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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Every post on this page must rhyme, For then this thread will be sublime. I cannot wait for this compo to start, Cause Sonic music brings joy to my heart. Hopefully my remixes will be better than my poetry
  2. Yes, unfortunately it is too late. I opened up recruiting on 4/14 and we had 32 people signed up within 2 days. Definitely stick around and vote on all the mixes though! Or as Nonamer suggested, just make some Sonic songs anyway
  3. Uh oh! How severe is your laptop problem and how long will it take to fix? I guess best case scenario would be to start writing your MIDI arrangement the first half of the week, on another computer if you can, then do all the production & instrument selection stuff the second half of the week if you can get your computer back by then. ...or go to Willrock's house. He can't live that far away right?
  4. Eeek! I'm glad I live in the States... far from the reaches of Bev's trash-can shenanigans! You better watch out Liam! I've never heard garbagemen called the 'bin men' before, it must be one of those delightful British phrases In a little more than 72 hours, Round 1 of the Sonic Bracket will commence!!!
  5. I love the saxophone here, great job. Great instrumentation overall in fact, between the sax, guitars, & percussion, it really creates a powerful & emotionally-charged song.
  6. Yeah I did actually, a little over a week ago. It's a fun little track, but I'm not sure if it'll pass or not. We shall see!
  7. Nice! This sounds pretty good for being a first WIP! Some of the synths sound a little generic, but overall I really like the groove. I'll give a more critical listen and give better feedback later, but I just wanted to say I like what you've got so far! And yeah this is how I've been all week... I JUST WANT TO REMIX SONIC SONGS ALREADY!!! The compo can't start soon enough haha.
  8. OH SNAP! It's heating up in here now! Spoken like a true lizard, RexAsaurous. I can't wait to see if everyone's musical chops can back up all of this jibber-jabber!
  9. Well I'd consider sound design, instrument selection, and all the production work pretty big aspects of creating a song as well (which are all in addition to writing a MIDI arrangement), so I would try to steer away from the exact example you provided. Having someone else do that work doesn't exactly seem right. However, if you just meant having someone render an mp3 for you, then I don't see that as such a big deal. Hopefully you don't have any computer problems!
  10. Yeah if you wanted to collaborate with someone outside of the competition on a song, that would be fine. The only stipulation would be that you must to be the primary mixer. Having someone else contribute a small part, like say an instrument solo, vocals, etc. would be fine, as long as you, the participant, is the primary person creating the song.
  11. LMAO... I was curious if anyone would notice that little reference to Darke's compo rules I'm keeping you guys on your toes.
  12. You can do whatever you want with the mixes you create. I think Brandon was just wondering if there was going to be some sort of public distribution of the entire compilation.
  13. you should sport your new Sonic sig sir! The WCRG was so last year :smile:

  14. The Social Group, which we'll eventually use for voting has been set up. Feel free to join now (although there is nothing to do there until voting begins). I created a badge for the social group, although I'm not 100% satisfied with it. Would any talented photoshoppers like to try something? If you come up with something better, I'll use it instead. Pics must be 200x200. Here's mine: If you want to download the Sonic fonts, I got them from this website. I can post a PSD of the OCR-item box I made too, if anyone wants to use that. EDIT: Additional submission and voting details have been added to the first post. Not to my knowledge... and I think Doulifée just meant he'd mirror the zip on his website for a redundant download site, I don't think anyone is planning on distributing them in any more public of a manner than having them here in this thread.
  15. Oh that looks pretty cool. Where would that be? Hosted on a website, so you'd click on each of those little bracket images and download all mixes from that artist, is that what you had in mind?
  16. As much as I agree with you, I somehow doubt I will be the champion of the Sonic Bracket You never know though I guess, hah. And yes, only one week remaining until Round 1 begins! GET EXCITE!!! I'll be updating the first post soon with some additional submissions and voting information for everyone.
  17. Oh yes. I'm interested to hear what you do with Emerald Hill, Rexy! And I am absolutely thrilled Pete picked Hill Top. We were talking before the compo and I was telling him how I've never ever heard a single Hill Top remix ever and that's it's such a vastly underrated theme. Can't wait. Just about a week until the Sonic Bracket Round 1 starts!!!!!!
  18. Sigh... since my compo has been taken over, I guess there is only thing left to do then... New sigs?
  19. It seems that while waiting for the mixing to start, we have regressed to discussing how we're all really reptiles or breakfast dishes. May 5th needs to come soon! Also it looks like someone still needs to get their bracket sig on!
  20. When NES characters make love, this song plays in the background. I seriously can't get enough of this song. That bass line and piano are sexy as hell. I can also imagine a gentleman with a silky smooth bass laying down some delicious vocals on top of this. Someone needs to make that happen. Great song guys! I enjoyed the album, overall this is definitely my favorite track.
  21. Oh my god I'm laughing so hard right now. Everyone here is amazing.
  22. Well you really can't see Crystal Man or Needle Man's mouth, so it's really just Charge Man going like "OH YEAH I'M SO EXCITED!!!!", which pretty much sums up Pete's attitude throughout the entire compo I can see the burning desire in Needle Man's eyes though.
  23. Yeah really, between your MM9 track, the stuff from the GRMRB 2011, WCRG, and now SF, there is bound to be something that is hopefully making it's way through the panel, right?
  24. Oh wow, that is amazing! The Concrete Men and The Gentlemasters are particularly awesome. Great job!
  25. Nice! Most of the complaints I had earlier; muddy mixing in parts, muffled backing vocals, arpy thingy, all sound a lot better this time around. I don't have time at the moment to give an in-depth analysis between the old and new version, but from the first couple play-thrus of this new version, I can't hear those same issues I had before, so great job! The only area that still bothers me a little bit is with the background vocals at 2:00. They're too much in the background to hear what is actually being said, but I don't think bringing them out more would be a good idea either, cause then they may overpower the lead. I think they work well as a rhythmic device, they just can't be understood. I don't really have a suggestion/solution for this, nor am I sure there even is one, it's just something I was pointing out. Either way, I really like this song, nice update! I can't wait to hear you rock out in the Sonic Compo!
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