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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. INCOMING! Personalized bracket sigs!! For those of you there were in the SZRC 2012, you'll see I followed the same general template, but I've cleaned up the images and color a bit, and the artwork here is going to align a bit more to the official compo artwork too! Here's the Sonic bracket sigs (1/2):
  2. I've been listening to the SZRC 2012 playlist all day today GETTING SO PSYCHED FOR THIS! I can't wait to hear what everyone can come up with! Hmm, interesting. But yeah, that's fine to use both! Is that your way of saying that these brackets are stacked?
  3. If I had known the recruiting period would have finished so quickly, I would've had the first mixing rounds start one week sooner. Since I've already been communicating all the dates though, we'll just keep it as is, especially since these dates did seem to work well for everyone. I figure this will give everyone some more time to familiarize themselves with their zone theme and to check out the other themes in your bracket too! Sure thing, thanks!
  4. OK! Bracket assignments are as follows: Sonic Bracket: Amphibious Arrow Brandon Strader Cash Disambiguity DJ Max-E hakstock halc Jason Covenant jnWake ladyWildfire Ryan Jobson Sir_NutS SuperiorX Trism Xenonetix Robotnik Bracket: Arceace BlackPanther BrothaDom Chernabogue Cosmic Sounds DjjD DusK Eino Keskitalo Flexstyle Funk Fiction Garpocalypse NovaReaper TheGuitahHeroe therex theshaggyfreak Tuberz McGee The Sonic Bracket will begin mixing its' 1st Round on Sunday, January 26th at 12PM (noon) ET. Individual match-ups will be posted at that time. Mixes for the 1st Round will be due on Sunday, February 2nd at 12PM (noon) ET. Submission details are outlined in the first post. The Robotnik Bracket will begin mixing its' 1st Round on Sunday, February 2nd at 12PM (noon) ET. Individual match-ups will be posted at that time. Mixes for the 1st Round will be due on Sunday, February 9th at 12PM (noon) EDT. Voting for each round will take place the week immediately following submissions (the same week the other bracket is mixing). Voting results and next-round match-ups will always be posted at 12PM ET. All of these details and more will be added to the first post momentarily. Now that brackets are assigned, I'll start work on your custom bracket sigs. Keep an eye out for them! And quick now that brackets are announced, everyone start working on 15 different versions of your songs, one of them will be right!
  5. Yeah it does. Sorry about that. I never played Sonic 2006 and when I was looking up links I didn't see an Act 1 or Act 2. Thanks!
  6. OK! So the Zone conflicts are resolved: Brandon Strader won the 3-way tie for Green Hill Zone (Sonic 1) TheGuitahHeroe then got Death Egg (Sonic & Knuckles) DusK then had a 3-way tie for Tropical Resort (Sonic Colors) [*]Tuberz McGee won the 3-way tie for Tropical Resort (Sonic Colors) Arceace then got Bingo Highway (Sonic Heroes) DusK then got Lava Reef (Sonic & Knuckles) [*]DjjD won the flip for Mystic Cave (Sonic 2) BlackPanther then got Spring Yard (Sonic 1) The final assigned Zones, their game/soundtrack, and source link information is now stored in a new tab of the Roster Spreadsheet titled "Final Roster". I have to head out for a bit, so I'll plan to assign the brackets tonight. Please let me know if you have any special considerations before then. I've received a handful of requests from people to be in a certain bracket due to time constraints on certain weeks. As a reminder, mixing rounds will last one week and go from Sunday - Sunday (US - Eastern Times). The Sonic Bracket will begin it's first round on January 26th and the Robotnik Bracket will begin it's first round on February 2nd.
  7. I moved you into the final roster spot for the SZRC! So you're in! :)

