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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. I've received all 8 songs for the Robotnik Bracket Round 2! Woo! Good job you Badnik Pancake Crepes! I'll work on tagging them and preparing them for upload now. Sonic Bracket Round 2 voting will end in about 20 mins. We still got some close match-ups!
  2. Whoa yeah this is awesome! I'm a sucker for brass and horns... nice work!
  3. hahaha well fast relative to that most people are turning them in tonight instead of tomorrow morning
  4. You pancake crepes are fast this week! I've received 5 submissions already. Just need halc, Chernabogue, and it's-a-him-a GARIO! And we'll have our first week of FLAWLESS PARTICIPATION
  5. Good job you crepe! You pulled it out, I'm proud!
  6. mmmmmm mmmmmm filter love That should be the name of a mix. In regards to your intro... do whatever you like! It's your song! Just remember comedy is subjective though, so what you find funny, others might not. But alas, so is music. Ultimately it's your song, so your choice!
  7. Here are some quick reviews from me this week! TheRexAsaurous: This felt very "sonic" with all the sound effects and instrumentation choices. Definitely a big step up from your first mix! The arrangement felt like it meandered a bit, but overall I enjoyed this one! Rexy: I've come to expect super-awesome arrangements from you, and this one is no exception! Very interesting soundscape. At first I was a little skeptical how all the instruments blended together, but after a few listens I really started getting into it. Nice guitar solo appearance by DusK too! It's cool you two collabed on this one! Main Finger: Definitely diggin the groove on this one. That intro felt a little cliche techno, but still really cool nonetheless. I really enjoyed the sound of the lead synth and some of the modulation you did with it. It really made Chemical Plant sound pretty groovy. Come on! Overall I felt there could've been a little more meat to the arrrangement, but still a solid track! Phonetic Hero: I really enjoy the bass work on this track. That and the stutter effects work really well together. My favorite part is the piano breakdown section though. The piano and Xarnax's vocals really add another, almost otherworldly, layer to the song. Great stuff! Amphibious: I was expecting another chill out song, but got this instead! Very cool stuff! I really like how you arranged the two themes here, they flowed together quite well. The guitar was quite good too! Loved the ending too! Ben Briggs: Not sure how to even classify this one, but I definitely like it. That laugh voice clip is pretty awesome, especially with the vocal effects stuttering into the music. For some reason this song makes me picture Robotnik sneaking around, like he's looking for something, then when he finds it, he laughs muahahahah I really like that synth solo around 1:20 too. Solid stuff again from you Mr. Briggs! So looks like a lot of you guys are waiting last-minute to vote again! Come on, let's get on it! We have some close match-ups! Let's get some more reviews too! Robotnik Round 2 songs tomorrow! woooooo!
  8. hahahaha... did you start working on this when you thought you might have been matched up against me in Round 2? It's a particular shame that Akumajo had to drop after your tough battle, because it would've been cool to see you continue, especially with something like this! (although you probably would've beat me heh). Anyway, I really won't comment on much yet, since this is still pretty short and you listed all the production/EQ stuff you still need to do. Regardless, this is a pretty slick arrangement so far! I really like the upbeat, high energy feel! Nice guitar solo too! Can't wait to see how you finish it up!
  9. hahahahahaha nice. 'Planet Pissed' would be a good song title for a metal Planet Wisp mix
  10. well I hope you find some inspiration tomorrow sir, especially after saying how you never make it out of Round 1's. At least it sounds like the rest of you pancakes are making good progress!
