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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. I think that's the most fun part - trying to figure out how to blend two different sources together. Remember, you don't have to use every aspect of both sources. Maybe Source A's melody sounds cool over Source B's bass and background instruments. Or maybe the two melodies can be blended together to create some new, unique melody. You can mess with the genre, key, tempo, etc. There's tons of ways you can go with it.
  2. Demon Hunter is what I was going to try first when I eventually buy the game. Is it a fun class?
  3. So I haven't bought the game yet but I think I might wait a few days until Blizzard gets their servers under control. I've been reading a lot of complaints online with people not being able to connect
  4. Yeah i just realized they're the same thing. And oooh apparently I have Google talk on my phone. Ok back to work now...
  5. Ummm, is Google Talk different from the Google Chat in gmail? Or are they the same thing? I'm in Google chat in gmail quite frequently, but I'm on my phone right now at work (very productive, yes I know) so I'm not logged in now. I'm on a lot at night when I get home from work. But given our time difference, you Brits are mostly likely asleep at that time you're 6 hours ahead of EDT I think yes? so that could be why you don't see me on often.
  6. I just saw, thanks. Is it cause you want to go play Diablo the rest of the week now?
  7. Oh nice! Everyone is pulling out some secret weapons this round. Don't spoil the surprise tho! Actually Larry sent me a stop watch so I can clock source usage for all of these mixes going forward And how can you not like Dragon Road, wildfire? It's got an awesome melody! I can imagine it'll be hard to combine with other sources though cause it's so different. Good luck guys!
  8. This was one of my favorites from the GRMRB 2011. I loved the pounding percussion and synth progression and the arrangement of the two melodies is very catchy. Great job TGH!
  9. lol... go recruit your own secret weapon sax player!
  10. Sure, mine is SuperiorX#1928. FYI though I haven't bought or preordered the game even yet, so I don't think I'll be playing it right at launch tonight. I'll probably pick it up sometime later this week or over the weekend, so I'm not sure right when I'll be on. I'm also new to the whole multiplayer aspect of Diablo. I only ever played single-player on Diablo 2, so we'll see how that goes this time around This might be a dumb question... but how do you progress through the game on multiplayer, do players have to be at the same point in the story, or is the multiplayer experience completely different from the story-driven single player mode?
  11. Everybody has no-longer-secret weapons now! hahaha, and yeah that tagging system that Akumajo did is just fine so, "Remixer Name feat. Secret Weapon" is good! Thanks for checking! lol this isn't a race guys. You can actually use the whole week ya know
  12. That sucks Brandon... just make sure the sax doesn't sound funny when you transpose it. Sometimes transposing wind instruments doesn't always work out right because human players almost never play a note 100% on key, whereas a sequenced instrument will be whatever you write it as. So when you start shifting the pitch up or down it may not sound right. Back when I used to play trumpet regularly, I found that out the hard way once haha.
  13. What's that smell? Smells like trash! I've had that phrase stuck in my head all week thank you very much. For some reason I just find it the damn funniest thing ever.

  14. Glad you got your lappy back! It looks like you just might get your Rexy vs. RexAsaurous matchup after all!

  15. Yes indeed the Robotnik round 1 songs are due this Saturday the 19th at 12pm EDT.
  16. I don't think there is an official list anywhere. I'll probably start playing it a bit this week, but I'm not sure how often I'll be on. Don't forget you have a song to make too this week Mr. NutS
  17. I have a well-documented and previously revealed weapon
  18. Well you got a head-start on Mr. NutS so far. I don't think he's been on the forums in a few days. Hopefully he checks the match-ups soon though!
  19. So I gave it a few listens and you mentioned on my wall that you thought you heard some distortion somewhere... I don't think I hear anything incredibly out of the ordinary... was there a specific spot you thought you heard it and I can give it a closer listen? If Rozo comments again, listen to what he says, cause he definitely knows his stuff. One thing I did notice though while listening is I hear some very very faint crackling, hissing, popping type noises during the first piano break section, specifically at 1:06-1:08 and 1:11-1:13. I'm not sure if that's just the result of some rendering abnormality or if something clipped with the compressor. It's very very faint, but I just noticed it. It seems to be primarily in the left channel too. I also just want to say that I really liked this trimmed down version. I think it feels like a much more cohesive & tight mix and doesn't meander like the longer version sometimes felt. Good work!
  20. Yeah you are allowed to change your vote. Just make sure your final vote is in the voting thread by the time the voting round ends, which will always be the following Saturday at 12pm EDT. Also a reminder to everyone - make sure you are voting in every match-up in the round! If you don't vote in each match-up then none of your votes will count. Thanks!
  21. Yeah sure I'll take a listen here in a bit. In the meantime you should getting started on your track for this round! :) Taking a week off working on that other track will help it too... you're probably at the point now where you've heard it so many times that your judgement starts to get impaired. Letting it sit for a week or so will make it sound 'fresh' again when you go back to it!

  22. nice job! Yeah the remixes this round were quite stellar. Your little rap reminded me that AkumajoBelmont sent me the lyrics for "Pandemonium" along with his submission to include in the file tag, but I wasn't able to include them in the tag (must've been too long I assume), so I'll just post them here:
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