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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Hah, sure if you want! I'm keeping a tally, and Zerothemaster asked me a few weeks ago if he could help out... so I told him he could keep a redundant tally for double-checks. So I'm not sure it's necessary, but if you want to keep one too then sure! Plus I'm sure SectorZ will appear out of nowhere and have his own tally too The more the merrier I suppose. Mixes just came out this morning so you haven't missed anything yet! EDIT: and hey I just realized that next week the Robotnik Bracket will answer the age old question: which giant cat is more impressive? a black panther or a king tiger?
  2. Thank you sir! Hearing your collab with Robbie was a pleasure! It was a really fun track. I think I've only heard the one OCR song from you off the NiGHTS album, so it was awesome to hear some more stuff from you! Awww that just tugs at my heartstrings. It really makes me happy to see how much people appreciate this! Thanks for the comments! Yeah most songs were around the 3 minute mark on average, so I guess that is kind of short, but yeah it's hard to come up with a complete song in one week, let alone a "long" one! And yeah great job everyone! This is one seriously impressive batch of songs! Now the pressure is on you Robotnik Bracket... can you guys top this!?!?
  3. Ah ok that makes sense. No problem. Maybe I'll need to check that OCR IRC channel out too sometime. I've never used an irc before, it is just like a chat room or something?

  4. Yeah I've had gmail forever as well. I have one for more work/professional stuff which I don't really give out, but my other one which I'm on all the time is (surprise, surprise) superiorx@gmail.com. Yours is bev.wooff@gmail.com right? I think I added you to my chat window but I don't see you on. And your PM box is full so I had to post this here...

  5. No Skype... I have AIM but I haven't used it in probably 12 years, I'd have to check and see if I remember my password or if it still even exists. I use Google Chat (in Gmail) a lot, cause I'm always in my email. Do you have Gmail?

  6. Thanks, and yeah I was going to say, wow Mr. L you've improved A LOT since your WCRG stuff. I really like your mix. And I actually mainly used Quartz Quadrant Present stuff in my mix, but the two sound pretty similar except for that one Good Future melody, which I actually didn't use in my track. I kept trying to find neat ways to overlap the two themes, or have Quartz play off the main Lava Reef melody. I think I did a decent job. I'll post more detailed comments on everyone's tracks later in the week, cause I always enjoy doing that.
  7. No, you need to vote in your own battle too. Thanks!
  8. Hahaha... no problem? I'm the glad the list randomizer worked the way you hoped What's sad about that match-up? It should be fun! That's good, good luck everyone! Remember Robotnik Bracket to play close attention to which theme you are matched up against. Like I said last week, make sure to check either the Roster Spreadsheet or the first post bracket image for the details of your opponent's source. The spreadsheet has source links, so use those for reference. A few odd ones to pay attention to: Dj Mokram has Dragon Road (DAY - only) halc has Collision Chaos (JP) BlackPanther has Rusty Ruin (SATURN) KingTiger has Panic Puppet (GENESIS) Enigami has Launch Base (PC - Version) Sir_NutS has Scrap Brain (Master System/Game Gear)
  9. Ok everyone... the moment you've all been waiting for: Sonic Bracket - Round 1 mixes are up! I'll be updating the first post information right now. Remember voting takes place in the Social Group. You need to join the group to place your votes. Please review the voting instructions in the first post. Only post the name of the ReMixer you're voting for in the voting thread, and you need to vote in ALL battles in the round for your votes to count. Any reviews or comments (which I encourage), should be posted here in this thread, please! Enjoy! Great job everyone! EDIT: 15 songs were submitted. Jason Covenant did not submit a song, so TheRexAsaurous advances by default.
  10. Robotnik Bracket Round 1 match-ups are live! Check the first post. Go pancakes!!! The Sonic Bracket has also been updated to reflect Jakesnke17's entry. I'm tagging the Sonic mixes now, they'll be up very soon. ...and Brandon apparently knows my file naming mechanism and stalked my upload
  11. Haha calm down guys, I promise once I receive the final track and tag them, they will be up! I'm as excited as you all are!
  12. Mr. Briggs, your PM inbox is full, but I have your song. I just need Jake's now. Robotnik Bracket - Round 1 match-ups will be announced in a few minutes.
  13. I would hope Ben knows how much time he has considering he lives in EDT zone as well. Hey that could be a new Sonic stage - Eastern Daylight Time Zone. So I only need mixes from Ben and Jakesnke17 now.
  14. Nope, the deadline isn't until 12pm EDT, which is in about 2 hours and 10 minutes. I just got yours. So I still need mixes from Ben Briggs, Phonetic Hero, and Magellanic. And maybe Jakesnke17 if he finishes his song and is allowed entry.
  15. Also... we have an interesting development. A new lizard wishes to enter the ring! Jakesnke17 wants to replace Shadix since he dropped out and face Main Finger. He'll use Chaos Angel as his theme as well. Apparently Phonetic Hero recruited him in the middle of the night and Jake already has a significant portion of a song done. I'm inclined to allow this since more music is always better then less, right? Participants, particularly Main Finger, what do you think about this? Should we allow Jake to step in at the 11th hour and deliver whatever results from this insane all-nighter? EDIT: This is particularly funny cause snakes and lizards are both reptiles hahaha.
  16. Wow I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. How can I sleep when there are PRESENTS IN MY INBOX!?!?! I woke up 2.5 hours earlier than I planned and was just lying in bed wide awake. Then I read of these interesting compo developments, so I just had to get up. It's a shame Jason Covenant and Shadix had to drop out, sorry you guys didn't have enough time I swear to god if Diablo messes up this compo I'm going to hunt that guy down. We've waited 12 years for Diablo 3, a few more weeks won't hurt. Or just play on your off weeks
  17. Just a little over 10 hours until mixes are due! I'm off to bed, I'm looking forward to seeing glorious Sonic tunes in my inbox when I wake up. Get ready!
  18. Remember everyone, Sonic tracks are due by tomorrow at 12pm (noon) EDT! Robotnik Bracket Round 1 match-ups will be announced at this time as well! I got it, thanks! This reminds me, will everyone please post here that they've sent me their song as well. Just so nothing gets overlooked and in case there are any shenanigans with the PMs. So far I've gotten songs from myself, Rexy, and PixelPanic. Thanks!
  19. I'm really curious as to what your secret weapon is... Is it a new instrument, a new effect? Have you given up on synth-pop and transitioned to hardcore rap? Not like I think you'll tell us right now though
  20. What did you think of the Demon Hunter? I was just reading over the classes and was thinking of starting out as one.
  21. Yeah! In just about 40 hours Sonic Round 1 mixes will be due and Robotnik Round 1 match-ups will be announced! Are you Badniks ready?!?
  22. Awesome! I love the whole EP! I think 'Don't Stop' is my favorite, it's super-catchy and I like the vocals. Centerpoint is pretty damn good though too. Nice work!
  23. Nice update! I didn't do a huge comparison between the two versions, but I feel like this newer version kept my attention more throughout. I like the expanded piano part and I like the (new I think?) synth part around 4:30!
  24. Ooooohh... I wonder what it could be? Such antici....pation! Can't wait to hear it! My track is pretty much done now, which is good, cause I don't have much free time between now and Saturday morning.
  25. Oh excellent! That's actually exactly what I had in mind. I've hired an orchestra to perform all of our tracks, so everyone needs to submit sheet music and then come to my house on Saturday to see the performance
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