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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. I saw it over the weekend with my wife and we both loved it. Neither of us are huge comic book fans either and we hadn't seen any of the other tie-in movies besides Iron Man 1 & 2. The movie itself is completely ridiculous, but from the standpoint of enjoyability, it was a blast and surprisingly very funny. I would definitely not mind seeing it again!
  2. NO NO NOOOOO! I don't want a huge whopping WAV file. Send me the link to an mp3 (preferably a high-quality VBR or 320kbps) please! And don't be late, if you're done and done for sure, you can send it a little early
  3. Yeah the synths sound a bit better this time around. Overall I don't have a lot to add... I think overall it works, you did a good job building off each instrument as it's introduced. Kind of a staple of the trance genre though I suppose. I particularly enjoyed the piano break at 1:37. I wish it would've made a bigger re-appearance later in the song, but you did introduce enough other instruments to keep things fairly interesting. The synth around the 3:30 is pretty cool too. Overall I felt the song went on a bit longer than it needed too, but that's probably more of a personal bias of mine, as I know a 6 minute trance song is hardly out of the ordinary . Nice job. I can't wait to hear what you cook up in the compo. Now I need to get back to work!
  4. Maracas? Yeah that was a pretty shameless advertisement haha Nice! That's a good way to look at it.
  5. Yeah no problem. I never quite got how to EQ either until someone really explained it to me. My best recommendation is if your DAW has a graphic equalizer then to assign one to each of your buses and/or instruments, then watch which frequencies your instruments are primarily occupying, then write that down. Then the idea is to not have too many instruments occupying similar frequency ranges, because that's what causes a muddy sound where instruments sound like they're overlapping. Your most important instruments should take precedence. So for example, if your lead synth is primarily occupying the 1500hz - 2000hz range, then you might want to bump that freq range a bit (0.0 - 1.0db or so). Then if you have some backing synths or other instruments in that range, maybe lower them at that range a bit (0.5-1.0db or so). Do that for each instrument, boost the areas you want to focus on, then lower that same range in other instruments. That should help make your instruments pop. Just don't go too extreme. Another good thing I like to do is cut off frequencies lower than 100hz on my instruments, EXCEPT for bass and percussion. This stops your other instruments from muddying up the low frequencies that should only be occupied by your bass and kick. This should give your bass a cleaner sound as well. Good luck!
  6. MID-WEEK CHECK-IN! How's everyone doing? TheRexAsaurous? Jason Covenant? I think you guys are the only two that haven't said anything since the match-ups were announced. I hope everything is going well for everybody! Mixes are due by Saturday, May 12th at 12pm (noon) EDT!
  7. Thanks! And yeah I'm sure I'll be fine. This damn intro is just ticking me off hah. Although if I keep posting in this thread, I'm not going to get anything done I'm sure it was just a simple misunderstanding. Momma Strader would never lie to her pancake.
  8. lol, it's actually from a Counter-Strike map that was made after Hydrocity zone. I basically google image searched each participant's zone to try to find cooler looking fan-made or rendered images to use for the sigs, instead of just screen shots or maps from the classic games. For some zones (like most of the Sonic CD or 3D Blast zones) I didn't find anything. No, I'm sorry , that would kind of throw off the whole competition then to starting on Sundays instead of Saturdays. It's a lot easier for me to prep the mixes and do voting on Saturdays. And Mother's Day is actually on Sunday, May 13th, not on Saturday the 12th. Hah, well it's still pretty rough. I need to work on a lot of transitions as well. This week has turned out to be a lot busier than I thought it would, so hopefully I can do everything I want to do in time.
  9. Well I've gotten my arrangement just about done, except for an intro. I've written about 3 different ones and I'm not happy with any of them. After I figure that out, it's time to polish!
  10. Really nice update here! I do like the revised intro a lot. I don't really have anything really constructive to add, I just really enjoy this song. Great environment and great instrumentation use.
  11. yeah holy crap! I've got a pretty good start to my track. I need to try to finish most of it up today, because this coming work week is kind of crazy for me.
  12. hahahaha, yeah that's the "prize" for defeating me. Surprise, you get to run the compo now!
  13. You've gotten the bulk of your arrangement done already? Wow, someone's not messing around You've got all 3 Acts to work with though too... I think it'll fit pretty well with Chemical Plant!
  14. Really? I think of all the songs that could've been matched up, Hilltop and Spring Yard could actually complement each other quite well. Really interested to see what happens!
  15. Thanks, you too! This'll be fun! As I was creating the bracket image, I was thinking our themes should complement each others quite well. Glad you like the bracket art, I think it turned out great, wait till you see it combined with the Robotnik bracket! hahaha that is too funny... I am extremely excited for this match-up. You two have very different styles so it should be very interesting to see what each of you comes up with. Plus, it's the battle of the first two First Zones! And actually I'm extremely excited for all of these match-ups! Can't wait!
