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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Dude, just awesome. Love it. I dunno, it's probably just me but I thought you could just bump the vocal volumes up a lil', especially when the vocoder comes in. It's just a lil' inaudiable. However, thinking back to my thread, you probably know best. ^^ Anyway love it, that's not gunna be the real ending right? I think it could do with more of a wind down really.
  2. Oh dear, that actually works dude. Hrrmmm. It's probably worth re-recording those vocals again with my new set up. Haha! That did make for an initially awkward conversation with my mum though... Thanks very much for all the advice! It's actually working! Mind you, looking for a good de-esser still, any tactics on that?
  3. Ah, alright, see what you were going for. I'm terrible for judging what's up to OCR's standards but I enjoyed it a lot. Listening to it through I noticed the kickass bass in the "Inoa" bit, liked that too. It's also atmospheric in the right places and just keeps in the feel of the game. And completely agree with everything you said there. Alundra's graphics were just stunning, even now they're my favorite style (screw Crysis). They should've stuck with that. And yeah, the whole system is so dubiously close to Zelda's it's almost hateable, yet you know they made it better. Anyway, nice track!
  4. Hrmm. Yeah, I know what you mean. This is my first time editing vocals to this standard and so I'm not too sure what's good/bad. I'm sure this can easily be done, thanks very much for pointing all this out; my usual headphones are a lil' muddy hence the volume of the vocals. I'll do my best! (see what I did there?) Nailed it. A mixture of custom pitching, vocoding and good ol' traditional singing! Mind you the flanging does make it sound constantly vocoded which is kinda cool. ^^ Thanks again to everyone who commented earlier!
  5. I think I might have to agree with you there... Excluding Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, I enjoyed them the same. (I'm gunna get pummeled now!) As for the song. I enjoyed it. 0:40 was just sweet, brought back memories. Wasn't a big fan of the track's ending though, I think I wanted the main theme to come back and end in some great and epic Alundra finale, it just sorta faded out. Don't have to listen to me, just thought that...
  6. *Nods* Softened them though and changed some levels 'n' stuff. Annoyingly the balance isn't right between all the parts and when I try and change it, I'm getting an insane amount of clipping!! The whole track is just a nightmare! Hrmm, I know what you mean but I can assure you they're not. It's the way it's sorta muffled by the rest of the sound and just the nature of the bass, it's awkward to change really. Anyway, update. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ndmuddodm3d
  7. Awesome, thanks for the comments! n___n Yeah, fixed that up. Hopefully they're alright. You were right, needed more vocals. Yeah, tweaked it a lil' just to add a bit more interest. Thanks very much, it did help. Added a few more effects, padded out some of the transitions, mastered a lil' put in some cheering - Always makes a song better. I can't be bothered to edit below so here's a new link! http://www.mediafire.com/?mnt4gmok2ly
  8. Yeah okay, I did an Ape Escape remix before, it was, admittedly, awful. I hope this one is an improvement; I've varied a lil' from the source this time which was the main criticism before. Anyway, hope you enjoy, please criticise, yes it is in the early stages, but I need all the criticism I can get! Mainly because I'm never too sure on how I'm mastering and producing or whatever. Anyway here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/?yygdnjkmmnn Oh yeah, unless you really want the lyrics you can decipher them yourself! ^^ This game is not remixed enough!!!
  9. I do prefer RM2K3 music, but heck that's a good idea! ^^ Town Square was freakin' awesome!
  10. Yeah, I did this a while back cuz I just liked the riff and source. I guess I like it- though it's really lacking in something and I don't know what. If you've got any suggestions, opinons or even if you wanna collab with me, just say. I was just gunna delete this forever and, I dunno, just seems a waste. If no one likes it I'll just forget it I guess. ^^ http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?buom2lnyram ~Enjoy
  11. Okay maybe it's not completely up to OCR's standard but I kinda liked it. I think it goes off the point a lil' later on, I'd quite like bits of the source or another sonic jingle or something in the middle, just to reaffirm it's from the game. Ending's a bit weak for my liking, however I really like the source and your style in general. Cool stuff, please update ^^ Oh how about adding a crazy pitch bending synth solo?! That would be freakin' ace!
