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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Also, you don't need to specify Act 1 or Act 2. In most of the Sonic games they are so similar that it wouldn't really make sense for people to only pick one (especially if someone picks the other one), so if you pick that Zone, you can use the source of both Acts.
  2. Also, AkumajoBelmont PMed me with his picks this morning, as he is working all day and was so excited he wanted me to post his picks ASAP , so: AkumajoBelmont's Top 5: Collision Chaos (Sonic CD - JP/EU) Speed Highway (Sonic Adventure) Wacky Workbench (Sonic CD - JP/EU) Emerald Coast (Sonic Adventure) Tidal Tempest (Sonic CD - JP/EU)
  3. Here are my Top 5 picks: Lava Reef (Sonic & Knuckles) Mad Gear (Sonic 4) Star Light (Sonic 1 - 16bit) Metropolis (Sonic 2 - 16bit) Gene Gadget (Sonic 3D - Genesis) FYI - this is how everyone should post their picks in the thread. Remember, ReMixers will only be assigned ONE track. We're merely listing 5 in case people pick the same track as their #1, then a coin flip will decide who gets that theme, while the loser will get their #2 (unless that results in another conflict, then more coin flips). Thanks!
  4. Introducing OverClocked ReMix's... AMPHIBIOUS WINS!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Introduction Things have gone awry in the Sonic universe! A cosmic distortion of unknown origin has twisted the earth as we know it, causing locations across space and time to overlap. If balance isn’t restored, the planet will be lost! The only way to restore harmony is to race through the overlapping zones and create beautiful, masterfully-crafted, epically-awesome musical arrangements! Sonic fights to save his friends and eat chili dogs, while Dr. Robotnik fights to save the planet so he can finally defeat Sonic himself (he can’t let a space-time distortion take all the credit)! So begins the first ever SONIC ZONE REMIX COMPETITION!!! Current News The inaugural SZRC has now ended! Congratulations Amphibious on your victory! Thanks to all the awesome ReMixers who participated in the competition and thanks to everyone who supported & enjoyed the tournament! It was a blast! Grab the complete tournament ZIP file below, featuring all of the re-tagged compo songs, lyrics, album art/banners, plus some bonus tracks! Music Complete SZRC zip (+bonus tracks) Bonus Tracks only Brackets Everyone's final assigned Zone themes are on this Roster Spreadsheet. Show your bracket pride by wearing your custom Bracket Sigs! Voting & Results Voting will take place in the SZRC Social Group. Voting instructions: When voting, consider three things: how well the mix is made from a technical standpoint, the enjoyability of the mix, and—most importantly—how well the mix arranges both source tunes. Do not post reviews in the social group voting threads. Please post any reviews here in the main competition thread. I think most people enjoy hearing what people think of their work, even if it's just a few sentences, so I encourage people to post some quick reviews if you feel so inclined! Post only the name of the ReMixer whose remix you are voting for. You are required to vote in each battle taking place during the round. If you don't, none of your votes will be counted for that round. This includes ReMixers as well; you need to vote in your own battle in addition to other battles. You are required to make an actual decision between two competitors for each battle, meaning, you cannot declare a draw or a tie. This will be counted as not voting and your other votes for other battles will not be counted. Post only once in each voting thread. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote. Submissions All entries must be sent to me (SuperiorX) by the 12PM EDT deadline via PM on the forums, with a link to a reliable host for me to download your mix from. Please submit your file as an mp3, preferably encoded at a high-quality VBR or 320kbps. File names must be in the following format: Remixer - Title (Your Zone Theme & Opponent Zone Theme).mp3 Example: SuperiorX – Green City (Green Hill & Crisis City).mp3 You do not need to put “Zone” in your mix name. Your artist name and mix title can be whatever capitalization you want but the Zone themes must be capitalized properly (e.g. Green Hill, not green hill). Properly formatted file names make it much easier for me to tag everything properly, which ensures good, consistent metadata on all the files that will be distributed to voters. You must adhere to this file name standard. If you don't, I will seriously consider telling DarkeSword. And you all know how much he hates it when files are not named properly. But seriously, name your files correctly please. FAQ How does it work? You, the ReMixer, choose any Zone (stage) theme from one of the core Sonic the Hedgehog platformer games (see below list of eligible games). Choose wisely, as this will be your theme for the entirety of the tournament. Once everyone has chosen a theme, they’ll be matched up with an opponent. When the round beings, remixers will have one week to write a “VS. Remix”, that