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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. There is one major, glaring flaw in this game. The controls are rather wonky sometimes. I mean, when I want to stand next to the water's edge, I spend more time trying to get out of it than I do playing.

    I think if they had made the d-pad control the character instead of the camera, it would have made more sense. As it is, the touch screen seems to be very sensitive. I end up running around and have trouble stopping effectively. Also, I'm finding the interface with items to sometimes not respond when it should.

    Unless there is a setting somewhere to alter or switch the controls, I think this is a huge problem.

    That was the main criticism... It's by no means damaging to the game itself- it's just one of the annoying niggles that makes you realise that even the best games aren't everything they could be.

    I've found myself running into lava/activiating trip lines just because I didn't pick up my spawned object correctly.

  2. Hrmmm... I love the intro by the way. Too long winded IMO but and perhaps the little chippy bits should fade in and out a little smoother, but I was really digging the atmosphere. I actually quite like the synths, why do they remind me of a Genesis track? I dunno, there's this real retro quality to it all.

    It goes on a bit without doing much and loops, you definitely need more variation. It is- admittedly cool though, the soundscape has this gritty quality; though, again, I think it could all 'mesh' a little smoother. It sounds over-compressed too. Perhaps drop the volume a little? Anyway good, looking forward to the next version!

    EDIT- More panning on the synths? That would be pretty cool.

  3. Its made me grow immesurably as a musician


    I've learned more on OCR this year than I've learnt in music lessons my whole life; I'd still be writing MIDIs if it wasn't for the OCR community. I've only been writing music for about a year and thanks to the feedback on the WIP forum, my confidence and skill with mixing, mastering and production went from nothing to where I am today.

    In fact, I wouldn't even be doing music at uni if it wasn't for OCR, so I guess it really has changed my life huh...?

  4. I'm going to sheffield, seeing as you are so much smarter than me... I'm going away for my health... oh yeah and its a mates bday and i'm going to get smashed... you have won kira, let me wash your feet :P

    And this thread has hit a new low point it seems :D

    Yes! A free foot wash! A foot massage too perhaps? That would be good, it's been a hard day. Oh yeah, take care too, remember to stick with a friend and never leave your beverage unattended.

    Yes you are correct. It's now an IM. In before angry mod. (We should really get back to the point of the thread.)

  5. It's been avalible for download for a while... But ROMs are bad, support Fifth Cell kids! I'm going to buy it when it FINALLY comes out in Europe though. Developers like this need to make more games, I mean, even though Drawn to Life was less than good, it had promise; it was fun for a while. Scribblenauts is admittedly awesome though.

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