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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. We consider them games. Feel free to submit remixes of music from visual novels (ero or otherwise).

    I'm not sure we made a call, 100%, on that. What I'd like to capture in our definition of a game is that there should be a degree of challenge. If a visual novel is branching and allows for interactivity such that your actions can affect the outcome, especially if some outcomes are more "desirable" than others, I'm comfortable with that.

    If you're literally just sitting there clicking "next" through a bunch of slides, that's more PowerPoint than game, and I think I'd object. What makes VGM unique in the first place is that it's music for interactive experiences that involve challenge of some sort. If there's no challenge and/or the level of interactivity is REALLY basic...


    OverClocked ReMix defines a game as:

    "Interactive visual entertainment software designed to execute on a specific platform, with an emphasis on challenge and goals." Each individual game in our database is described independent of the following criteria:

    • Localization (language, PAL vs. NTSC, etc.)
    • Minor revisions (e.g. collector's editions)
    • Inclusion in compilations

    For example, the following items do not meet this definition:

    • Compilations consisting primarily of previously released material
    • Compilations with a wide variety of non-gaming content (e.g. magazine discs)
    • Emulation of a game (e.g. the Wii's Virtual Console)
    • Software that is primarily educational/informative or explorative in nature (sometimes referred to as "non-games")
    • Software that is primarily a creative tool or utility, with minimal gaming elements (e.g. eJay series, Korg DS-10)

  2. It's an intentional emulation of "Friday" designed to generate threads like this.

    None of us should be operating under the assumption that music, ESPECIALLY on the Internet, is a meritocracy. I'm happy with the exposure OC ReMix has gotten, and want to expand it, but never at the expense of resorting to this sort of scheme, which would undermine our mission to enhance, rather than cheapen & defecate on, the appreciation of VGM. If it's stats you're after, though, this DOES work, case in point being that we're talking about it at all.

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