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Status Updates posted by PROTO·DOME


  2. He was awesome- it's just wierd looking at your posts, it's like I'm talking to him.

  3. Heh heh heh, pretty cool. You should should post up some of your band's stuff some time.

  4. Hello person who decided to view my profile. ^o^

  5. Hewwo. Welcome to OCR! ^w^

  6. Hey man, won't be on MSN today. Have been asleep all day, currently kinda sick so I'll talk tomorrow. Got mahself a Wave account too. ^__~

  7. Hey man, won't be online it turns out. Will finish our awesome collab tomrrow 'kay? Kwl.

  8. Hey man, you're english and at uni too huh? Awesomesauce!

  9. Hey Will, Cththt, I have so many more than you guys. Suck it up.

    Me 'n' halc are baller.

  10. Hey Will, you like applejuice right?

  11. hey willrock07 lol i love ur yutube stuff and i was wondering if ud listen 2 one of my remxies of chrono trigger and tell me how i can make it all sound less midi n what plugin did u use 4 ur guitars cuz they sound ok but not as good as fruity loops slayer.

  12. Heya! Thought I'd just leave a visitor message! ^___^

  13. Hold on... Are you who I think you are...?

  14. Honestly, why!? I didn't do anything! (Flattered though.) If anything, credit the guys who made the list, or the original poster of the '100 best NES tracks' thread!

  15. How can I 'like' Will's comment? Where is this feature and why is it not implemented?

  16. Hrm, hold on that one dude, I wrote lyrics for it the other day... Don't hate on meh!!! ^w^

  17. Hrm, I'll tell you what does smell funny- our bathroom. It smells of autumn/fall... I'm sure the queen doesn't care, she's too busy... urm... what does she even do?

  18. Hrm... 23:17, Heart attack!!! Enjoy your last two minutes!!! (Y'know I'd feel really bad if you died then)

  19. Hrm... This may seem completely random and out of nowhere, but you so remind me of someone in my old school. ^w^

  20. Hrmm... I dunno then. All you want to do is export the sequenced stuff you write in your DAW as a MIDI. If you're sequencing using VSTs then you're probably dealing with MIDI values and stuff. If I find anything I'll let you know. Perhaps post a thread about it?

  21. Hurray! Your old avatar is back.

    The guy who we don't know who he is.

  22. I actually posted a reply on my own page. Heck, I have a self visitor message now. Yay.

  23. I always thought they were apples...?

  24. I am aware of you now.

    Be warned.

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