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Everything posted by chivesontheweb

  1. I, for one, love Pumpkin Jumping. I don't really use it when playing Heavy but I think I would if I played Heavy more, but even for Targe Demo it works really well. Allows you to get to elevated places real face for more head-getting action. I would assume it's much more valuable with the Heavy but it's mighty entertaining with DemoKnight as well. Overall, I really like pumpkin bombs in general.
  2. I could go for custom achievements if the presentation is flawless and it doesn't seem like a cheap addition to the server. It might actually scare people who like sparkly clean servers with little to no additions away, and with our default respawn times and minimal custom maps we're big in that department. Perhaps a test run of it is in order?
  3. I have Space Invaders Extreme 1 and it's a pretty cool game. They took the Space Invaders formula as far as it could go without changing it entirely and the result is pretty darn cool. I haven't bothered getting Extreme 2, though. I assume it's just a buffed up version of the original for really hardcore fans and people who missed out on the first one.
  4. Personally, I loved Galaxy. Everything was spot on except it was a bit too easy for most of the game. Other than that, I have no problems with the it; it was a superb 3D platformer. As for Sunshine, I can't really say. I think I spent the majority of my time in that game playing with the different water packs under modified gravity with Action Replay.
  5. Woo, global award for Pumpkin bombs. I love them Pumpkin bombs. Is Junction a good map? I only hear bad things and whenever I play there (I think I've played there 3 times) I get lost real bad. Then again, Steel used to lose me something fierce and that map isn't that bad.
  6. ctf_well is one of the maps I like to play every once in a long while but is never rtv'd to, along with cp_egypt, plr_pipeline, koth_nucleus, and some variety of sawmill. I don't think ctf_well should be on rotation but I'll never get to play it otherwise. But we're attempting to appeal to the majority, aren't we? So the most agreeable maps go in rotation and if the majority decide they want to play a map that's not on rotation we rtv for it. That's the fair way to do it. Tempting, but I like the process I have for recording my own videos right now. But maybe I'll change my mind before it's all over, which won't be too soon.
  7. Understandable, but I prefer to show how I actually play. That works well for most of my videos but with a new frag video I should turn the production values up a notch... I might see if I can't change the HUD a bit. A few things like the lime green crosshair and such could go during recording demos. I'll look around and maybe will use a prettier minimalist HUD for recording videos. I'd appreciate more people telling me what they would like best.
  8. Yes, DX8 but textures are on high. That's how I play so that's how I record. And yeah, I'll go "find" Sony Vegas.
  9. Why fraps? The video quality is great until Windows Movie Maker has its way with it. I might look at other programs, maybe. Or were you referring to something other than video quality?
  10. Okay guys. Enjoy the preview, although it also stands on its own because I will not be using the same music or footage in the resulting video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zLXphBE5aw&hd=1
  11. I knew it was a bit obvious haha I assure you my video will have a wildly different style than Meatvich. When I started Shotgun Heavy I didn't even know that somebody else had already 'done it', so to speak. Doesn't really matter.
  12. Working on a cool little TF2 project. I just have to put some finishing touches on the preview and it'll be ready to upload. Hope you guys like it.
  13. To be honest, I'm willing to give the Backburner another try, mostly for the lols. Maybe I could make a video about it. However, I don't have any Backburners right now because I've crafted them all away. I'll have to wait for a drop.
  14. I was really into Stats until we changed stat systems or whatever so they reset. I still check them occasionally and they are still pretty cool.
  15. I started thinking about this, and are they going to bring the old Chaos Emerald/Super Sonic system back into the mix? You know, being able to to go Super Sonic anywhere in any level? That would be awesome!
  16. Only thing I'm worried about...it's episodic? I don't like episodic games with too many episodes, or games that are episodic for stupid reasons. Hope it's good...
  17. It is and seeing people RTV when they really are just unhappy with the team spread is a pet peeve of mine. Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Had finals past few weeks. And Left 4 Dead.
  18. Just got Left 4 Dead 2 this weekend. Got it for 25 bucks at Best Buy because they labeled the wrong game with the wrong price and had to, by law, sell me the game at their 'advertised' price. Good game so far, although I'm sure I'll play L4D1 some more in the future. What can I say; I'm a sucker for simplicity.
  19. I might get this game. It mostly depends on what I hear about its online gameplay because knowing my friends that's where I'd be spending a lot of my time. If I really liked the game I'd find the money for the arcade stick.
  20. Actually, I used to dabble in Super Mario World rom hacking for a few years. Since SMW hacking is by far the most popular retro game to hack it's a mixed bag to work with because on one side you have a lot of community to help you out and a lot of documentation from the hacks made before you and on the other side you have a good handful of quality hacks already made meaning that nobody would ever get around to play your stuff unless you forced em. Put simply, the SMW rom hack 'market' for people's time is flooded and it's too difficult to work in. It's for that reason I stopped working on my hack, although I am proud of what I made. Those were good times.
  21. I really don't think ctf_turbine needs to be on the rotation. Isn't it a popular rtv choice for us? That gives it enough play. ctf_doublecross is loved by many and even I like it. An obvious keep. ctf_sawmill has been fun but it's not really a great map. A lot of people seem to dislike it. ctf_well seems to be a very mixed bag. Some people like it, some people don't.
  22. I consider myself anti-Egypt, but having it in rotation for a couple weeks actually was kind of fun. I think we should throw more 'limited time' wild card maps in the rotation to spice things up every month or couple weeks. Sometimes it's nice just to have something different even if the map design is debatable.
  23. Not that strange, really. People have commented that a lot of the time I'm harder to backstab as a Sniper than as a Pyro. Clefairy said it well. It's because of people like Frogg that I don't play more Spy.
  24. I bought Garry's Mod. Only two bucks less than the usual price and I would have bought it regardless. It still counts, though!
  25. http://www.m0re.nocrits.com/index.php?site=files&file=8 It will make your game look pretty bland but it works wonders. There is a less severe version which doesn't sacrifice as much (I think, I've never tried it out) but doesn't get quite as much FPS gain.
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