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Everything posted by Lunarfall

  1. I hope that it won't be so epic that it'll end up being boring.
  2. I have that Tails figurine. I would kill for a 22" monitor right now, maybe working over spring break will get me some funds?
  3. Downloading it, don't think it'll replace WMP though unless I'm blown away by it.
  4. I feel like I cheat if I illegally download stuff. The only things I've done that with is music that is out of print/not sold as MP3s.
  5. wtf am I dreaming? i bet they're all bloodhounds
  6. First time posting pics. Need a mixer (getting this weekend maybe) and a big fucking monitor so I don't get eyestrain from my 14" laptop screen. 80% of my CDs are some kind of metal, 10% is classical, the other 10% is everything else. No diversity ftw. Will post instrument pics tomorrow.
  7. If it's not tightening, do not tighten it anymore. Definitely take it to a luthier like Snappleman said.
  8. You're going to see the big fuss when people start making things only in 64 bit.
  9. Tales Project: Year long delays clearly show an addiction to 4chan
  10. It's a good thing I rarely touch at it then.
  11. If you're gonna use a lot of MIDI, use FL Studio. I'm using Reaper though because it's cheap and I use a ton of recorded instruments, which works a lot better for me that way. Plus I like the right click system.
  12. Tales Project: Gayer than you think
  13. don't listen, its a lie. there isn't any hope until 12-21-12.
  14. Burzum - Det Som En Gang Var
  15. Michael Jackson - Thriller
  16. All That Remains - Not Alone
  17. not on my side of the globe ha
  18. No actually, FF7 will be rereleased on the Wii before this ever happens.
  19. its all good phpbb sucks anyway
  20. Any bass is fine when you're just starting out, even if it is a five string bass.
  21. A+ post would read again
  22. The one that stands out to me the most is playing Shining Force for the first few times (the one on the Dreamcast sega pack thing when it first came out). We didn't have a VMU at the time, so we could never save our games, so each weekend, me and my brother (note: we were 9 and 8 at the time I think) would stay up 5-6 hours each weekend night seeing how far we could get before we had to turn it off. A couple months later we finally got a VMU and the problem didn't exist anymore.
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