leads don't fly too well with me, there's this squarish synth I don't dig so much; I think all the synths could do with a bit of an 'upgrade'. You won me over with :57-:59 I really loved that bit. I think the detune thing is intentional HL, some of the harmonies are dischordant to some degree- I like that though.

    My vote is to let Mr Puppet see what he can do then criticize, because from seemingly out of nowhere he has made some magic.

  3. You should learn to how to make music, not make mashups (mashups= mashing songs together)

    Sorry, I have to disagree with you there. When they're executed well mashups can be awesome. I would never say that someone who utilised existing material and mixed it creatively wasn't a musician; in fact, it takes a lot of musicianship to create something inventive and original from bits of other songs. Mashups are still music- he's still making music here.

    Howeeeevvverrrr, Neblix is correct in that the HBFS is far too out of place, it isn't even in the same key. You had some cool ideas, couldn't you perhaps record your own vocals and mash it up? Also, it kept waaaaay too close to the source. I liked the vocal mash up however it just felt too out of place. Would be interesting to see what you did with more original stuff.

  4. Because you can hear them in the background: I never could stand those disgusting, screaming, porno fairies. That's not how fairies look and behave like! This is the only thing that's really shitty about this game.

    I know, it really was like walking into some crazy strip club- they didn't wear the most coving things either. The only thing seperating you from seeing their naked, triangular breasts (which look kinda dangerous and pointy) was some ivy. It was the only outlet the character designers had to vent their frustration being stuck working on the game 24/7!

  5. So, I'm gunna call this my last edition of this. I've kinda lost inspiration a little, but I just needed to push it over the 2:00 mark to finish it off as a nice little mix. So here it is!

    V.4 *final* :


    i'm guessing the ocarina is in the little swirl there at 1:15?

    Congrats! Damn thing has such low attack too. I had to shift it back almost a whole quarter-beat to get it in time.

    Lol, I never notice how much the Fairy Fountain theme and the Azela Town theme from Pokemon GSC match up structurally until I heard this.

    Yeah, that's because of the way I messed about with the chord progression. The source is actually nothing like it. Y'know, to me it sounds too close to "last Christmas", but I only realised it afterwards.

  6. I only realised I was doing it a year back perhaps, but every time I listen to music I get a strong picture in my mind based on the tambre, instrumentation and various other qualities of the piece. It's not completely random either- for example a square lead is always white, a triangle lead is always yellow, a french horn is always blue (although depending on how it plays, it can go light blue all the way to blue-green), a violin is a green-brown colour, again changing slightly on how it's played and so on.

    It's not just colour, shapes form too until you get a whole, three dimentional image. From this I can remember exactly how a song goes, even if I can't remember how it actually sounds. It's also how I remember what to play if I'm doing live stuff.

    Anyway, enough of what I see; I was curious to see if any of you 'see' music, and if so, what does it look like/sensations do you get? I can't be the only one right?

  7. Fekkin' ace. I found the super high frequencies to be a little much, but I love all the noise up in that register, makes the bass much more noticable. Can't fault the composition either, awesome stuff, chip-tech is definitely the most awesome style and you always use some crazeh 8-bit squares, triangles and saws that I've never managed to create.

    Oh and in response to the other thread- yeah sure. Hit me up sometime and we'll collab; sounds like fun. *grins* Funny you should do Zelda's lullaby, we're compiling a Zelda chip tribute.

  8. Okay, you were right Halc, thanks! I've thickened it out a little and moved towards the end of the track compositionally. It'll end up just over two minutes- it's annoyingly short yeah, but there's not too much else I can do with the source without making it a little tedious.

    Anyway, there are some production issues, if you hear any specifically, point 'em out. It gets quite difficult working out what's wrong with your track when you've listened to it for a while. ^o^

    V.4 *final*:


    (I'll update the first post too, for those of you who don't view the last post first.)

    EDIT- Oh, I thought I'd just point out, I used the original OOT Ocarina in there for a bit of fun. See if you can find it.

  9. I'm sorry, am I missing something here, or is this whole thread about trying to justify why Cloud's character doesn't come under a certain definition? If so isn't it just a little petty? Who cares if Cloud is 'emo' or not? Does it hinder his character or the storyline in anyway? Did it stop FFVII being enjoyable?

  10. Okay, it's been a good month and a bit since I've written anything and a few months since I've written anything in this style, but it's good to be back. Basically, I had to wait around a bit today and this is the product of three hours waiting in the library and a little bit of pre-bedtime work. ^o^

    Anyhow, just wanna know what you guys think- lemme know how you find the levels too- they seem a little odd this end.

    Here's the link! Enjoy.

    V.4: *final*



  11. *wide smile* I like this. You're lucky, you've caught me in a "I love Pheonix Wright" mood and so I approve of this. I like the variation from the original melody too- it's all pretty cool. Guitar is a lil' loud compared to everything else- but the soloing is, once again, kickass.

    For me the highlight is when the drums kick in at :37- also those background synths that come in a little later are so Willrock. You're in love with sounds of the 80's huh? ^____^

    Can't say much until the ending isn't just *songsongsongson- ... * so I look forward to an update.

  12. Okay, I've just started my music tech course at uni and I need some decent headphones. I would just go online and google for prices but I'm more concerned about the sound I'll get from 'em. I wasn't allowed to try any 'phones on in the stores as it was against health and saftey, or whatever, so I was just buying by the name and price. I need to know from someone who's using a decent pair and could reccomend some; any particular brand/model?

    Basically, I need some fairly decent headphones for around £100 (or $160) but they've gotta be good range/levels for mixing. I know the price is low, but that's my budget.

    (Oh and don't just google and see what's around that price because it's pointless if you don't know what they're like, I could've done that in the first place. ^o^)

  13. Why... why did you quote a message from 2006?

    Hetcenus was a member, but drifted away and never replied to any emails or PMs, so he as cut after a year or so.

    Hahahahahahahaha! Oh dear! I was on the wrong page when I looked at that- hence my confusion. Oh wow, I'm such a nub.

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