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Everything posted by Ashamee

  1. Ashamee wants a patch, plz, plz. Thank you, sir.
  2. Ep 12 was sweet. Not only is Juuzou's history brought out more, which is awesome, but we see Takeru actually have a bit of a heart. I knew he had it in him. :3 Next episode should be rockin', as it's a Mako ep, and she really showed her chops in ep 12 by really telling Chiaki how it is. She's such a mommy, it's adorable. Anyway, I digress. Loved this one, can't wait for the next. A lot of character development is coming out, and it's really making something of this show. If you're not watching it yet, get to it! You won't be disappointed.
  3. Even more people watching? Niiiiiiiiiice! I love how this is spreading. Can't wait to watch more this weekend. Catch up and then bring your friends! Get ahold of me or DS on IRC or Skype and we'll watch some together. This is really starting to blow up, and I'm loving every little bit of it.
  4. Nekofrog and I have watched his reviews since 2007. Some are pretty awesome, others are okay, but we enjoy what he does. His early stuff is extremely hilarious (Bible Games, I'm looking at you). Now that I'm thinking about it, I haven't watched the videos he put up for April. I really should do that.
  5. We need to Bushido more when you're awake, monsieur. I love Shinkenger. Ep 4 is amazing!

  6. I watched this show with DarkeSword earlier tonight and wow, is it awesome. Lots of over-the-top funny stuff and overdramaticized acting. You all should really watch it, it's fun. I want the weapons they use...in toy form. And maybe even their mechs. Also, I'm a girl and I don't swing that way, but that Yellow Ranger is adorable. I want to take her home with me. :>
  7. Haha, more like small town. It's actually where I met Nekofrog, too. Also, Bahamut, I went to school in a tiny town 45 minutes away from where I am now, at a tiny private university by the name of Manchester College, so nope, no IU for me.
  8. Oh, darn, too bad. Meetups are fun and I would love to go. I spent most of my life in Plymouth, IN (so, Platinum Azure, I know your current general area pretty well), and currently live in Fort Wayne, but I'm most likely out of here in a few weeks, off to join the rest of the West coast people. Sorry to subtract from your numbers of Midwesterners. Makes me feel like a betrayer.
  9. Mr. Fu, I've missed you! Where have you been all my life? It's been two years! Don't you remember me? No? *cries*
  10. How are we not friends, you dork? :P I see how it is.

  11. I just wanted to say... Goddamn, Blondie, your biceps are EPIC! Dayum! Putting me to shame, here.
  12. SLyGeN, you poor sick dude. Do you remember talking to me on the phone last night after Neko got done rambling? You were trying to convince me that you have been paying Neko's cell phone bill this whole time. :3 You had me rolling in the Taco Bell drive-thru. You also seemed so proud that you were no longer puking. Glad everyone had fun. That voicemail from G-T brightened my whole shitty night. <3 Next time, I'll be in Cali and you can show me how a party is done out there.
  13. Happy birthday, Arek! Even though I have wished you one five times already, I figured I'd do it again. I'll sing to you properly later, at a more decent hour. Have fun at the meetup and don't get into too much trouble with Nekofrog! <3
  14. UGH, HATE Y'ALL... Buncha haters! <3
  15. I heard that he got married. Of course, I don't believe this for a second. It IS April 1st. What a fucking bullshitter. Dude, why you gotta jump on the bandwagon and try to pull my leg? I AM NOT GOING TO FALL FOR ANY MORE TODAY.
  16. Wish I was going, but I won't be in Cali yet. We'll have to do this some other time. That aside, I hope everyone has fun and takes lots of pictures and stuff so I can see just how cool it all was.
  17. I think I'm in love with you. I thought I'd give you a heads up. :3

  18. Oh no you di'int!

    No pouncing! D:

  19. I know...I'm kinda cute like that... :3

    Aww, Douli....

  20. Ohhh, let's be friends!

  21. Haha, it's all good. I'm usually on IRC talking everyone's ears off, but thought I'd post. (I'm not a big poster-type person, but sometimes it's nice.) :D

  22. Capcom vs. SNK Jet Grind Radio, definitely And hey, I like Space Channel 5...I'm still trying to finish it. If only I could remember where I packed the controller, I'd be in business. Resident Evil: Code Veronica unless you've played that already. Stay away from Blue Stinger and Illbleed. Ugh, those games made me want to cry...or laugh...or both. Just terrible.
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