  12. Huh?! What? That's untrue! > I hate mediafire. I'll relink: http://www.mediafire.com/?b1vyhijzgzt Sorry. (Also I know the synth at 1:48 is stupidly loud, my headphones were obviously ignoring it before. Imagine it isn't so loud )
  13. Okay, replayed the game the other day. Love it. Gotta be one of the best games on the PS. Anyway, the soundtrack is pretty awesome and I'm surprised no one's mixed it before actually... I've gone for a kinda upbeat kinda DnB theme-ish, maybe. I'm not too sure. Anyway it sticks with the game's style. The songs I've mixed are Primordial Ooze (Raining Lake) and Crabby Beach (Primitive Beach)- oh wait and also the title theme (however it's only the first two bars so I'm not sure that counts) Here's some sauce (Nom): Crabby Beach (Primitive Beach) Primordial Ooze (Raining Lake) If you could give some constructive criticism that would be awesome. I'm still quite new to all this and I know the arrangement isn't perfect and the EQ is kinda sloppy... Any help you could give would be ace. ^^ Anyway here it is: http://download472.mediafire.com/9y0nwbmnzlfg/b1vyhijzgzt/Chronological+Temporal+Partitionment.mp3 ~Enjoy
  14. Thanks! That had been winding me up for ages! (and it was such a simple mistake!)
  15. I have NO idea what I've pressed but when editing automation clips in the playlist I cannot 'drag' nodes, I can only create new ones. (So I'm not getting the hand cursor any more only the pointer with a plus sign) I'm probably just being newb but it's really frustrating as I can't do half the stuff I could before! Can anyone help me?!
  16. Okay, I never expected this thread to be commented on again at all, I deemed this song as, officially, dead. I guess the reason is the Slayer Guitars really do suck hard and no matter what I do they still sound, well, lame. I was thinking about it and if anyone feels like collabing with me and recording/synthesizing a really decent guitar part (or anything you think it needs really), please let me know (PM me). At the moment, I've got tonnes of positive feedback for the mix (thanks @ those guys!) but it'll never get anywhere cuz of the guitars really. If not, I'll deem this as officially dead and get back to making Pokémanz mixes. ^^
  17. Hey! Thanks very much! One of the best responses I've got to this! ^^ I guess it was the guitars in the end that made me kinda give up on the mix (*sob*), however very glad y'like it! As for the "mix CDs" and everything! Awesome! Heh. Guess I kinda forgot about this mix after all this time... Glad you like it!
  18. If I were to say one thing. Needs drums. Drums make everything sound good. ^^
  19. I'm not actually a fan of the source so didn't really bother with the thread, however... It's freakin' awesome. Love the pads, love the percussion. It's really well done actually, five minutes and it's not boring. Impressive!
  20. Personally I think the arrangement itself is pretty good, stylistically it's all there. Nice 'n' Metroid-esque ambience with the Mario tuneh bit. And yeah, then ending is pretty good... It just feels a lil', weak maybe? I dunno. You'll hate me but: They do. They're just missing something. It feels like a MIDI kit, Metroid kits are usually a lil'... wierder. But don't take anything I say too hard, I'm not an expert in any sense and it's just my opinion! Personally I kinda like it. It sets out to be what you promise. Oh, and as for the name... Hrmmm... Dunno. Make it clever. I like clever song titles. (That didn't help in the slightest, sorry)
  21. Awww! Opening one's been taken. Ah well...
  22. Arrrgh! Okay, changing host. New link here! Should work... Hrmm... I might do the R/B battle theme, I just need better guitar samples (mah Tetris ones sucked) ^^ Agreed, not enough Pokémon mixes. C'mon, the music is awesome (yet painfully simple)! And thanks very much!
  23. I can't think of any other way... Once it works though, it really is flawless...
  24. http://wiibrew.org/wiki/GeckoOS Try this, works for me ^^ (You'll have to install the homebrew channel first which, apparently, voids your warranty. It's not risky at all, Nintendo don't like it.)
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