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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Roster Spreadsheet has been updated to reflect Brandon 'Lizard' Strader's and Main Finger's zone swap Bracket assignments will be announced by tomorrow afternoon. Additional details on the mixing deadlines and submission info will be posted in the first post at that time as well.
  2. No we won't be doing that in this compo, but it does sound like an interesting idea. I could see where some version of that idea could be used in a Mega Man compo. You defeat your opponent and get their "power" (aka their theme song) and then you could choose to use that theme and your own in your next round battle.
  3. LOL, you guys are funny. So you both win the track higher up your pick list, but would now like to swap them? Yeah sure, if you are both ok with it, then I don't see a problem. If so, I'll update the roster list this afternoon when I get home from work... And that incoherent paragraph made me burst out laughing. Yeah as halc said it's still a Zone by the definitions I set. I actually didn't consider people picking the 2P stages so I was kinda surprised at first that I had forgot about them. But yeah, if that's the theme you still want, it's fine! That would be funny. Casino Night 2P is an awesome theme, I hope you're still happy that you ended up with that pick RexAsaurous!
  4. Wait, you meant to request a different version of Rusty Ruin? There is a PC version too?
  5. So I flipped some coins this evening and here are the results: Ben Briggs defeated Main Finger and Brandon Strader defeated TheRexAsaurous, so that means their final Zones are as follows: Ben Briggs: Aquarium Park Main Finger: Planet Wisp Brandon Strader: Chemical Plant TheRexAsaurous: Casino Night (2-Player) I've added a new worksheet to the Roster Spreadsheet that now has the final assigned Zone themes, game/soundtrack info, as well as source links (cause I'm a nice guy). Brackets will be assigned this weekend and then I'll begin making your super-awesome custom sigs
  6. Sure, will do. If anyone else has a bracket request due to known timing conflicts, please try to let me know by Friday. I'm going to try to assign brackets (not individual matchups) over the weekend. Thanks!
  7. Sure, I can arrange that. For anyone else who is curious, the first bracket will be mixing from May 5-12th and the second bracket from May 12-19th. Each bracket will continue to mix every other week (Saturday to Saturday), like so. So if you move on in the tournament, this gives you an idea on when you can expect to mix. Thanks, no problem! Ice fishing sounds... cold . But seriously thank YOU all for participating, this wouldn't be possible without everyone here. And thank DarkeSword for letting me use his web space to host all the music & art for this compo!
  8. It's alright, we don't actually start mixing until May 5th anyway, so it wasn't a huge deal, but now that your picks are in, I can resolve the outstanding conflicts and everyone will know their tracks. Thanks! Stay tuned everyone... EDIT: Roster spreadsheet in first post is updated... Like I said earlier, if anyone else wants to switch any picks, let me know ASAP please. I'll plan to flip some coins to resolve our 2 conflicts and then assign brackets by the end of the week. That way everyone will know their Zone theme for sure and the first week they can expect to mix.
  9. This was a really close vote for me, so I wanted to give my opinions on both tracks: Ghetto Lee Lewis: I think the instrumentation really won my vote over here. The piano was really well done (and probably my favorite part overall), but then in combination with the flute and mandolin thingy, it really created a cool environment. That, combined with the constant shifting between the more pulsing straightforward synth/techno part resulted in a track that kept my attention and was very enjoyable. Nice job! Gario: Right from the get-go, this sounded like classic Gario. The crispness of that opening synth is just amazing, it's got a great sound. Nice panning effects with it too, I really enjoyed it. That synth pattern and drum beat actually reminded me a lot of Megavolt! (which I still really like). This is definitely one of my favs from the compo... just overall I enjoyed GLL's arrangement a tad bit more.
  10. Sir Jordanius & TheRexAsaurous: your picks have been updated. I'd ask if anyone else wants to switch their picks, to please do so by this weekend, because then I'll figure out brackets (not matchups: those won't be until the day-of) so I can make you guys your sweet sigs. Nope... I posted the thread Saturday morning and we had 32 people by Sunday night! If for some reason someone drops out before the compo starts, you could take that spot. If not, then unfortunately no.
  11. Maybe I should first flip a coin to decide who will be heads or tails for when I flip the actual coin to decide who will get which track, but then how will I decide who would be heads or tails in the flip to decide who will be heads or tails for the real coin flip? It is a never-ending circle.
  12. Yes indeed! and I'LL TOSS SOME COINS ONCE WILDFIRE MAKES HER PICKS!!! I'll make it rain coins up in here. It really is. All around we have quite the impressive list of mixers & themes represented. Things should really get interesting. I'm particularly interested in seeing how some of the newer Sonic songs get arranged with the older ones. I have a feeling I won't last too long participating & running the compo, but I really don't mind. I'm just so excited to be coordinating this and to see everyone here so eager to participate! So thanks everybody!
  13. hahah I think you'll be okay... but my God Pumpkin Hill is so bad.