  8. Ok I haven't heard from Hollow, so I've moved Jason Covenant into the final roster spot, so we can get this thing going now. I'm going to resolve these zone choice conflicts and then assign the brackets!
  9. Yup, exactly. Dice roll! Unless you have a three-sided coin I can borrow Bev? Yeah they are cool themes! I'm not really that familiar with Sonic Rush Adventure either.
  10. I added Submissions and Voting information to the first post, for anyone who is interested in reading up way early! If I don't hear from Hollow by this evening, then I'm just going to move Jason Covenant into that final spot since he is ready and eager to join. Then I can do the official zone draft so everyone knows their final assigned zones. If anything looks amiss on the roster spreadsheet, please let me know before I do the draft. After the draft, I'll assign brackets so people will know which weeks they'll begin mixing. I'll also whip up some nifty forum sigs for everyone to use again like last time. I've been working on a lot of cool art stuff for the compo . The actual match-ups won't be randomized and announced until directly prior to when the rounds begin, to maintain fairness. There is a surprising amount of representation from Sonic handheld games overall though! That makes sense but yeah, given we have a solid 32, I think we'll just stick with this tried-and-true formula.
  11. Yeah that would work too. It makes it a bit harder to vote though and gets away from the idea that you are comparing two songs that are combining the same two sources and voting on which one you think executed that vision better. In that scenario you are voting on 3 songs that are not combining the same two themes. Personally, I'd just like to keep things simple. I appreciate people throwing out alternative ideas and dialogue though! What do you mean by "alone" participants?
  12. Yeah... I thought of something like that too, where people would just rank order the 3 mixes and then the top 2 would move on. It's an interesting idea that I think could work. On the other hand, I'd rather keep things simple, since mixing two themes together can be tough enough, mixing three would make it a little more difficult. Plus then the 2 people that moved on, would be remixing their same two themes together again (unless I randomized the next round match-ups). All of these alternative options just add to the complexity. As for drop-outs... the SZRC 2012 had the fewest drop-outs of any of the OCR compos that I can think of. We only had 4 drop-outs throughout the entirety of the competition, which is pretty good. 3 of them were in the first round though, correct.
  13. Yeah we probably could get close to 48 or maybe even 64 (who knows) if we kept it open the full two weeks I was planning. It's not really a matter of interest, but becomes a matter of burn-out, attrition, and overall time commitment. When you consider that the eventual winner of the compo may have had to make 6 or 7 songs if they were part of a 48 or 64 person bracket. Like I said, I really really appreciate the interest, but I really don't want to burn out people with crazy time commitments.
  14. Yeah that new #1 pick is fine! Yeah, I apologize. I could've been clearer when I first posted the thread. I had posted the thread early to generate interest and see how many people would post and say they would sign up. The original intent wasn't to necessarily "hold" spots for people, but around 15 people responded during those first few weeks saying they were "definitely interested in signing up", so as a courtesy I put those people on my spreadsheet since they expressed interest and I know people aren't online 24/7. Things pretty much exploded last night when I officially opened up sign-ups, as many more people signed up than I had anticipated (based on how many people posted originally), which led us to where we are now with all 32 spots already filled. I put a message out to Hollow to see if he was serious about signing up, and if not, like I said, you'll get the last spot for sure. Or if anyone else changes their mind between now and when mixing starts on January 26th and doesn't want to participate, then I can sub you in as an alternate too.
  15. Also, I appreciate everyone who left feedback last night regarding our discussion to expand beyond 32 participants. I certainly appreciate all the excitement and interest in the competition, but I think I'm just going to stick with 32 as the max for participants, out of respect for everyone's time. These compos are already a huge time commitment and expanding it beyond 32 would just make it even larger. And the last thing I'd want is for people to get burnt out and drop-out in the middle of the competition. If I host another Sonic competition after this one, I may look at a different model that would allow more participants, but not increase time commitments, similar to what DarkeSword has been doing with the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlets lately. Thanks everyone! I sincerely hope everyone is looking forward to this competition though and will spread the word to everyone to check out the music and to vote when the match-ups start! Getting dedicated participants is incredibly important, but getting the word out there for people to listen to the music and consistently vote is just as important too! Thanks!
  16. I'll let you know ASAP when I hear back from this other guy to see if you can get that final SZRC roster spot. Also, was there another #1 pick you wanted since the Final stage of Sonic 1 is strictly a boss zone and ineligible by the rules? Thanks!

  17. No problem! I noticed you changed your forum name too... do you prefer to credited as Syllix or as Ryan Jobson now going forward for the compo? Thanks!

  18. Hey man, you posted in the SZRC thread awhile ago saying you had wanted to sign up? Was that still the case? I was holding a spot since you said you were interested, but the roster has already filled up and OC remixer Jason Covenant (Prophecy) really wants to join, so if you're not interested I'm going to give him the spot. Let me know please!

  19. Crap. The spots are already filled Jason Let me track down this Hollow guy and see if he was really going to sign up. He posted in this thread earlier in the week saying he was going to sign-up. If not, you got the spot I was holding for him for sure. Also, the Final Zone from Sonic 1 is a boss level... which technically is not eligible per the rules in the FAQ, it was limited to standard zones (no boss levels, special stages, menu themes, etc.). If that's the one you really want though, I suppose I don't care that much, but ideally I'd like to keep things per the FAQ rules. Thanks!
  20. Sweet! The Roster Spreadsheet is updated with the picks that came in overnight. For now all spots are filled. I'm just waiting to hear back from Amphibious (whom I KNOW is signing up for sure) and Hollow (who posted in here he was interested, but I need to hear back). If Hollow doesn't sign up, then I'll open up that last spot. Once I get their picks, we'll be set and I can do the zone draft. For now, it looks like most people should have no problem getting their #1 zone choice. We do have a couple of conflicts, including a 3-way for Green Hill. I've highlighted any #1 conflicts in the spreadsheet in case anyone wants to look and potentially change their choices before I do the draft. For conflicts, I'll flip a coin (or roll a die in the case of the 3-way) to decide who gets the zone. The loser moves on to their #2 pick, at which point I'll need to make sure their #2 doesn't conflict with anyone else's #1, otherwise I'll need to break more ties. Are your Sonic 3D Blast picks from the Genesis or Saturn soundtracks?
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