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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Hey man don't forgot to vote in your own matchup for the Robotnik bracket, otherwise none of your votes will count!

  2. I have a feeling these Robotnik match-ups are going to go down to the wire! Come on everyone, vote on some Badniks if you haven't already! Voting has picked up a bit this afternoon, but we're still trending quite a bit lower than we were last week for Sonic Round 1. Sonic Round 2 mixes be a comin' tomorrow! Mine is almost done as well, I just need to add a few finishing touches and add in the part from my SECRET WEAPON! Which really kinda bums me out that Robbie had to drop, cause one cannot simply be wasting secret weapons. I'm excited to hear what you guys think of it though anyway!
  3. This round is far from over yet, a lot of people still have to vote, and the vote is still pretty close. Plus your song was really good for the amount of time you were able to spend on it. And you haven't lost in Round 1 everytime... You got to round 2 in the GRMRB 2011! Regardless of what happens, I hope you either polish this mix up or make some more Planet Wisp mixes in the future (if you don't move on) cause I'm interested to see what you'd do!
  4. Here are some of my comments on the Robotnik Round 1 songs!: Brandon Strader: I really enjoyed the overall ambiance of this song. The guitars, sax, vocals, and piano all sound really good together. Some parts do sound like they could've been EQed a bit better, but I understand you made this song very quickly. Your sax tone could also use a bit of work, but for only being at it for 6-months, that's quite impressive. Sax is not an easy instrument to just pick up. Very nice guitar solo in the 2nd half as well!! Overall solid entry Mr. Strader! Tuberz McGee: I hadn't heard any of your songs prior to this, so I didn't know what to expect. This song took a bit to grow on me, but I really enjoy it. It has a very methodical build-up throughout the song that I appreciate, with the various layers you continue to add as the song goes on. The gritty guitar segments were an interesting direction to go, but overall I think it works. Volume levels overall seem low and some of the layering (particularly in the 2nd half) sound like they could've been EQed better. Very enjoyable nonetheless! AMT: I think AMT delivered the most fun song of the round. Dat bass riff is just delicious. Solid guitar, solid bass, and very solid lyrics/vocals. I like the shouting background vocals too. Reminds me more of early 2000's punk/alt rock more than 90s, but oh well. The like how the lyrics could be interpreted as just a leaving/breakup song or as an analogy to the Sonic franchise, as you mentioned. Very clever and very enjoyable! Bravo sir. urdailywater: Very nice chill, downtempo piece. I like the different elements and instruments you add throughout the piece. The background wind blowing effects really make it feel like you're just kind of floating in the air too. So it's a really laid-back 'sky chase' I suppose . Very enjoyable piece! Dj Mokram: Ehhh vocal clips (I sound like Rozo now)... I really really really enjoyed your hectic arrangement. The various styles and elements you interpreted sound just down-right awesome sometimes, but I feel that the use of the vocal clips was waaay overdone. They really take me out of the song. I can understand a few, but I think there could've been a better way to tie the song together. Sorry, not trying to sound negative, because I do really really enjoy this song... just not the vocal clips. wildfire: That intro is sweet. It really sets the tone for the piece. Once the percussion settles in at 0:33 that groove really gets going. The arrangement is pretty conservative, although I have grown to appreciate the Dragon Road parts on the lead synth that I didn't quite pick up on the first time through. My only real complaint is the 1:20 - 1:50 section feels a bit off. Some of the harmonies around the 1:44 - 1:50 mark just off-key too. I'd take a look at those. Groovy piece overall! Arceace: I've also never heard anything from you before either, so this one was a huge surprise! I love the piano + synth combo, and your use of Sonic sound effects was well placed and fun. I really don't have any complaints here. This is a really fun and really well-arranged piece, great job! halc: A well polished, solid entry (what else would we expect? ). Maybe not quite the energy as Arceace's song, but just as equally as clever an arrangement IMO. I like how the parts seem to build off one another. I particularly enjoyed how you morphed the SFX into a percussion pattern. Genius! King