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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Hey, so what ever happened to KingTiger & Flexstyle Sonic Boom? I know it missed the album, but will it see the light of day at some point?

  2. I feel bad cause I really meant to be following this compo from the beginning, but I have been so busy, I haven't had time to check out the music until now I just downloaded all the rounds though and have just started going through the first round for each bracket. There is some really good stuff here! Good job everyone! I particularly enjoyed Avaris, Hakstok, and Tuberz's mixes from the Light Bracket Round 1, awesome stuff I'm going to check out the others today and make it a point to vote from here on out! EDIT: cool, just listened to the rest. I was really digging Brandon's, timeaus222's, and Chernabogue's mixes from the Darkness Bracket Round 1. Everyone did a really good job though. I voted on the current round too.
  3. Yeah that was a lot of fun! It was great to "meet" a lot of you guys and just chat and whatnot. And Jivemaster is even funnier live than I could have imagined, hahaha. Thanks so much for hosting Shariq, Larry, Dave, and José! And thanks again for promoting Temporal Duality everyone! Please drop us some reviews/comments in the album review thread if you haven't already! I know we all like hearing what you think! One thing I forgot to mention that I wanted to plug live, was with all the Sonic Zone Remix Compo talk, I'm thinking of hosting another one of those sometime early next year! So stay tuned!
  4. the fun hasn't started yet!!!!!!!! it is starting soon-ish!
  5. let's get this started!!!! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! ok now what do we do?
  6. EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes indeed

  7. This is an awesome remix. I love the instrumentation and atmosphere throughout, it's has some really nice switch-ups from being up in-your-face but then also has some nice breaks too. I don't really have anything constructive to add... keep up the good work!
  8. Lol, no just today. I saw in the "viewing forums" menu that you were logged in. I didn't know you had an account :P

  9. This is the best

    . That is all you need to know :)
  10. Here is the link to the original recruiting thread [Mario Kart Road Rage]. Given that the original poster hasn't posted in nearly a year, I'd say it probably is dead. But it's probably a good idea to check with that original poster first, before another project gets off the ground. People had claimed WIPs, so who knows if there was actually any work done or not. With that said, yeah I love me some Mari Kart and might be down for doing a mix for this if it ever does get off the ground. I like the idea of featuring mixes from each game, compared to dedicating an entire album to one game. You could do something like a "Mario Kart: All Stars" approach and then have the album broken down into 'circuits' where each circuit is 4 mixes from each game or something. If you really want to get fancy you could try to coordinate each circuit to have a similar theme/genre. So like a house/trance circuit, a funk circuit, dubstep circuit, hip-hop circuit, etc. It could be a fun way to keep a somewhat cohesive theme while also showcasing multiple genres and games! EDIT: hahaha, I love this song from Stevo. I've had the WIP on my HDD for a long time. It's got such a classic "The Ataris" sound.
  11. Everyone DO get all excite. It's going down. Bring your Temporal Duality questions and stuff!
  12. Is there going to be a show this Friday night? I'm available to talk about Temporal Duality, along with Phonetic Hero (if he's able to get off work), and special guest Jivemaster, whom I assume will discuss kangaroos and Sonic Boom!
  13. hahahahah! awesome! Someone needs to make a Fresh Prince of 'Time Traveller's Delight' mashup now like there are for all those other on YouTube. Our instrumental is on Disc 04. Internet, GO!
  14. Hey guys, is there a performing / panel schedule anywhere up on the Mag site? I looked but I couldn't find anything. I'm trying to arrange my travel and I want to know when the best times to arrive / depart so I don't miss anything? I was going to try to get in in the early afternoon on Thursday and then plan to leave early afternoon on Sunday. I assume most of the big musical performances and the panels would be Thursday night and then Fri/Sat, is that accurate? Thanks!
  15. Oh yeah man, I just saw you got a "Temporal Duality Assistant Director" badge. Lookin' sexy ;)

