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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Don't know if you forgot, or were still deciding, but I wanted to let you know that you still need to vote on 2 of the matchups in the SZRC! We've had some people who were saying their votes didn't go through or something, so I just wanted to give you a heads up!

  2. Cool, no problem, and thanks!

  3. Haha well I kinda doubt Pete is going to collab with everyone in Indy. He still needs to be the primary mixer on the song, so he can't get that much help Look deep within yourself Jordan and find your funk! That is your secret weapon How is your song coming by the way?
  4. So maybe you should turn YOUR song into the up-all-night-everyone-in-Indy collab? haha
  5. I was just about to ask the same thing... my arrangement is done and I'm just putting the finishing touches on my song. It will be done tonight, which is good, because I won't have time to work on it tomorrow or Saturday before I leave. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. It's a genre I haven't really messed around with before, so I hope you guys like hearing something different from me! Amph, how's your song coming? Remember, I'm going to be out-of-town this weekend, but still turn your song in to me. I'll have WiFi and I plan to upload the Sonic Round 3 songs in the afternoon/early evening when I have a minute. Also, Phonetic Hero & Rexy are helping keep track of the votes, so please look to them to announce the final results of the Robotnik Round 2 voting on Saturday at Noon. They'll announce the Robotnik Round 3 match-ups too based off the voting results. When I hop online in the afternoon, I'll update the bracket image. Thanks everyone! Yeah you better turn in a song, NO EXCUSES! An Ecto cameo would be cool!
  6. Hahaha I'll see what I can do. Now I have a taste for Wendy's....

  7. My house (well apartment actually) and fridge are immaculate thank you very much
  8. Well obviously that's the only logical conclusion to this competition. All will enter my house, ONLY ONE WILL LEAVE!!!
  9. Quick update on the topic of the Brandon Strader vs. AMT matchup we've been discussing the past few pages: based on what Brandon said earlier about if he does advance this round that he'll try to make a song next week after he gets back home to distract him from everything going on and stuff, so I think we'll just leave all of these hypothetical situations as-is. So I guess we can disregard the past few pages of discussions So if AMT wins, AMT moves on (duh), and if Brandon wins, then Brandon will move on and attempt to make a song next week. After all he did make his song this round in one day I must admit, I am pretty damn cool Hey no problem, it was cool to meet you and Dustin! You guys try to hang in there the next couple days!
  10. Hey man, noticed you didn't vote on the Gario vs. KingTiger matchup in the SZRC when you placed your votes a few days ago. I wasn't sure if you just hadn't decided or forgot; we had a few people who thought they placed their vote but then it didn't go through or something, so just checking!

  11. Hey it's me and Brandon Strader! I had just come from work which is why I'm all dressed up And we got his bro-in-law (Dustin Fisher) to download the compo tracks, hah! Too bad our meeting wasn't under better circumstances, but it was cool to meet Brandon in real life nonetheless!
  12. Dude yeah. I'm leaving work in a few minutes. That is on my way home, I'll stop by for a bit!
  13. Awesome! I work downtown and there is a Drury down here, but I actually live in Dublin so I know exactly where that Drury is at. I'm leaving work in a few minutes, I'll text you.