is, a remix that features the theme of their Zone and their opponent’s Zone. When the round ends, a public voting period of one week will be conducted for each battle. Voters should consider production, enjoyability, and how well the piece incorporates both themes. This competition will be a single-elimination style tournament. Win and move on. Lose and go home. There will be two brackets: a Sonic Bracket and a Robotnik Bracket. The two brackets will compete on opposite weeks, so there will also be music to listen to and vote on. This also gives ReMixers a one-week break in-between each round. Can I collaborate with another ReMixer on one of my songs? Yes, as long as you, the participant, is still the primary mixer on the song. That means you need to do the bulk of the arrangement, sound design, production, etc. Having someone contribute vocals or an instrument solo (or something along those lines) would be acceptable. Which Sonic games are eligible? Sonic the Hedgehog 1 & 2 (8-bit Master System/GameGear) Sonic Chaos (GameGear) Sonic Triple Trouble (Game Gear) Sonic 1 – 3 (Genesis) Sonic & Knuckles (Genesis) Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis & Saturn soundtracks) Sonic CD (Sega CD - JP & US soundtracks) Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 (Dreamcast) Sonic Advance 1-3 (GBA) Sonic Rush & Sonic Rush Adventure (DS) Sonic Heroes (PS2/Xbox/GC) Sonic the Hedgehog (2006 – PS3/Xbox360) Sonic Unleashed (PS3/Xbox360) Sonic Colors (Wii) Sonic 4 - Episode 1 (DLC) Do I just pick a Zone theme then? Is it first-come first-serve? I'll be doing a draft for Zone theme selection. If you're planning on participating, please post a list of five Zone themes you're interested in claiming, in the order of preference. Once everyone posts their lists, I'll go through and assign everyone their first-pick, resolving any conflicts with a coin-toss and moving down the lists as necessary. You will only be assigned one Zone theme for the competition. When listing your picks please post the Zone title AND the game it is from: Angel Island (Sonic 3). If necessary, also please specify the system/soundtrack. For example, Sonic CD has a US and JP soundtrack. Both are eligible. Someone could pick Tidal Tempest (US) and someone else could pick Tidal Tempest (JP). The same is true for Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis or Saturn). When does it start? The recruitment period will last around 2 weeks. We need at least 16 participants, but it would be great if we could get 32! So tell all your friends! The first week of mixing should begin on May 5th. What about Boss themes/Special Stage themes/Title themes? Sorry, but those aren’t Zone themes. Themes have to be from one of the main zones/stages in the game. What about other Sonic games, like racing and puzzle games? Sorry, but the compo is limited to “core” Sonic platformer games. Any spinoffs like racing, puzzle, fighting, crossover games are not allowed. See the approved games list. What if the Zone I choose has slightly different themes in Act 1, Act 2, etc.? When you choose a Zone theme, you can use all variations of that Zone’s theme from any of the Acts. Some Sonic games have slightly different themes in Act 1 versus Act 2. So for example, if someone chooses Hydrocity Zone, they (and their opponent) can use both Act 1 & Act 2 sources in their mix if they want. In Sonic CD, a ReMixer would be able to utilize the Present, Past, Good Future & Bad Future sources. The one exception to this would be if someone picked a Sonic CD US theme they could only use the Present, Good Future & Bad Future sources, because in the US soundtrack the Past theme is the same as in the JP soundtrack. So that Past source would be reserved for the JP soundtrack. What about Zones that have the same theme? Only one theme can be chosen, we cannot have duplicates. For example, Green Hill Zone from the 16-bit Genesis Sonic 1 is the same as Green Hill Zone from the 8-bit MasterSystem Sonic 1. Lava Reef Zone (Act 2) and Hidden Palace, both from Sonic & Knuckles, is another example. If someone picks a Zone with the same theme, I will treat them as the same Zone and will flip a coin to determine who gets that theme. Wait, isn’t this just like the Grand Robot Master Remix Battles, but with Sonic themes? You got me… but hey, DarkeSword has a good thing going, why change it? Plus we can always use more Sonic remixes! Special thanks to everyone who expressed interested, provided feedback and suggestions in my original interest thread, and special thanks to DarkeSword who answered numerous questions of mine and has graciously offered to host the music for this compo on his web-space. Thanks!
  5. I LOVE this song. I remember hearing some of the earlier versions and I think TGH did a great job improving it over the various iterations. Definitely one of my favorite Mega Man mixes of late. Great job! And thanks for the shoutout
  6. I really want the 40th post so I can request a metal Sheep Man remix with lyrics, but I don't know how much posting in here would be considered spamming. I've already commented on my feedback on the EP. So I wait...
