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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Alright well it's 2pm EDT. I'm uploading the zip file for you guys right now. Link will be up momentarily. 14 mixes were submitted. No entries from Sir_NutS or BlackPanther, so Chernabogue and KingTiger advance by default.
  2. First post has been updated with the Sonic Round 2 match-ups. I'm tagging the songs now. Still no word from Sir_NutS or BlackPanther. Anyone know how to get a hold of these guys? If I don't hear something very soon they will be disqualified
  3. Ok from my tallies, this looks like the final score: AkumajoBelmont: 32 Magellanic: 31 SuperiorX: 42 Mr. L: 21 Rexy: 38 DusK: 25 Main Finger: 34 Jakesnke17: 29 PixelPanic: 4 Phonetic Hero: 59 hakstock: 25 Amphibious: 38 Ben Briggs: 55 Xenon Odyssey: 8 Two extra people only voted in the AkumajoBelmont vs. Magellanic match-up, so their votes are disallowed. Luckily they voted for opposite mixers, so their votes cancel out and wouldn't have made an impact anyway. Congratulations everyone! I'm going to update the bracket graphic, unless anyone keeping an independent tally notices any discrepancies in my tally. Then I'll get the Robotnik Round 1 songs up pronto! Still nothing from Sir_NutS or BlackPanther.
  4. Yeah your matchup and Main Finger - Jakesnke17 are both super close. Anyone know how to get ahold of Sir_NutS or BlackPanther outside of PM? NutS said he was working on something as of yesterday...
  5. Ok voting is closed. I'm going to double check these tallies and post the winners. No tracks from Sir_NutS or BlackPanther. I'm going to give them a few minutes while I tally the votes in case they are running behind.
  6. I have 13 mixes so far. Need mixes from Gario, Sir_NutS and BlackPanther. This is how things are going to go down. At 12pm EDT the voting closes on the Sonic Bracket Round 1. I'm going to tabulate those votes and post the next Round match-ups so the lizards can get down to mixing. Then I'll tag and upload the Robotnik Bracket Round 1 tracks. Get ready! EDIT: Rexy - Sir_NutS said he was working on his track a few times this week (most recently yesterday in the Diablo 3 thread), so I expect he'll have something. I haven't heard from BlackPanther all week though.
  7. Another standout track off the WA album. Awesome orchestral stuff here, we really do need some more of this! Great work!
  8. I forgot to ask everyone... if your song has lyrics, would you mind sending them in your submissions PM to me. I'm going to include any lyrics in a text file along with the ZIP for the songs, going forward. Thanks!
  9. Oh my I have pancakes piling up in my inbox So far I've received 9 tracks, from: AMT, Arceace, Brandon Strader, Chernabogue, Dj Mokram, halc, Tuberz McGee, urdailywater, and wildfire. The rest of you Badniks have until tomorrow at 12pm EDT to turn your songs in! Voting for the Sonic Bracket - Round 1 will end at that time too, and Sonic Round 2 match-ups will be announced! Good luck!
  10. Hey thanks! You did a great job on your song! I can't wait to hear what else you do in the future! Thanks for participating in the compo too, it's been a lot of fun coordinating. Just seeing the amount of excitement and response around the compo has been awesome!