  16. Oh nice, thanks! That cost is definitely fine with me. Are you in the OCR block at the Gaylord? Who else is staying with you? I'm not 100% sure I can go (need to figure out a few things with work and finances), but yeah if you wouldn't mind checking with your roommates if they are cool with me joining, that'd be great! 6 people a night is probably a good max number, I'd guess. I'd say I'm *tentative* for now, but I can let you know for sure as soon as I know!
  17. Soooooooo, I think I need to go to this. I have not been able to go to MAGFest before, but I really want to go and meet everyone and have an awesome time! It looks like all the hotel rooms may already be booked up through Does anyone still have room to spare in one of their rooms? I'd probably come in mid-day Thursday, 1/2 and be leaving Sunday morning 1/5. A bed would be nice, if available
  18. Oooooohhhh yeeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh I'm really looking forward to this release!
  19. I, of course, had heard Jordan's original version and halc's WIPs (pre-vocals), but I had no idea they were adding the vocals to the track until I got the final WAV, so my initial reaction was "bwhahahaha WHAT IS THIS!?" Needless to say, I wouldn't have it any other way. FUN FACT: Jordan's original version of the mix is included on the special 'bonus' disc (Sir J Original Edit) of the album for anyone who is interested in hearing it!
  20. I think some of the smaller albums/EPs might have been finished in the same amount of time, or sooner, but I think this is definitely a record for an album of this scope/size! Yes, please do leave a review if you can! I know we'll all be very interested to hear what people have to say! Thanks for listening!
  21. Preview it: Download it: http://soniccd.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Sonic_CD_-_Temporal_Duality.torrent The Sonic the Hedgehog series has always been very special to me. Growing up, my family had an NES, but when it came time for the next generation, we decided to get a Sega Genesis. The bundled game was, of course, the original Sonic the Hedgehog. From that moment on, I was hooked. I have many fond memories playing those games, especially Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and 3, with my family, and watching the cheesy 90's Saturday morning Sonic cartoons. I remember going through the sound test menus just scrolling through all the original tunes, because they were just so much fun and so addicting to listen to. One birthday, I received a little Yamaha keyboard and was so excited to try to learn and play the Sonic soundtracks myself. I first discovered OverClocked ReMix in the early 2000's, when I was in high school, and absolutely loved checking out the various Sonic remixes that existed at the time. It was a huge nostalgia rush. Fast-forward nearly a decade, and I had since joined the OCR forums and checked out the site much more frequently. I think I first felt comfortable undertaking this project shortly after I had hosted the Sonic Zone Remix Competition in 2012 and Rexy (Beverley Wooff) had created a thread to generate interest for a Sonic CD project. I have to admit, I never had the opportunity to play Sonic CD until it was re-released on PS3/Xbox/Steam in 2011, but I was familiar with the soundtrack and really loved both the JP/EU and US versions. After some discussions back and forth in the forums, I decided to head up the project. Given how successful the previous OCR Sonic albums were and just how popular Sonic is in general, I knew I had my work cut out for me. This was the last of the "classic" Sonic games to receive the remix album treatment and I knew we had to deliver big-time. I wanted to arrange both Sonic CD soundtracks and re-capture the general feel of the originals, while still allowing artists the flexibility to bring their own personal touch to the album. Throughout the process, interest continued to grow around the project and I was fortunate to be able to include so many talented musicians from all around the Sonic fan community. Everyone really brought their A-game to this project and I think the end result is truly a top-quality album that spans numerous musical genres that any Sonic fan will enjoy! There are numerous people I'd like to thank. Without their help, this project wouldn't have been possible. Special thanks to Pete "Phonetic Hero" Lepley, my assistant director, who listened to countless WIPs and provided critical feedback on numerous tracks along the way. His help and dedication really helped ensure a certain level of quality on the album. Special thanks to Jordan "Sir Jordanius" Etienne, who became more and more involved in the project as time went on. First, I persuaded him to help out on a few arrangements, which turned into a few more arrangements, which resulted in him mastering/producing a handful of tracks for the project. He also provided key insights and feedback that helped shape so many of the tracks on the project. Special thanks to Niyazi "DiGi Valentine" Sonmez, who was definitely one of the project's biggest supporters from the onset. His passion around Sonic and Sega was so contagious, and his connections within the Sonic community were invaluable. He helped with numerous things behind-the-scenes and recruited our visual artist, TheSmai, who provided the absolutely beautiful art you see accompanying the album. Special thanks to Beverley "Rexy" Wooff for proposing the original project idea and supporting the album throughout. My sincere thanks to the original composers Masafumi Ogata, Naofumi Hataya, Spencer Nilsen, David Young, and Mark "Sterling" Crew, whose amazing original work inspired us all to create this tribute album. And lastly, my very special thanks to each and every artist who contributed to the project. It was my honor to work alongside each of you and get to know many of you very well. I'm truly proud of what each of you has created for this amazing album! Enjoy! - Matt Keller Working with Matt and all the other staff and artists on the project was an absolute blast. There was lots of immense talent and a general willingness to work together to create an excellent product. It doesn't hurt that we were working with ridiculously great source material either, and even though I've never played Sonic CD personally, the tunes are really outstanding. The whole thing came together in under a year (!!), and even though it's one of the quickest album projects I've ever seen come out of OCR, the quality of the mixes doesn't skimp one bit. This was my first project being considered staff, and I was much more present for giving feedback in the beginning of the project than I was toward the end. But seeing how receptive everyone was to the critiques and hearing new WIP after new WIP, improvement after improvement, was really an enormous pleasure and I'm very proud to have been involved in the process. Everyone giving it their all and seeing the growth as musicians was gratifying as hell, and coupled with the excellent coordination on the part of our fearless leader, SuperiorX, this was an absolutely fantastic experience. I would certainly not think twice about working with Matt on another project, and in fact, I'm very much looking forward to the day when the opportunity presents itself! - Pete Lepley
  22. WOW! awesome listening party! Thanks everyone for joining!!
  23. When you go to Arecibo radio you'll see there is an IRC chat box. Login there to chat, that's where we'll be! I'll be in very soon!
  24. PRE-RELEASE LISTENING PARTY tonight folks! 6pm ET hosted by NGI on Arecibo Radio! Check the first post for details and the link! I hope to see a bunch of people there! GET READY!!!
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