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Everything posted by djpretzel

  1. his is my metal mix of the theme song from Escape From Monkey Island. It is titled "Metal Monkey". If you decide to post the remix, you may also post this e-mail address. Thank you, Ryan8bit
  2. I want to submit my arragentment of the Starlight Zone Theme on Sonic 1 for your OC ReMix site. you can download it from :: hope you enjoy it, and post it to the world.. thanks in advance.. -- Ti-B0ne -- Rarely seen, hardly heard, never caught
  3. Sorry: Could you move to closed forum when email sent? pweese?
  4. Pizza - could you send the feedback digest, then move to the closed decisions forum?
  5. Some friends of mine wanted to see if I could do a remix, so they gave me a song to do (tempest, an old atari game) and here's the remix! My homepage is http://www.wsu.edu/~vail song name: Thanks, Naet Nate Gudmunson [vail@wsu.edu]
  6. I'm gonna make the 6mb limit a Lot more visible, and after I do so, anything that comes in that's over it we can simply ignore outright. Should save us time. For now, let's assume we can re-encode this mix and have everyone judge it, though for Rob it sounds like it didn't make a difference
  7. I'm surprised that overclocked doesn't already have this song in one form or another. This is a remix of the classic bomberman battle music theme that we all know and love. This is my first submission and music creation isn't exactly my thing so please take it easy on me =( Chris Friesen
  8. I've always liked both this song and pipe organs, so I decided to make a quasi-traditional arrangement of Fear of the Angels/Heavens with evolving harmonies as well as registrations. Thanks for your time. Sean
  9. Please note that you have to scroll down to continue downloading the file! Gecko Yamori scroll down to the bottom of the page - there's a policy on not linking directly to large files in place.
  10. Done this before with your other email address and haven't seen anything up. I hope that's the backlog >_< Anyways... here it is. The song is called Aphrodite Oceanus It's a remake of Secret of Mana My name is j.a. "The Wingless" Burnett Thank you again for your time, since I know how terribly busy you are with OC3. Best of luck to you on that. --j.a.
  11. Salutations Here is a remix of song from a SNES game Earthbound. The song is from Saturn Valley, and is thus titled. I'm going by the name "Jupter Crayons"... Hope to hear from you soon James Clark
  12. Locking - doesn't have four votes but has been up for awhile. People aren't voting! Arggh! BTW, if you post your own mix, you should still be able to vote on it, and I'd say go ahead. We're getting too many deadlocks / not enough votes.
  13. Locking - I suggest that all mixes over the 6 meg limit, which I'll try to emphasize in my rewrite of the guidelines, be rejected. I'm not even sure we should take the time to judge them. It slows us down, and I think it's fair on our part to expect people to read before submitting.
  14. Locked - prolly gonna post tonight or tomorrow night, I dug this one too. Unique flavor to it.
  15. LOL . . . yeah, I get 105.9, and yeah, I hardly listent to it. There ARE some good original melodies in the genre, but to me the reason it's called "smooth" and not just "jazz" is really because the word "elevator" would have seemed insulting Nevertheless, has a time and place, and like all genres can excel within itself. Locking this thread, will move to the closed forum when posted (soon).
  16. Someone in #ocremix suggested I resubmit this. I sent this in a little over a month ago if I remember right. It was sent to the creator@overclocked.org e-mail adress. You should be able to get ahold of this remix here: (I wasn't sure about the filename so I left it but I believe I got all the ID3 tags formatted correctly) Some info on the remix.. Artist: Avien Song Title: Winds of Eternity Game: FF3j (famicom) Original Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Copyright: Squaresoft Hmm, as for the request, would it be too much trouble to change my Remixer name/handle on the site from "Christopher Powell" to "Avien"? If its a problem then uhh.. just post this under the former (should you decide to post it at all). Thanks
  17. Terranigma is such a great game - I love it, as do many others - It had it's many requests on the OCR3 message boards. I got in the mood for ReMixing again, and this is the result. Enjoy Thanks, DC13
  18. Here's a little remix I made of the Spark Man theme from Mega Man 3. Geiger
  19. Hey, I have a submission for ya! By: Thumper Thanks! Great site!
  20. Agreed - at time it sounded like an electric piano as the notes were dead-on quantized. But still, good stuff.
  21. Sorry, IE crashed mid-post . . . Handle: Trptcox Title: To Zanarkand Once Again Game: Final Fantasy X I have given you this URL, but it does not have the proper ID3 tags -- it has vgmix's. However, it is an alternative to just emailing you the song. If you must the proper tags I can email you a new version.
  22. Hi! I just finished a remix of the ever so popular zeal. Please consider this for OC Remix, i think i did a pretty professional job with it. Its pretty true to the original though, so its like an enhancement that i worked on, with a few extra synths i put in. Trust me i think you will like it. Email me back with any questions or comments, i appreciate it! PS - Original composer - Yasunori Mitsuda Remixer - bLiNd - description (for you) - This is a remix/enhancement of the original Zeal from Chrono Trigger, i used a lot of trance synths and put in some nice drum work, and the recording is awesome. Thanks for listening. -
  23. this would be my second submission to your tiiiight ash site..."8) heres the link... Ryce Beetz Title: "Glowstick 4 A Sword" Original Composer: S.Kajiya, Mayu, Miya Copyright: Tecmo ReMixed By: Ryce Beetz and in case something happened to the attachment i sent you for my 1st one...its also on this webpage..."8) Title: "The Story" Original Composer: Nobuo Nematsu Copyright: Squaresoft ReMixed By: Ryce Beetz
  24. Hey Hey I know its been a while since my last submission, but here it is. Now DarkCecil13 said i should submit the 128kbps version, so thats what im doing. The deal is, the song is 12:22 and 11 megs. I made a 10 meg ver by putting it to 112kbps. But anyway listen for yourself. you might like it!!! Its called EsperMakoCrystal Megamix Star Salzman
  25. Game name: Wizards & Warriors I Remix name: "It's Knighttime" Length: 3:54 Size: 3.57MB ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags: Both written Name credited to: DJ Jake Thanks & all that. Your site is checked by me daily, DJ Jake
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