  11. Damn sir! Is the game that short or have you just been playing that long? I remember D2 taking forever to win.
  12. Just because the sources started with a latin rhythm, doesn't mean you need to keep it that way. Work with your strengths, if you're strength is chill/ambient, find a way to make your sources fit that genre. Some people get really creative & interpretative in these compos, so there is nothing stopping you from completely changing/removing sections, adding parts to them, etc. Sometimes it's not even that the notes are the same, but that the rhythm of those notes resembles the original melody. Feel free to be as creative & interpretative as you want, as long as the sources still have some trace back to the original. If people hear it and can't tell whatsoever that this is a Launch Base mix, then you might have gone too far, but if you can still pick up parts of it here and there, then you should be good. Overall, just have fun!
  13. Agreed. Two really solid final tracks, and a really surprising one at that from GLL. I enjoyed them both, as well as this entire compo! I've never really played much SF either, so I wasn't really familiar with most of the sources, but that didn't stop me from enjoying all the great music created. Nice work everyone!
  14. Oh yeah this is niiiiiiice! Those chugs are something wicked indeed, I don't mind the mixing balance it's not as noticeable to me. And someone else that uses Sony ACID Pro has their DAW of choice! I, for better or worse, use it as well. Nice work!
  15. No there is no minimum time limit. I mean I'd shoot for at least 2:00 so you have something substantial, but you could go as long or as short as you'd like!
  16. I've been meaning to post a few comments on each of the songs this week: Magellanic: This was a really fun, high energy track. I particularly enjoyed the guitar solo built around Star Light zone towards the end of the song, it was really cool. Mixing felt a little loud overall (the whole song), but that's my only complaint. A really solid mix! AkumajoBelmont: I wasn't far off when I jokingly guessed that Robbie was making a rap song Great collab here guys, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The vocal recording sounded pretty good and you made Tidal Tempest quite the infectious beat here! Mr. L: You've improved a lot since the stuff I remember from the WCRG! I really enjoyed some of your synth sounds and effects! When the song first started I thought I was listening to a Sir_NutS track. That 80s synth and drum beat haha! The arrangement did seem to meander a bit, but overall good work! TheRexAsaurous: You had some interesting elements here, but overall the soundscape felt a bit sparse. I was looking forward to hearing some more Casino Night 2P in here too cause it's such a fun theme! I know you were a little short on time, so I hope you have more this coming week! Rexy: This is probably one of my favorite songs of yours I've heard. I really enjoyed the arrangement of the two themes, they were put together quite well. You had some really nice synth and modulation work here. I really like the part around 3:58 where you went downtempo, it was a cool way to end the song. DusK: That intro drum and bass pattern is a ton of fun, I think it really set the stage for this piece. Great guitar work throughout (you've been spoiling us recently with all the SF mixes). I really enjoyed the guitar shenanigans towards the end of the song as well. Nice job! Main Finger: Oh my do I love this track. I think the vocal clips were integrated quite well with the song, they really feel like they belong. A really fun arrangement of the two themes too, I think they work really well off each other. Not really any complaints, one of favs from the round! Jakesnke17: I really can't believe you made this song in like 6-7 hours. It sounds like a finished, well-polished product. That bit-crushed bass is just plain nasty, I love it. I really like a lot of your synth work here too, I think it's some of the best I've heard from you. That and the bass really kept things interesting throughout. Nice!! PixelPanic: I like your idea here. I never thought of slowing down Hill Top like that. It sounds really cool, from a chill-out vibe mix standpoint. Overall though your sound design needs some work to help fill out the otherwise sparse soundscape. Phonetic Hero: This song just cracks me up. The wah-wah vox bass you made is just damn hilarious. This also probably the most upbeat & energetic mix I've heard from you. The chiptune synth work is super well done. That middle-ish 1:30 section feels a bit awkward, but overall I can't complain, this was a super-fun song! hakstock: I've never any of your stuff before hakstock, so I was pleasantly surprised. The guitar intro (and throughout) is really groovy. Cool guitar layering and synth-pad combo going on there. Really enjoyed this one. Amphibious: You sir have got that Joshua Morse sexy smooth mixing style down pat. This song really got me nodding my head. Great beat, nice sound design, and some crystal-clear mixing (IMO). A bit short, but that's my only real complaint. Ben Briggs: What's the smell? It's the smell of a damn awesome song, that's what. I just liked this whole thing, so I'm going to bother trying to describe my feelings. Just give me more please. Xenon Odyssey: This was a super fun true chiptune piece. It was sad to see you go up against Mr. Briggs in the first round cause (as of voting now at least) we won't hear any more . The arrangement was rather hectic and unpredictable, but that was one of the things I really enjoyed about it. The tempo switchups were a nice touch too! I'll be posting my votes last when I close the voting threads (DarkeSword style), so hopefully I didn't give too many of them away with my comments . Good job everyone, this was an impressive batch of songs! I can't wait to hear what the pancakes got for us in a few days.
  17. That is about all I was doing while I was writing the 0:24 - 0:48 section of my song for Round 1.
  18. well maybe that would've been a little much lol. good luck!

  19. hahahaha... sure you're allowed to do whatever you want. The only absolute rule is that you have to incorporate both of the Zone themes significantly into your song. Whatever you do beyond that is totally up to you!

  20. Look at you Enigami! So resourceful! And you don't need to stop posting Mokram, I was only joking I figured you knew what you we're doing, it was just a coincidence that the Genesis Launch Base had the GOs and you were asking for them! Carry on!
  21. Make sure you're using the correct Launch Base... Enigami chose Launch Base from the PC version of S3&K, which doesn't have the GO!s like the Genesis version does... Check the roster spreadsheet for source links. Unless you just want to add GOs anyway, which is completely acceptable
  22. What are you waiting for? You were so excited to mix Dragon Road and Under Ground. Stop posting and start mixing! Nope, Jason didn't turn in a track, you didn't miss anything!
  23. Just about 2.5 days left Robotniks! It sounds like most of you are making good progress. Keep it up! Yeah I can't wait to see how Akumajo beats me next round either (assuming we both make it)
  24. Indeed! I just noticed there was a critical error in my post Mokram quoted. I meant to say "of" not "or". You don't have to use every aspect of both sources. Not or. You do absolutely need to use both sources
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