Tiger: This song has grown on my over the week. Nice blending of the themes and definitely an interesting direction to take the song! I'll echo someone's comments from before (don't remember who), that some of your rapping verses sound forced, like you were trying to cram in too many syllables into the phrase. I might take a look and rewriting a few of the lines so the phrase flows better. But overall this was an enjoyable (and positive) song! Gario: This reminds me a lot of some of your older stuff. I'd agree with you that it's not maybe your most creative song, but it's typical, high-quality Gario stuff right here. And I like the 'GOs' too! Enigami: I got so pissed when I first heard this cause I thought my computer crashed or something. Then I was like OOHHHH that's just the song... and then you turned the Windows error sound into an instrument That was pretty damn funny. It sucks you lost your original song though, bummer Syllix: Groovy beat you have going on. A pretty good job combining the two themes too. Some of your synths sound a bit generic overall, like they could've used a bit more filter lovin', but solid song nonetheless! Sir Jordanius: That intro just makes me smile. And the Randy Savage "OH YEAH!" makes me laugh every time. From there you've built a really fun and upbeat song. I like the 'driving forward' beat you have and really nice bass work too! Nice cat & dog sounds too lol. I just can't help enjoy this in all of it's cheesy gloriousness! Chernabogue: This is a really cool style for Mystic Cave. Awesome beat and cool sax work you got going on. The xylophone creates an interesting stylistic dichotomy within the piece which I enjoy. I didn't hear a whole lot of Scrap Brain, but I wasn't listening for it too hard either... The rapping at the end was a cool touch too. Is that sampled from something (I assume) or did you record it? Nice job Badniks! Most of these match-ups are super close in the voting right now, and even I'm not sure who I'm going to vote for yet on a few of these! Only about a day and a half until Sonic Round 2 mixes!
  5. Ya know when I first heard this song I thought it was a little goofy, but it's really grown on my throughout the week. The positive lyrics are a welcome surprise as well. It really reminds me of something too, but I just can't place it and it's been bugging me. Were you influenced by any band/song in particular when you made this? Now for a few comments... yeah your friend's vocals on this definitely is an improvement. I like it. That first "lost" sounds a bit off-key at 0:47 (or could be the instruments). So does the note at 1:19-1:20. The word "the" at 2:21 sounds like it was cut short and should flow more into "world" a bit more too. I like her singing, but the clean, un-edited recording seems a little out of place with the rest of the electronic-heavy song. Maybe vocode or auto-tune her voice just a bit to give it some of that 'digital' feel. Not as much as you vocoded your voice in the original version, but just a bit to make it fit in with the overall feel of the song a bit more. Not sure about OCR caliber, maybe with a bit more polish. The instrument that first enters at 0:12 sounds like some MIDI guitar. That could definitely be upgraded, but other than that I like the instrumentation choices, most of the synths and piano mesh together pretty well. Nice job!
  6. I figured, i just gave a serious answer in case people did think that was a possibility orlouge. And come on guys we've only had 4 drops, it hasn't been that bad. Some of the GRMRBs have had that many over time too. We're all good!
  7. No, unfortunately I don't really see how that would work out well. We would've needed to do that at the beginning of the round to be fair to both participants. Most of the other larger compos have had around 4-5 drops over the course of the tournament, so this is really nothing out of the ordinary, although disappointing sure. In each of these cases the other participant will advance by default. Let's just hope we don't have any more!
  8. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! You were supposed to beat me this round, now I need to make another song in a few weeks. And I was actually curious on seeing how my song was gonna stack up to yours. Oh well, no hard feelings! No one else better be dropping tho... Amph, Ben, Main Finger? How are you guys doing?
  9. OH SNAP! Another secret weapon! We better hear some sexy funky grooves from you two this week! Robbie's not responding because he's scared of our match-up!!!! ...That was my sad attempt at trash-talk. EDIT: We've got quite a few super-close voting match-ups right now. Nice job Robotniks!