  16. THE TIME IS NOW!!! The time you’ve all been waiting for. Round 1 match-ups of the Sonic Bracket are now live! Check the bracket image in the first post to see who will face-off. Thus, mixing for Round 1 has now begun. Mixes will be due next Saturday, May 12th at 12pm (noon) EDT. Please read the first post for all the necessary information on submissions and file naming. A note to ReMixers... the bracket image and the Roster Spreadsheet have each mixer’s full assigned Zone themes listed. If you are unsure of what source to use, please look at the spreadsheet, as it has all the correct source links. If you use the wrong source in your mix, you will be disqualified! Pay special attention to: TheRexAsaurous has Casino Night (2-PLAYER) Rexy has Emerald Hill (2-PLAYER) Amphibious has Rusty Ruin (GENESIS) AkumajoBelmont has Tidal Tempest (JP/EU soundtrack) Mr. L has Quartz Quadrant (JP/EU soundtrack) Now let’s get it on! Good luck and Godspeed lizards! EDIT: Match-ups were figured out using an online list randomizer. EDIT EDIT: Darke's website appears to be restored. Re-uploaded bracket image there. Everything should be fine now.
  17. I don't know, I think it sounds pretty good. I like some of the little changes you made (like around the 1:50 mark) and some of the other modifications you made on the melody, at least from what I can remember (I didn't go back and listen to v4 again). My crits from earlier still hold though. I'm not terribly fond of the bass sample and at times the lead just doesn't seem to pop, especially in the first 30 seconds or so (not sure if that's intentional). I think overall it just needs to be EQed a bit better, so it stands out more. Maybe boost the high-frequencies a tad? It's a shame you weren't able to join the Sonic compo in time, I would've liked to have heard what you could've come up with! Nice job on this though!
  18. Nope, I guess I'm the only one who likes this song
  19. Greetings everyone! It is almost time! You can expect the Sonic Bracket - Round 1 match-ups to be announced right around, if not shortly before, 12PM (Noon) Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) tomorrow (Saturday, May 5th). So if you're mixing make sure to keep an eye on the first post around that time! All the submission rules and deadlines have been posted back in the first post for awhile now, so make sure to check those out if you haven't. The Social Group, which you'll need to join to vote (when the time comes), has also been setup too. I know I can't wait to get started, and it sounds like everyone else can't either!
  20. I woke up this morning only to find, Three more pages of these nonsensical rhymes, Some were quite good, I say I'm impressed, I see some of you truly have brought your best. Now in just 2 days time, I'll put other skills to the test, Of remixing songs, not words, against all the rest! And if I host a compo again, I won't forget this whole sham, That leaving too much time before mixing results in a poetry slam. Sounds good Rexy! I hope your computer hangs in there for you! When it comes to things to be afraid of, rhymes > trash-talk!
  21. I am pretty excited for playing Diablo 3. I loved playing D2 back like a million years ago, so I will be getting D3 for sure. I never really played online, so I'm not sure I'll just keep doing the solo-campaign or jump in the multiplayer fray.
  22. That's a good proposition. However if Rexy isn't able to take her computer in to get fixed, then that may end up just delaying the inevitable. I'll wait and see what she says, or if she thinks she'll be able to take her lappy in or not, before we try to switch things around.
  23. I'm sorry everyone I know how much fun rhyming can be, But if I answer in rhyme again I may lose my sanity. So Bev - it sounds to me like your hard drive is failing. Having too many files on the computer would definitely not cause the hard drive to actually make any noises. Little clicks and chirp-chirps are normal, like the sounds you hear when the HDD is accessing data, but if it's making a whining or whistling noise, that is never good. That usually means the HDD is wearing out. The screen only displaying black could also mean there could be a video card issue too, but it can be hard to diagnose those things especially with laptops. What you're describing though definitely sounds more like a HDD issue. Hopefully you've got your stuff backed up. I'd recommend running a CHKDSK in DOS and see if it finds anything with the HDD, and then also try googling some free hardware diagnostic tools. See if there is something you can find to run overnight... and see if it fails any of the HDD or hardware tests. With that said, let the rhyming commence, Waiting to read such poetry is of great suspense. (Also nice one Doulifee - I know French fairly well so I understood most of what you said )
  24. Wow Bev I like your sick rhymes, I really hope your comp survives this time, From my experience with PCs this much I know, A full harddive rarely makes one's computer slow. What other symptoms have afflicted your poor lappy? Is it just the fact it's not running so snappy? Any random crashes or blue screens of death? Please describe your problems more in-depth.
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