  11. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the people that are contacting you are legitimately from that company. I've worked in marketing before and most companies will go to extremes to protect what they believe is their "brand image" or "brand reputation", no matter how inconsequential the supposed "infringement" is. They'll believe any misrepresentation of that "image" could/would/may impact their business. Also, in my current job, I've received many emails from internal and external clients that have misspelled words, incorrect punctuation, etc., so unfortunately that has no bearing on the legitimacy of the email in question. Sad, but true. Lastly what I don't understand though is yeah Brad isn't using the name in a business (i.e., selling products and/or services for profit), so I really don't get how they have any case whatsoever. I know Andy has said that trademark infringement isn't limited to commercial use, but still that seems silly. In that case, where does it end? Technically couldn't any person using a trademarked name in an email address, forum user name, gamertag, etc. be forced to change their name too, since they are "infringing" on the use of that trademarked word? Seems a little ridiculous to me. Regardless, if you have to change your name Brad, can we refer to you as "The Artist Formerly Known as prophetik", or will that infringe on their trademark as well?
  12. Thanks for the kind words and for participating in the compo! Your song was excellent, I hope to hear more from you soon!

  13. This is certainly an interesting take on this iconic theme. Yeah it is a super-liberal arrangement, but that doesn't really bother me. There is only so much you can do with SMB Underworld, so it is refreshing to see it taken in a completely new direction. Not much from me in terms of production crits on my first listen, nice job so far!
  14. I bought this game when it came out last year and absolutely love it. I never played Hard Corps specifically before, but I loved playing all the original Contra games on NES. This reminds me of them a lot, with just the overall anime art style. The game and the music totally rocks tho. Nothing beats an old school, 2d, hard as hell side scrolling shooter.
  15. Thanks! Yeah I guess I tend to make jazzier, more laid back songs, although this was the most laid-back "chill" piece that I've made before. And yeah C7 did a great job on the trumpet solo, I'd be interested to what everyone else thinks too! And yeah don't you worry, I definitely have something different in mind for Round 3, in my face-off with either you or Rexy!
  16. haha I saw your post I guess I didn't realize that these were the same thing/community.
  17. Awesome, thanks DiGi! I was trying to think of other ways to hype the compo, but I'm just not that well connected with the fan communities outside of OCR, so I didn't even know where to begin. Being the host and all, if there is anything else I can do, or if they want to talk to me about the compo for more information or something, please let me know! Thanks! EDIT: I just tuned in and heard my Round 1 song, hahaha, nice. I'd like to know more about this Radio SEGA thing.
  18. Yeah I noticed that too, cool stuff! I had a blatant Spring Yard reference in my song during the break at 2:18 that I wrote cause it just fit perfectly and then I was like "oh that's Spring Yard..." Hahah Akumajo still probably would've destroyed me, but I was really looking forward to how this would've stacked up to him. I'm pretty proud of this song, and I've never attempted a really "chill" song like this before.
  19. Haha thanks! I had about 5 different volcano themed names I was deciding between, this was the best one! And come on, did C7 nail that trumpet solo or WHAT? Then don't urdailywater made Metal Harbor into a very non-metal song, you can too! Great songs this round lizards! I love them all!
  20. Yeah or something could've gotten mixed up with the 30-60 second delay between posting too. I'll reinstate your votes since it doesn't effect any of the end results anyway.
  21. OK everybody! Sonic Round 2 mixes are here! 7 mixes were submitted. AkumajoBelmont did not submit a mix so SuperiorX advances by default. I'd really like to hear what you guys think of my song though, I think it turned out pretty good, and my secret weapon, C7 nailed it! So mad props to him! I'm tabulating the Robotnik Round 1 votes right now. Those will be up very soon. EDIT: Robotnik Round 2 matchups. Brandon Strader vs. AMT wildfire vs. halc KingTiger vs. Gario Syllix vs. Chernabogue Brandon Strader only voted in his matchup and Dj Mokram voted in all but his own matchup, so their votes were disallowed. Updated bracket graphics are up.
  22. Alrighty! I've gotten all the songs so I'll start tagging them and preparing them for upload while the Robotnik Round 1 voting wraps up!
  23. Good morning everyone! Oh yeah wow we've gotten a lot of votes since last night, good job! Sonic Round 2 mixes will be due soon... I've received them all except Phonetic Hero and AkumajoBelmont (but Robbie said he wasn't going to be able to make it this round), so I guess that just leaves PH!
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