  14. Columbus, Ohio? If you're at the Drury Hotel downtown, then I am literally right across the street from you at this moment.
  15. Good, we need to keep the votes coming in! And yeah Emunator and psychowolf haven't voted in all the match ups yet. Don't forget guys!
  16. I can honestly see both sides of this argument. On one hand, yes this compo is all about the music and more music is always better in my book. And it's not like winning this competition gets you anything other than the fact you can say you won the tournament (which is admittedly, something you should/could be proud of), so in that respect, I wouldn't be upset either. On the other hand I can see where people would be upset. If you're invested in the compo since the beginning and have been dualing it out each week, then it would be something special to say that you made it all the way through and won each of your 5 match-ups. That definitely takes a large amount of determination, time-investment, and creativity. Having someone come in mid-compo who hasn't invested that previous time and beat someone who's stuck with it since the beginning, could tarnish the integrity of the tournament. So yeah, like I said, I can see both sides of the argument. As compo host, I didn't just want to be a dictator and say 'this is how it is', because ultimately the competition is for everyone's benefit, so I appreciate the feedback I've received on the topic. Ultimately what we'll do then, and what I think is probably the most fair outcome in this situation regardless, is that AMT will just advance this round by default. Please continue to vote for the song you like better in the Brandon vs. AMT matchup , but since Brandon won't be able to participate next round if he wins, it just makes the most sense to let AMT advance regardless of the actual voting outcome (which is neck-and-neck right now anyway). That way we still get more music, and halc/wildfire wouldn't be up against no one next week if Brandon did indeed win. Oh, and Will, I'm sure we'll have another Sonic compo someday... so just make sure to join then, heh. Carry on!
  17. Well I'd say this is quite the different situation. In that situation it was already mid-week of the mixing round, and bringing in someone with a different theme would not have been fair. This is just having a different person take over prior to the mixing week beginning, and using the same zone theme. This scenario wouldn't impact the competing mixer. Regardless this is all a hypothetical situation anyway, if AMT wins then this all doesn't matter because Brandon wouldn't be moving on anyway. Like I said earlier, I would allow this IF Brandon were to win, IF Will uses Planet Wisp, and IF the other participants are ok with it (particularly the Robotnik Bracket). What I DON'T want is for this to impact voting on the Brandon vs. AMT matchup. The best song from that matchup deserves to move on, regardless of who may or may not fill in for Brandon if he won.
  18. I'm sorry for your loss Brandon. Obviously do whatever you need to for you and your family right now. As for Will taking over Brandon's spot... I know Will has said he's done with compos for the time being, but regardless I'm not sure how fair that would be for the remaining participants to have someone else jump in mid-compo. If he were to, he would obviously need to use the same theme, and everyone would need to approve. The alternative would be that AMT would just advance by default for this round, regardless of how voting turns out. For now, everyone just continue voting as you would normally on what you think the best song is, and we'll deal with what happens when the time comes.
  19. You guys should just do that collab anyway Expand the arrangement a bit, add in some more areas for DiGi to rap over. That'd be sweet. Make it happen!
  20. LOL nice. What mix is that? I just remember some awesome mixes from Mutherpluckin B never get passed cause he often samples pop music.
  21. You might get dinged for that rap sample at the end of your song. You said it was from an mp3 you had/found? If I remember correctly, OCR doesn't allow samples from pop music in their remixes. Good luck anyway though!
  22. Thanks! It's been my pleasure to host this compo. I've thoroughly enjoyed participating and running this thing, and the level of interest and quality of music has been amazing! Indeed! It's been very exciting watching how things develop!
  23. I've gotten a pretty decent start so far on my song, but I need to get it done by Friday, which reminds me... I wanted to let everyone know that I'll be out-of-town this coming weekend, from Saturday morning through Monday. I've asked Phonetic Hero and Rexy to help me keep track of the Robotnik Round 2 voting. Please look to them for posting the final voting results & announcing the Robotnik Round 3 match-ups this coming Saturday 6/9 at noon. For Sonic Round 3, please send your songs to me still. I'll have access to WiFi, so I'll still plan to post the songs on Saturday, it will probably just be later in the afternoon/evening. Since there are only 4 of us mixing, if I get all the songs before I leave early Saturday AM then I'll post them early. If not, no big deal. Thanks!
  24. Humble pie eh'? I'm going to be bringing the HEAT this round Rexy! I've already got some good ideas to take my song in a new direction (for me at least). I'm going to make this Rex EXTINCT!!! OH SNAP!!!!!!!
  25. OK! Robotnik Round 2 songs are up! Sonic Round 2 results: Rexy: 35, TheRexAsaurous: 12 Phonetic Hero: 25, Main Finger: 22 Amphibious: 27, Ben Briggs: 20 MindWanderer didn't vote on the Phonetic Hero vs. Main Finger matchup, so his other two votes were disallowed. No impact on the final results though. First post and the bracket image are now updated.
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