  10. Luckily I got the majority of my arrangement done over the weekend, so now I need to do some sound design and a lot of production work. I tried a little something different, for me at least, this round. I may just have a surprise too The first half of the week is crazy for me at work, but hopefully the second half of the week will be more forgiving!
  11. I have to agree with Rexy, that I usually only put arranged VGM soundtracks on my iPod, but I do have a few purely original soundtracks that I love dearly: #1: Wild ARMs Fav songs: , , Battle ZeikLuckily this OST just got a lot of lovin' with Jade's OCR album (of which I am so grateful for), but before that I hadn't seen a lot (in terms of remixes at least). This soundtrack is full of emotional charged songs, with most of them wrapped around this quasi-western & orchestral vibe. Very unique and enjoyable in my opinion. My favorite OST of all-time I also want to say I completely love the Wild ARMs 2 (2nd Ignition) OST too. I don't feel like looking for source links right now, but that soundtrack has just as many memorable and unique tunes as the original did. I feel like the series dropped off a bit after the 2nd installment, but anyone looking for something that's not quite your typical VGM (or even typical RPG) soundtrack should check both of these out!
  12. Awwww, there is so much love in this thread Maybe the lizards don't vote for each other because we're cold-blooded
  13. haha I don't know... it's pretty awesome. Well worse case it sounds like that would still give you a day or so to whip something up. If not, obviously going home is more important.
  14. Cool, enjoy your time back home! If you win this round, you'll be mixing again the week of 5/26-6/2, you think you'd be back by then? And nah, I re-encoded your track so it didn't so the skippy thing if people try jumping around in the track. So unless you wanted to re-encode it yourself, I think we're fine. Nice job on the song too, I loved it! And no, unfortunately BlackPanther and Sir_NutS didn't turn in mixes this round
  15. YES! That would be a great idea! Some trumpet in there would be sexy. Almost as sexy as DAT BASS! I thought your lyrics were quite clever too. They weren't super-cheesy video game lyrics, but had enough references in them to still make them related. You and Sir Jordanius were probably my favs this round. Nice work!
  16. Thank you Mr. Briggs! I re-encoded it at 320k, I figured there would be no quality loss (or negligible as you said) and that was a better option that having the track skip around.
  17. Sure I could do that. I have track numbers tho, won't winamp play them in that order? Well you do know more than me, so I'll take your advice , what should I do then, just revert to Sir J's original file and just deal with it?
  18. Ok I re-encoded Sir J's song (same bitrate and everything, so there is NO difference in quality), so it shouldn't do that skippy thing anymore. I tested it out on my end under the same conditions and it doesn't do it any more. I updated it in the ZIP file, same link. Ok - now I need to get down to business and work on my song
  19. Interesting... I just noticed the same thing, but ONLY when I try to skip ahead in the song, which I hadn't done yet (because it is so damn hilarious). It also only happens in certain players apparently... it'll do it in iTunes for me, but not WMP. Let me see if I can re-encode it and I'll re-upload the zip with a fixed file.
  20. DIABLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You busted our NutS! Sorry you weren't able to submit anything sir. BlackPanther just PMed me too, he thought the deadline was 12 midnight so he didn't have anything finished yet. I just download the zip and tested it. It works for me. Maybe your download got corrupt? Maybe try unzipping again or re-downloading?
  21. Yeah I just want to echo that sentiment too. Even tho I voted for Robbie, I still really enjoyed your track too, and you made one helluva comeback there in the voting at the end. Lots of suspense!
  22. OK - Robotnik Bracket Round 1 As I said a moment ago: 14 mixes were submitted. No entries from Sir_NutS or BlackPanther, so Chernabogue and KingTiger advance by default. Enjoy! EDIT: Yeah sure I suppose! You could just post a link here or in the WIP forums. It won't be included in the "official" compo ZIP files though since it wasn't done on time with the rest of the mixes. Was your guest vocalist supposed to sing the chorus of your song? Cause that would make sense.
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