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Everything posted by LostChronos

  1. Perhaps the crack is getting to me, but I thought that this song had already been posted before???
  2. This is new age-y. I love this. Acoustic guitar, ahh, relaxation to my soul. Hearing this reminds me, go here. Thank me later. http://www.echoes.org/
  3. Who did this song? Oh, that bLiNd guy? Then I guess it's safe to say that I FUCKING LOVE IT. Jordan's style is just amazing. I can't get enough of his remixes. *gush*gush* Keep em' coming Jordan, that ol' lady of yours is some good motivation I think!
  4. Like to sample my music guys. Where's the option to do so? It comes and goes...Why do that?
  5. This shit is sick. I love every part of it. I wouldn't dare nitpick any of this Mr. Z. The guy that actually did nitpick you, he could only do that and justify it by meeting you on the field of remix battle and be trounced soundly by your masterful Haiduken mixer skills.
  6. bLiNd is the bomb. I love everything he mixes and develops. I doubt he could ever write something that didn't knock me out with it's over all badassness. He is on his way to stardom, I just know it. We should all feel lucky to have him on this forum like we do. Cause when he starts touring Europe, we'll never hear from him!
  7. Nice trance. I always love this stuff. This gets the glow sticks going.
  8. WillRock? You most certainly will. This is the shit man. I can just see Mario grabbing a crucifix power up, getting a chain whip transformation and zinging goombas into flames with it listening to this. Damn fine job.
  9. You ain't kidding brother. But SquareEnix don't give a shit if you play it twice! They've already taken your $60...
  10. It is quite misleading isn't it? dEaF, dUmB, and bLiNd.
  11. Hey man, what happened to the youtube song preview in the downloads area? You know what I mean right? I'd like to test the music BEFORE I download it! Thanks B. --LostChronos.

  12. You're a bad motherfucker! BANSAI!

  13. Mr. Lloyd, you sir, are a flaming turd. As are all of you damn judges! You shall be flogged to within an inch of your lives! Well played! I fell for that shit big time. I just hope you don't seriously consider this in the future though. Ya asshats! YOU'RE ALL FIRED!
  14. THAT'S ONE. I knew this would happen.
  15. I didn't say I hated it. I just think it may come back around and bite the site in the ass later. Otherwise, I too have played with the ASS, and I like what came out of it. Schala+Jazz+Reverb Terra+Metal+Reverb
  16. First of all, I fully understand why this was done. The hurt feelings of people who weren't good enough for the judges to pass, or the time for an individual to create a song for all the various reasons, or the BS said judges had to endure... but I really feel that all the amazing talent here may get pissed and leave seeings as how they are being replaced by a program. Even one as good as this is. You can't make a computer paint a Rembrant' or a Piccasso.! A.I. CANNOT REPLACE HUMAN INDIVIDUALITY AND TALENT. I truly hope that my many favorite remixers here are for this and not against this. I come here all the time to download the mp3 remixes that all this awesome talent produces. Thanks for possibly ruining that for me. I really hope I can conduct business as usual here in the near future. ALSO. This could be a very good thing if it is made possible to have MORE CHOICES of games to mix on. Three isn't enough! There needs to be HUNDREDS. A shit ton. Enough to give the servers a hell of a nightmare trying to hold and run all that data. If this happens, and there are more mixing options, I am in full bore. Even I could write music on MTV music Generator! So this won't be that much of a learning curve even for my technologically inept ass. And I have no prayer of ever holding a candle to the likes of bLiNd or so many others here...
  17. I would think that these songs have been done to death right? Then again, the folks on here with the talent they have...that WOULD be interesting. And one hell of a challenge. Besides there is already an album of Final Fantasy on the site...
  18. I have never been to Playstation home. And I own the PS1, PS2 and of course PS3. I know it's an online store, I guess that's why. I don't play well with others. Nice music though. But it could use a light backbeat.
  19. Ya know, I want this to happen really bad just like the rest of you crazies. BUT, I don't see square dropping money and development time into it. Why? Cause its' already been done. Even if a million fans rage for it, the almighty dollar decides. I'd love to be wrong here! I would love to see FF7 in next gen hardware! And also just to see how bad ass everything in the game would look. Can you imagine Sephiroth?! The WEAPONS?! Damn man. I am for it. But I really doubt Square will bother unless there is a huge outcry from the gaming community here, in Europe, and especially Japan. If enough people want it, they may do something more than make a teaser trailer that goes no where... Here's to hoping!
  20. Thanks for the help here Esker. I am really pushing for this one. As I KNOW it will fucking slay all. If I had the talent to remix, I'd do it! But I would need some wicked skills to get the submissions past these judges...
  21. The Black Mages have done this already, and in my opinion, it would be hard to improve upon their version. HOWEVER. I would like to see the likes of bLiNd and Sixto sounds get together on this bad mother.
  22. Damn good job on this one. I played Ecco a very little bit when it released. But never the less, this mix is the ISH.
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