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Everything posted by Invader_Quirk

  1. The guys around here are becoming so elitist it's ridiculous. I've been listening to OC Remixes for years and I've heard my share of WIP's as well, and I say that this is great so far. The guitar may not be completely convincing, but it's perfectly fine. I've heard much worse. As for it being "awkward", I think you're just pulling that out of your rear. It in no way applies to what I'm listening to. What's here is fantastic-- better than many mixes that are already on the site. I say don't worry about this part anymore and get to work on the rest of the arrangement.
  2. It's your thread, man. You're expected to be posting in it.
  3. A bitter rejection, a second chance, and a touching reunion: tonight, on The OCR.
  4. I really really like this. Sounds to me like it just could use some better samples. I hope somebody else helps you. I'm working on a remix that I'm hoping to get somebody else to do production for eventually. Maybe I'd be more motivated to finish if I saw yours get done.
  5. Ok, before, I said that the song was perfect. NOW it's perfect. Heh. I'm not sold on using more real instruments, but if I don't like it, I'll always have this version. Good luck!
  6. I completely agree. The song has such a sense of urgency that worked so well in that battle. I've been wanting a good remix for a long time.
  7. It's a cool source, and I can't say it's bad in any way, but I wouldn't really call it good either. It's extremely forgettable, and every single time I listen to it, I suddenly realize that it has ended, but can't recall when it did.
  8. The vocals make the piece for me. After the first round of the singing, I spend the rest of the song waiting for it to return. The singing reminds me vividly of Princess Mononoke, and brings the beautiful imagery of that film to my mind. I've seen people bashing the chord change near the end, but I love it. It ramps up the intensity, and paired with the vocals that kick in, it sounds almost tragic. I love it.
  9. Don't change ANYTHING. This song is perfect. Submit already.
  10. The new version is at least three times as awesome as the last one. I'm so psyched for this to be done!
  11. I absolutely love it. It's incredibly upbeat and really makes me happy... until it abruptly ends. Pleeeasse finish it soon!
  12. I thought it was fantastic. It's better than a lot of stuff already on the site. It progresses nicely and expands on the source. I say submit it, although I'm no music expert by a long shot.
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