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Everything posted by LostChronos

  1. It's good. But after the scream I think you should have slammed on the grinding guitars and heavy fast drums. This went into electronica and not metal so much. If you're gonna use a scream, go full on metal afterwards.(my opinion) Again, it's good. I like it. At 2:15 it gets it right. Sounds like some of the nu metal bands a friend of mine really likes. Then again, I can't even mix so I should shut up. And it is intended to be a MegaMan track...guess I'm jaded.
  2. I have downloaded it. Give this retard a little while to get used to it!
  3. These remixes are more awesomer than the 15000 hours I spent playing GoldenEye to death. I have already downloaded them. And SoleSignal is a great handle. Good pick.
  4. You my good sir have talent. I have stopped by to tell you as much. If you aren't already doing it, get into the business of selling your music. Oh and congrats on marrying your girl. I hope you guys are together till your old and wrinkled. ;-) I visited your myspace page. Names Jason. I added you as a friend. Hopefully you'll return the favor. I like to associate myself with those of great talent. You have your music and I have my gift of game design. (ad&d) Anyway, have a good day. And I hope you have time to get back with me. Later on maestro.

  5. I would have but is in .zip format. I can't get this damn Dell to read it. You have it in mp3? Those work great for me.
  6. I would have but it is in a .zip format. I am not set up here for those. winRAR (.zip) is what I have and I don't know that program very well... you have it in mp3? Thanks. (ima n00b)
  7. This takes me waay back. Lifeforce. Man, this is dredging up some great memories... Good job on the song CommandCom. But I have to agree, it SHOULD have been longer. *ya damn tease*
  8. Sweet. Odd that it had been left to nearly fall into a 404error blackhole though... FOR SHAME.
  9. Thanks Schwaltz. I think I already favorited all of these on youtube. But they're still great. If I could just find the downloadable mp3's of these songs... damnit. Thanks anyway man. It's great to find another SuperCastlevania 4 fan...though not the least bit odd.
  10. I have asked for this game to be remixed once in a post here already and I hope that this doesn't cause a commotion with the mods here. I also realize I am a pretty new member here at OCR... I just really, really would love to either get a link to the games ORIGINAL score (directly from the game cartridge)mp3 format, or better yet, have the extremely talented artists here make an album. You guys have done those other albums for some great games I pretty much lived on in my late teens. Xenogears, Final Fantasy 7, and others. I ask this because as lame as it may sound, I have more than just a fond memory of that single game. I lost a friend in 2000 that was equally enamored with that epic beauty. I think you guys and gals understand or can at least relate. My best friend and I used to make board games while we listened to the game as the BGM option screen ran the music continuously. Good times. It would be an honor to have the many talented artists here actually put their heads together on this and actually make it happen. I know it would get downloaded like mad. Please consider it folks. This really would be one that would be epic like the others that have been done. Thanks for your time. ---Lost.
  11. That mix is fucking awesome. I am in love with that shit. Thank you Brian. Me and you could be great friends I think... oh yeah... ...for the love of the ever holy loving god of vgm's, I beg any of you good sirs to direct me to the -original- SC4 soundtrack ripped directly from the game. (un-mixed!) I beg thee. I MUST have this beautiful thing. Please guys, help me out here. I cannot find it anywhere. This soundtrack, or a snes and said game, are too old to find out there in the world or on the web. Any and all help is begged for and appreciated eternally. Thank you. --LC.
  12. This hit me like some wicked rendition a Contra super boss battle. My ears got kicked in the nuts! BTW: Give me /us a link to the place where this badass music exists so as we might download it good sirs.
  13. Okay, I understand that the remixes of vgm's on this most holy of sites is open to ALL kinds of interpretation, but, I prefer the musics that are instrumental only. (my opinion) Mind you, I love the trance with the vocals tracks. Those are damn nice. Amy sounds good, but it's a bit much. Then again, I am biased, so I'll shut up. Good job though overall.
  14. Four pieces of Triforce and 1500 rupies hath been awarded good sir. Good job.
  15. This would be perfect for the secret hidden jazz groove bar in that one level in the upside down version of the second part of the game,....yeah. Smooth. I was almost expecting some rock guitar riffs to pop in there somewhere since that's almost all I have ever heard from SotN.
  16. Badass rock-outs like this keep me planted here. I have to wonder if any of these guys doing this music are out there making money with this talent?
  17. Not very long, no. And the beginning IS a little weird. BUT. It is very good overall. I can't get tired of one winged angel.
  18. I am not the least bit surprised. I haven't been here long and I can tell you that bLiNd is a badass mo fo. His talent is unmatched here. I would dare say his ability borders on the paranormal. I have to wonder if he hasn't worked with BT, Oakenfold, Paul Van Dyk, or Tiesto. All great and well known awesome trance/dance masters. bLiNd, do us all a favor man, and go big time. Make money with this talent. Set you and your girl up on easy street for real. And if you've already decided to do just that, I am sure Mr. Pretzel and Co. would be glad to push any albums you make. I have yet encountered a song that you have done that I haven't over. Good job. Again. --LC.
  19. I cannot hype bLiNd enough. His music is in the top three of every other composer at this site. I have yet to be disappointed with anything music he's done. It is all download worthy. I only wish the "poor guy"could make money doing VGM too.
  20. Well, I sprained my neck listening to the heavier parts... So this can't be all bad. This is one of the best songs to ever grace this beautiful site.
  21. have you ever worked with X Ray Dog Wing? This sounds a lot like the music they put out. Not to say it's bad, it is not! Short yes. Bad, no.
  22. Good job guys. You are doing awesome things with and for the VGM lovers everywhere. I love this remix. And I have never even played Deus Ex! --LostChronos.
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