  7. Yeah the Game Gear titles are fine. And, yeah, sorry, I wasn't going to post the full game list until I started the official compo thread this Saturday. But I guess since I've been hyping this up so much, I might as well post it now for anyone who is interested: Approved Sonic Games That list, as well as all the other competition details will be in the first post of the Competitions thread when it launches this Saturday. FYI - any "Zone" theme from those approved games is allowed. No boss, special stage, or title/menu music is allowed however. You would like a guarantee eh'? I'm not normally the type of guy that makes guarantees... but... I GUARANTEE THE SONIC ZONE REMIX COMPETITION THREAD WILL BE POSTED THIS SATURDAY 4/14, BY 12 NOON EDT. (or later if I'm busy, but 99.9999999% sure it will be before noon, mmmkay?)
  8. Yeah Heroes would be ok. I was thinking of Sonic Rivals, that wouldn't be included.
  9. Kind of. This Saturday there will be the official compo thread in the Competitions subforums. In the first post there, there will be all the details on how you can sign up and how to pick your theme. Most of the themes you picked would be ok. I'm limiting the choices to "core" Sonic platformer games so a few of those (Hereos, Secret Rings, Black Knight) would not qualify. Awesome! Yeah there is tons of good stuff. Look for the Compo thread this Saturday and we can start picking!
  10. Individual single-elimination tournament, yes. Any theme from a "zone'. No boss music, special stage, or title/menu screen music tho. And for games, any "core" Sonic platformer game (including the Adventure games yes) is allowed. Just none of the spinoff games, like puzzle, fighting, racing games etc. I posted a list somewhere in this thread... All these full details and more will be up in the first post of the Competitions thread come this Saturday. People will vote in each bracket matchup. One week time period. Win and move on. Just look at any of Darke's Mega Man compos (other than the Wily one). This'll follow those compos general rules!
  11. Nah, you shouldn't put yourself down like that. It's just, apparently, Guile's theme doesn't go with everything :)!!

  12. Rozo... did you get my last email about the WIP for Frenzy? Just curious what your thoughts were.
  13. :cry: awwww... but you need to avenge your quick exit from the SF compo! Good luck with all the other stuff you're working on now!
  14. Brandon, you should join my Sonic Remix competition. We're going to start recruiting next Saturday, April 14th. Mixing will begin May 5th. It will be fun :)

  15. Yeah both yours and Sir_NutS's tracks were great! I really like what you did though, I love the bass and piano work in your track. Then again I could be biased, I do love me some smooth jazzy remixes
  16. FYI the mixes this round are tagged as being from the Hadouken bracket, when they are really the Shoryuken bracket Round 2. Great job everyone, 3 more solid mixes
  17. Yes... Excellent... This is all going according to plan
  18. I love free publicity. Thanks Pete. Click on my sig for details SirNuts! It's gonna start in a few weeks, right after this compo ends!
  19. But the deadline was 2 hours ago... So any votes after 12 noon EDT don't count...
  20. Actually no, you and rnn voted after the 12 noon EDT deadline. The tallies SectorZ posted earlier are correct.
  21. I've had the HTC Thunderbolt for a little over a year now and have been thoroughly impressed with it. The only thing I can complain about is the battery life leaves a bit to be desired. I usually charge it while I'm at work though, so it's not a huge deal for me. Unless you plan on watching movies on it all day, it should be adequate for phone, text, email, and moderate web browsing/app use for a day. But you'll be hard pressed to fine an android smartphone with great battery life anyway, so it kind of goes with the territory (unless you buy one of those obnoxious extended life batteries, which turns your phone into an oversized brick). I would also highly recommend getting a 4G phone if you live in a Verizon 4G LTE area. The speeds are ridiculously faster than 3G. I know a few other people have recommended the HTC Incredible 2, which is a great phone, but it's only 3G. Trust me, the additional speeds of 4G are well worth it if you will be doing a lot of web browsing. Overall, I've had two HTC smartphones and have been happy with them, both from a build quality standpoint and user-friendly UI (they have the best android skin, IMO). Some of the newer Samsung and Motorola droids seem to be pretty good as well, but I can't speak personally to them.
  22. Yeah that's what I see as well. Back when I originally posted, Ghetto & OA were tied and Gario was only up by 2. Either way, great round guys!
  23. Wow both matchups are going to go down to the wire today...
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