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Everything posted by Mtlbro

  1. Very talented mix . . Can someone explain to me the . . um title ?? Edit: Oh I get it !! Funny ))
  2. If I was blindfolded in a room full of swahilians and these guys were singing in their choir I wouldn't be able to tell the difference ) . . this mix pays excellent homage to the original while adding satisfactory originality I am pleased
  3. I LOVE this song and when I heard what you guys did with it (speeding up tempo, adding samples, concept of a car crash) I just, just , . well u know I listened to it a lot . . )
  4. I like that chorus )))) Fantastic idea synching this to the opening ! (of the game)
  5. This type of arrangment for mountain kind of took me off guard, but the intro was pure genious (:45) then YAY!!! it gets fast I thought the reverb fit the style very nice indeed
  6. Piano could have packed a bit more reverb but wow your playing is remarkable!!
  7. Holy CRAP going to check this out RIGHT NOW as should everyone who is reading this forum ))) Thanks for doing what you do guys !! Love those lyrics lol
  8. I agree the fast(er) part sounded really gorgeous I wanted more !!! Great use of the string swells wow just beautiful, nice intrumentation with the melody around :50. And the orchestration just works so well for the melody you chose. Song grew on me with more than one listen. Soooo pretty )))
  9. That whole thing with the chamber orchestra/cello solo is pure genius
  10. I love the transition into choir at :40, the chords and effects mind um, boggled me. Great rhythm track, overall a true OCR standard imho.
  11. I was like, searching, but couldn't find, and then got frustrated about. . a melody. Then a buildup, and I'm like, where's this going? And then 1:59, and I'm like: WOW HOLY S*** and now I LOVE this mix. Makes me dance.
  12. And once again the TO doesn't disappoint (redundant??)
  13. I love all the kick A breaks. The drums/synth are really doin it for me 3:40 guitar moment TOTALLY SWEET Wow!!!
  14. My mom just walked in and asked me if I was playing a new "fighting" game. So, that's a compliment right?
  15. My favorite part is the AWSOME rythmic background with all the effects around 1:05-1:40. Lots of hooks. Me like !!!
  16. That piano intro got me all in the mood for something mellow, and then BAM!!!! I still don't know exactly what hit me, but it's good
  17. I like the reinterpretation of Asiatic Banjo, really reminds me of playing the game, I even think I could hear this ingame, masterfully done. Some of the samples, like the banjo, and the viola (is it a viola?) are only so so however, but that's not your fault. Great stuff and WOOT for Banjo Kazooie!
  18. WOOOh wooohhh where's the cool "POKEMON BATTLE STARTING" intro? That could have been a rousing, ROLicking way to start the mix. I LOOOVE that announcer and the chrowd though, so maybe put the intro "random" stuff later in the song. I relize the style you're going for, but mabey add something at :46 to :56. That's great mixing and rhythm and everything, really, but you lost all my interest there, which is sad bc the first 30 seconds totally grab my ears! Up til 2:43 is truly great stuff, I dig the rhythmic hits and tension from the constant variation of the drums (or about as much as you can do in a techno peice). That's a cool interpretation starting at 2:43 I don't know how else to say it, but the transition at 3:09 could be a little smoother imho. As far as the source, starting at :50, which is where I assume you're stuck from, those tunes lend themselves perfectly I think to your style. Maybe your perdicament is you wish to vary the song a little there, and I'm actually not an arranger, I'm just a listener, so I don't know if I could help there very much. Synth solo? maybe break there and just do a drum "solo" of sorts for kind of an ear break from the constant bass thump? Sorry this is where I'm no good. OK I hope that wasn't too painful, I wish you the best.
  19. I agree to mabey throw in Jolly Roger Bay or at least one other song of your choosing which I assume you would use to inhance the mood (relaxed, easy listening) as much as possible . I commend you for tackling a song which so many have heard, there's a lot of "wrong" ways one could go about remixing a peice like this, but you've got a great start At least from what I could tell from the youtube. Is that link up to date or have you worked on it since then?
  20. I second the cheers for refreshing diversity in a mix featuring rock guitar. Nicely done I dig listening to these collabs
  21. That theme around 3:10 is so pretty, I like how the arrangment fits those candy moments in so well. Definetly original
  22. The sound clips work for the intro, I'm not sure why, but they sound very good. . there. Sans ending clips I love this mix (piano wow!!) I love the Naked Gun
  23. It's soooo LOOOUUUD but it's soooo GOOOOD!!
  24. Wow those pads introduced around 1:20 just made me pee myselft. And what a great voice Nice work ha ha tomato face!
  25. Wow the rock operah quality isn't done so much anymore, but this feels sooo natural. People are saying the transitions are too choppy, but I get the feeling some of them were done that way on purpose, like the transition at 4:16. I really like that one. .
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