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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Mixers will turn them in to me and I'll be doing all the work: collecting the songs, tagging them, and making them a ZIP file, etc. But Darke has graciously offered to host the songs where he keeps all the Mega Man compo stuff, since I don't have my own web-space!
  2. Oh hey Ben! Glad you made it. I hope you enjoyed all of my messages And yeah I'd have to agree that the Sonic 4 music overall was sort of disappointing. is pretty awesome though (kinda surprised no one even has that in their Top 5 except me). Thanks Amph for pointing this out... I never realized that Panic Puppet (Genesis) had two themes either. They are completely different themes too. This is getting a little trickier than expected But yeah, Jason & Corey, since you both seem to be referring to the Act 1 theme, then I'll have to do a coin flip to decide who gets it. And yeah no one has picked either of your #2 choices, so it looks like you'll both end up with something you want. Which now leaves us with 2 open spots, 3 if I don't hear back from Geeky Stoner.
  3. So you want in or no? Only got a few spots left...

  4. EDIT: Oh you just swapped out Stardust Speedway... stop modifying your post!!!!!!!! EDIT 2: I'm just going to wait till you're done to update the spreadsheet lol Hah! Obviously! We can never have enough!
  5. OK, down to 5 spots now. Still need to hear back from Ben Briggs, AMT, and Geeky Stoner in terms of people who recently (within the past week) told me they were signing up. And wildfire needs to make her picks... That would then leave 2 more open spots. Again, wow, I know Sonic is popular, but you guys & gals have been all over this. I'm so excited!
  6. Great! Go ahead and post your picks! All the details are in the first post FYI. Well, I wouldn't exactly say you're late, considering I just posted the thread yesterday We've just had an unbelievable turnout right away. And sure, I can put you in the second bracket! Like I told Gario, then even if you make it to the final round of SF, you'll still have a week break in-between. Oh and also you don't need to specify Acts, you can use each in your tune if you so choose. Nah you should be fine. You expressed your interest in that original thread too. If all goes according to plan, we'll be right where we need to be. I just honestly didn't expect this much turnout so quickly! Good to have everyone on-board!
  7. Given that we're down to 8 spots now, I may need to put a temporary hold on accepting more participants until I've heard back from a few people that definitely said they were going to enter in my original "interest" thread for the compo. To be fair to them, I want to give them a chance in case they haven't been in here yet. Namely: Ben Briggs Sir Nuts CHECK wildfire CHECK AMT Geeky Stoner Where you guys at?
  8. Yeah I suppose those would be okay if they are completely different.
  9. We've got 23 at this moment. It's going to be capped at 32. Any more than that and it would just be awfully hard to organize logistically, especially the first round. Darke's Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2011 had 32 people and it worked out fine. We'll be good.
  10. Haha good job. I've sent him numerous PMs as well so he's probably gonna be ticked off
  11. That would be insanity... if we could actually get 64 people for sure, then maybe maybe I would consider it. We could call the first round "The Tilling" where we reduce the playing field from 64 to 32, hahaha. We could have the community fill out brackets too and whoever predicts (most accurately) the final matchup would win a prize or something. Oh and someone needs to get Ben Briggs in here ASAP. He was super excited for this but hasn't signed up yet...
  12. All I can say is WOW... I had 2 weeks planned for recruitment, but we've already had 22 people sign-up within the first 24 hours. Only 10 spots left then to get to 32! You guys rock
  13. Yum melted Sega Genesis cake. Happy birthday guys!
  14. Nope! We're going for 32! Which doesn't look like it will be a problem at all... Hahaha, I can put you in the second bracket in case you make it to the final round of SF, then at least you'll have a little break in-between.
  15. So it has come to my understanding that Planet Wisp has both map music and zone music and they are quite different. Since the "map" music is more like stage select music, then that would not qualify, but you could choose the Planet Wisp zone music and could use all of those variations. NoNamer explained it in the thread, sorry I've never played Sonic Colors. I hope you still want to join!

  16. Awesome thanks! And what is Planet Wisp? Is it a zone or a map or what? I've never played Sonic Colors so I don't know. But Brandon Strader just asked me if he could join, but he wants to choose Planet Wisp, but he said it was "map" music, so we weren't sure if that would count. Anyone know?
  17. lol... Sonic Colors is allowed, but isn't "Reach for the Stars" the main title music? You have to choose a Zone theme. Thread is up btw: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=39652

  18. Gario - (or if anyone else knows)... is the music in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle different than just Sonic Adventure 2? I thought they had the same levels, but I'm not sure.
  19. Yeah... I was trying to decide this myself the other day. When I looked at the Zone, it's not your typical zone, you just fly around the asteroid field in space and fight the final boss, so I'm going to lean towards it being more of a Boss Zone/theme than a traditional Zone theme. The music is pretty awesome, but it's also really repetitive so it also might not fit too well with the rest of the soundtracks. I think I'm going to say NO on allowing it, unless someone really really wants it for some reason and can make a compelling argument as to why we should include it. But probably NO. Also, it's great to have everyone signing up so fast! There were a few others I've spoken with (Ben Briggs, Sir Jordanius, maybe halc) that said they were going to get in on this too, so we should have quite the lineup!
  20. Yes, please. I really don't want any voting controversies, we haven't even started the compo yet I'm sure we're all going to do a great job and everyone will rejoice!
  21. Thanks, I wasn't calling you out specifically, this was just like the third instance of that already, so I was just reminding everyone. I didn't realize there were 2 versions either until I was researching all of this stuff a few weeks ago lol (I never had a Saturn, just a Genesis). I think Sonic 3D and Sonic CD are the only big instances like that. Thanks, I appreciate it!
  22. Genesis or Saturn version? EDIT: Thank you fine sir. Everyone - Please read the first post carefully about specifying which soundtrack you're referring to if your pick has multiple options. Thanks!
  23. Even if that's true, please post 4 more choices, just in case. You could just randomly pick 4 more for all I care. Thanks!
  24. Please specify if that is the Sonic CD US soundtrack or JP/EU soundtrack, they are completely different. Thanks!
  25. Oh I appreciate the offer Rexy! I've actually got some pretty nifty sigs and bracket art I've spent a lot of time on to fit the theme (these mock-ups are from a month or so ago, I've tweaked them a bit since, oh and FYI - the background image will match whatever Zone you pick): I've just been thinking about every aspect of this compo for the past month or so But maybe we can partner on album art? I've got one design now, but I'm not 100% sold on it. I think you should participate in the compo tho, since you are such a Sonic fan!
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