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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. We need a Newtron avatar so we can all be lizards. EDIT: I found an appropriate image for Brandon: What if sir, what if?
  2. Ah, I had accounted for everyone except Magellanic, I didn't know he had a mix to-be-posted. That's awesome, congrats! But yeah, both brackets do look pretty even... Things should get interesting! There always seems to be 1 or 2 big surprises in these compos too, so I'm excited to see who this compo's will be!
  3. DarkeSword's avatar right now makes it look like he is yelling at you for your sig being too big. haha

  4. Yeah you're right, Star Light is practically begging to be done in that style. It would sound amazing, I would venture to say.
  5. Great track DusK! I think this was your most cohesive and polished track from the compo! I really enjoyed it. I can't wait to hear what you and GLL cook up for the finale. EDIT: I almost thought I posted in the wrong compo thread... all of these Sonic banners are deceiving
  6. Oh cool, I didn't know Mokram had a mix 'to-be-posted', congrats! For anyone who's counting, then technically the Robotnik bracket has more posted (or to-be-posted) OCRers than the Sonic bracket (from what I know). What, the fame, notoriety, and VGM music groupies you'd get for winning isn't enough? Nah, that's a cool idea though! Some sort of small prize for winning would be neat. Maybe I'll make the winner a custom sig that chronicles their victories! hah. Awesome! However to everyone saying they'll battle Akumajo with 80s synth-pop... I'm not sure that trying to beat him at his own game is the wisest of strategies
  7. Cool! Good idea, thanks for doing that! Maybe someone can make one for the Sonic bracket too? Thanks! And I enjoyed The Wettening... your bubble shield avatar is a nice tribute to it as well Except your new sig image still links to the WCRG thread, might want to update that too And if you guys liked the sigs, just wait till you see the bracket images...
  8. Yep, yep! Robotnik Round 1 will be May 12th - 19th! All of those details are in the first post too FYI. hahaha, that's priceless! Nice! Robotnik sigs will be incoming soon! Thanks!
  9. Rest up these couple weeks so you can finish your songs AND I'M WORKING ON THE ROBOTNIK SIGS RIGHT NOW. Be up by tonight probably.
  10. Hah! Thanks! Yeah I'm pretty proud of how they turned out. I was trying to emulate the feeling of the "zone start" screens of the Genesis games. Less than 2 weeks before mixing for the Sonic Bracket begins! Wooo! Hahaha yeah the thread would probably look kinda funny if everyone changed to the exact same Sonic avatar
  11. SONIC BRACKET REPRESENT (part 2) Robotnik Bracket images will be up soon! Thanks DarkeSword for the web hosting!
  12. A few notes on these sigs... I had to make my template wider because AkumajoBelmont's name is sooooo damn long And I tried finding a lot of cool fan-made or 3D rendered backgrounds for the sigs, but for a few zones (I'm looking at you Game Gear games) I could only find low-res screenshots. Also I just kept the short names for the zones on the sigs, so if you want to know the exact soundtrack, act, etc., for when you're remixing, please reference the Roster Spreadsheet (and bracket art, when available). With that said... SONIC BRACKET REPRESENT!!! (part 1 of 2) Robotnik Bracket images will be up soon! Thanks DarkeSword for the web hosting!
  13. That's kind of a bummer, I wonder what happened to Sir_NutS, it sounded like he was working on something. Regardless, good luck to you two in the finale!
  14. Ok... let's stay on topic here folks, before a mod comes in and deletes all of these posts. What's everyone think about the brackets? Also - I'm working on sigs and other artwork right now! Exciting!
  15. Word. And yeah I never looked at your two themes together before... they would've fit together quite well. You're not giving yourselves a chance to get to the final round?
  16. That literally made me burst out laughing. No it is not. The order in the list means nothing. The actual matchups won't be announced until the day the mixing begins.
  17. All the Sonic CD tunes are just slight variations on each other, nothing really super different about them. Just think of it like an Act 1, 2, 3, etc. This will be glorious!
  18. Oh I don't know. You got Sir_NutS (who is cleaning up the SF compo right now), Sir Jordanius, BlackPanther, and AMT in the Robotnik Bracket too. Plus all of us 'non-posted' guys in both brackets can hold our own too! Either way you look at it, both brackets have a lot of talent, and you really can't discount anyone. It's going to be a challenge for anybody to come out victorious! I can't wait to see what happens!
  19. OK! Bracket assignments are as follows: Sonic Bracket: Jason Covenant SuperiorX Amphibious Phonetic Hero PixelPanic Main Finger Mr. L Rexy Xenon Odyssey AkumajoBelmont Shadix Magellanic Ben Briggs TheRexAsaurous DusK hakstock Robotnik Bracket: Gario Enigami BlackPanther AMT Brandon Strader Tuberz McGee wildfire urdailywater Arceace Syllix Sir Jordanius Dj Mokram Chernabogue halc Sir_NutS KingTiger The Sonic Bracket will begin mixing its' 1st Round on Saturday, May 5th at 12PM (noon) EDT. Individual match-ups will be posted at that time. Mixes for the 1st Round will be due on Saturday, May 12th at 12PM (noon) EDT. Submission details will be outlined in the first post. The Robotnik Bracket will begin mixing its' 1st Round on Saturday, May 12th at 12PM (noon) EDT. Individual match-ups will be posted at that time. Mixes for the 1st Round will be due on Saturday, May 19th at 12PM (noon) EDT. Voting for each round will take place the week immediately following submissions (the same week the other bracket is mixing). Voting results and next-round match-ups will always be posted at 12PM EDT. All of these details and more will be added to the first post momentarily. Now that brackets are assigned, I'll start work on your custom bracket sigs. Keep an eye out for them! And quick, everyone start working on 15 different versions of your songs, one of them will be right!
  20. I suppose... upon listening to it, it sounds a bit different than the actual Zone theme. It seems like it serves as more of an "intro" to the main theme. I'd say for anyone mixing it that if you want to incorporate some elements of it, fine, but it sounds like the main source has more than enough material to work with. Thanks for pointing this out! Each round of mixing will last 1 week, from Saturday 12pm (noon) EDT to the following Saturday at 12pm (noon) EDT. Thus, it'll be following the same deadlines as Darke's previous Mega Man compos.
  21. Nice! I was going through the roster list earlier today and thinking "oh I can't wait to hear what this person does with this theme". Then I realized I was doing that with everybody Can't wait!
  22. Rexy, please. The competition hasn't even started yet, no one has voted on anything at all. If anything, talking about voting politics will create voting politics. I honestly don't think anyone here has an agenda when voting, or is out to get anyone when voting in these tournaments. I like to think that we're all better than that. People simply have musical preferences, which they demonstrate when voting. It's entirely subjective: what you think is a great song may not necessarily be what I think is a great song, and vice versa. I don't want this to turn into another 2-page debate like it did in the WCRG, so let's please just leave it alone and enjoy the music that we are all going to create.
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