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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. [18:34] <@djpretzel> http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=35950

    [18:34] <@djpretzel> only issue is distortion? so I'm checking for that?

    [18:34] <@djpretzel> when something's in special review, a post at the end explaining why would be good

    [18:34] <Emu> listen to the drums

    [18:34] <Emu> he's submitted several fixes and i'm still hearing the issue, and i think larry is too

    [18:37] <@djpretzel> I hear it too

    [18:37] <@djpretzel> where do I come in?

    [18:38] <@djpretzel> final judgment based on mix as-is?

    [18:38] <@djpretzel> I'd prefer he resub again, AND if he can't fix the distortion or hear it himself, give us the individual tracks broken down, at 75% volume, so we can remaster ourselves

    [18:38] <@djpretzel> I'm surprised he can't hear it

  2. Requesting "likes" for the album is a lot like teenage girls taking provocative pictures of themselves and captioning it with, "tits 4 hits!" like they did on this social networking site that was around when I was 15. In short, it comes off as a desperate cry for attention.

    Carry on.

    Okay, let's see what's wrong with that:

    1. Awful example, because that shit WORKS. Case in point, you're alluding to it knowingly. From a purely promotional perspective, you've just made our point for us. Tits sell things. Almost anything, really... tits sell pork futures, white-out, automobiles, office furniture, and garden gnomes. The fact that we are NOT employing tits should in this light be held AGAINST us, but Larry is shy.
    2. The responses on this thread - bitching about free music on the Internet - seem far more like a cry for attention, in that regard. Furthermore, we're not crying for attention, we're politely and explicitly asking for it. Not demanding, not insisting, just experimenting with a promotional idea we had.
    3. The tits girls' actions are only desperate if you agree that she does not deserve the attention and does not need the attention. Well, excuse us, but we think artists that contribute to OCR are amazing. We love the exposure we've been able to get them so far, and we want to expand that.


    There've been some legitimately decent ideas on the thread; that wasn't one of them.

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