  14. Yeah that's Aquarium Park. And you could use the sources from all the Acts within (if you get that Zone). They are all variations on the same melody anyway. Yes pick priority definitely is a factor in selecting. But say Main Finger loses the flip to Ben for Aquarium Park. Main Finger would fall to his second pick, which is Planet Wisp. No imagine someone else had Planet Wisp as there #1, so you're saying then Main Finger would fall to his #3, which is Chemical Plant, which is Rex's #1, so then he would fall to his #4, which is Flying Battery. So he got bumped all the way down to his #4. The way Darke has done it (which I also believe is more fair) is Main Finger would get the chance to coin flip for his #2 and #3 picks in each of those scenarios I described above. That way at least everyone is likely to get their #1 or #2, compared to someone getting their #4 or #5. Luckily we have few conflicts so I don't think it will come to this. Don't worry!
  15. Ok then! Once wildfire makes her choices, I will flip away!
  16. lol yeah if you want... but then if you do lose the flip, it'll create a conflict with AMT cause he has "Metal Harbor" as #1. This is where it gets tricky. Once I know wildfire's picks, then we'll be set and I can resolve conflicts. I do kinda want to hear what Main Finger thinks too...
  17. So what have we learned today?... Kyle only likes the US soundtrack for Sonic CD. Kyle, here is a just for you, since it looks like no one is going to have that track. TheRexAsaurous wants to challenge Brandon to fisticuffs, but Brandon almost prefers to go to Planet Wisp, and Ben wants to keep his conflict open! Main Finger, do you have any opinion or preference before we let the Hands of Fate (coin of fate?) decide your pick? And wildfire PMed me earlier. She should have her picks posted in here very soon. I think that's about it... Oh, and I'm awesome. Thank you, that is all!
  18. OK - the spreadsheet has been updated with the newest changes I've received. Still need: wildfire: need your picks please! Brandon: if you could make your 2 final choices please, although likely uneccesary Thank you everyone who changed your picks to resolve conflicts. If anyone else would like to voluntarily resolve their conflicts, that would save us some coin flips, and we've got some time since we're not actually starting for a few weeks. If not, no worries, I'll resolve your conflicts for you. Remaining conflicts include: Chemical Plant (Sonic 2) - TheRexAsaurous & Brandon Strader Aquarium Park (Sonic Colors) - Ben Briggs & Main Finger Depending on how those conflicts are resolved they could affect additional picks: Brandon & Main Finger both have Planet Wisp as #2, Rex has Mystic Cave as #2, and Chernabogue has Mystic Cave as #1. And Main Finger has Chemical Plant as #3. Could get messy FYI. Once I get wildfire's choices, I'll resolve conflicts sometime this week. So if anyone else wants to switch just let me know. Thanks!
  19. Great songs Ghetto & Gario! It's going to take me a little while to decide which one I like more!
  20. Then I'd have to upload everything individually and people could potentially find the links sooner. I'll be using the same method DarkeSword has used in his compos. The ReMixers will send me a link to a location where I can download their completed song (by the deadline). I'll download all the songs, tag them appropriately, put them in a zip, and then drop it via FTP onto Darke's host. Then I post the link for everyone to download. Complete mixing rules, file-naming rules, submission information, voting rules, and all that jazz will be posted as we get closer to the start of the compo. Anyone familiar with Darke's compos will know the drill. For those of you that don't, it's pretty simple
  21. OK! So recruiting is official over now that we have 32 participants. wildfire - I need choices from you please Brandon - if you could pick 2 more Zones just for the sake of consistency, that'd be great thanks. I doubt we'll need to go down that far, but I already see some conflicts up front with Chemical Plant, Planet Wisp, and Aquarium Park that could make things dicey. Also, everyone please review the Roster Spreadsheet and make sure I got all your choices right. PM if you changed anything and I missed it please. Once everyone's choices are finalized, I'll go through and resolve any conflicts with a coin toss. If someone loses their #1, and their #2 pick has a conflict with someone else's #1 pick, I will need to coin flip that to resolve that conflict. That is the fairest way to ensure everyone gets one of their highest picks. So just be aware, even if you're current #1 has no conflicts, it may, depending how the other conflicts are resolved. Thanks! And again you guys all rock EDIT: Just heard from Geeky Stoner too and he's going to sit this one out, cause he's working on original stuff. So we don't have to worry about that now.
  22. Yeah that is what I'm going to do cause that seems most fair, since he is here now and made his picks. Yeah the compo isn't starting until May 5th, so if anyone drops between now and then, we can fill in if necessary. So yeah Main Finger you're in now. And wow you guys are crazy, we got 32 participants in about 36 hours. Nice!
  23. You and Shadix made it in just by the hair on your chiny chin chin. Crap... well like I said earlier Geeky Stoner was one other person who said they were interested back in my original interest thread for this compo. But I haven't heard from him since way back then, so I'm not sure if he still wanted to join or not. So I'd be leaning towards letting you in for the last spot... but I'm not sure where he's at. Yeah since Secret Rings and Black Knight are from the Sonic "Storybook" series, so I considered them not "core" platformer games, so they weren't included.
  24. WHOA STOP!!! I think we're at capacity now... Shadix did PM me earlier today inquiring about joining. That means there is technically one spot left. Geeky Stoner said he was going to join awhile ago, but I haven't heard back from him. So the final spot will be between him and Main Finger, if they indeed both want to join. THEY MUST FIGHT TO THE DEATH! I sure hope #4 & #5 aren't needed... And Chemical Plant is Sonic 2 FYI.
  25. I think you should. And you better do it fast cause we only have a few spots left!!!
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