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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. I dunno, I bought Black last time, so I'll probably buy White 2 this time to be different, unless there is some really compelling reason to get Black 2...
  2. This is a really slick preview. I'm really liking what I'm hearing. It sounds like you have a ton of songs on here. How many tracks are you covering for the album?
  3. hahah well, I guess it just felt like I heard it a lot more. And yeah your rendition of the vocal clip sounded good too!
  4. If I get the 40th post I'm going to request that Brandon make a metal remix of Sheep Man from MM10 in the same style as "Liquid Metal". The lyrics will need to center around how Sheep Man comes in the night to help you... die? Or, you know, Brandon could just make that anyway. Cause it'd be awesome.
  5. Help build interest and support the compo by using my semi-official compo banner for your sig! And keep an eye out for the official competition thread coming mid-April! That's when we'll start recruiting! I've got one with and without the date: ---
  6. I actually never played Diablo 1, I couldn't stand the character movement physics. I loved Diablo 2 though. And super-excited for Diablo 3! It's been tooooooo long!
  7. I've heard that this album is so exciting that it sometimes causes a Wettening in one's pants Well done sir! I like the changes to Lady in the Water & Excalibur!
  8. Amazing awesome album everyone. I never knew Mega Man could rock so hard! Love it! I'm also curious how many times "I have no choice" was sampled on this album, although I guess the majority of those are probably from Gario's track
  9. Very very nice work here. I've been getting more into house/trance electronica lately, so this is right down my alley. I love the overall atmosphere and groove. Great job!
  10. OK everyone! Given that the next Grand Maverick Remix Battle has been delayed due to the impromptu Street Fighter compo, I've decided to start this Sonic compo a little bit earlier so it'll fall in-between the other two compos and we won't have any overlap. So, my plan is to start a 2-week recruitment period the week of April 15th that'll run though April 29th. Then we'll have a week to get things situated, with the first mixing round starting on May 5th! Given the amount of interest, I'm going to lock the compo down to the first 32 people that sign up (if we're lucky). If we don't get that many, then we'll have to go with 16. I'm hoping we can get 32 though!
  11. Oh no, I'm not discounting Gario! He's awesome! I just meant that's a hell of a first round matchup to draw. Kinda like how he was up against TGH in the GRMRB 2011 in the first round last year too. I'm sure him and zircon will both have some awesome stuff for us!
  12. YES! I am making a Sonic compo! I may actually start it a bit sooner now since this is going on and the Maverick battles got delayed. Either way, probably around mid-April or May it will start! Check it out Brandon, my interest thread for it is in the community forums. Anyway, good luck Street Fighters, I'll be watching this one since I cant participate!
  13. Parts of it bug me too, but I think it's just the too many falls. I've tweaked those on the version I'm working on now. Hmmm... I've done a lot of velocity edits on the piano already. The parts that stick out to me still though is where the melody is doubled up on the left & right hands (at 1:12-1:36 in particular). Are those the same spots that sound bad to you, or do you notice other sections as well? Thanks! No, everything should be pretty centered. I've panned a few of the backing instruments in an attempt for some stereo separation. The electric piano is panned 10% left and the one backing synth that plays during the piano sections is panned 10% right, but all the leads are centered. Is there any instrument in particular that you're noticing so I can take a closer look? That helps! Thanks! Thanks for all the feedback everyone, I really appreciate it!
  14. Napalm Man and Bomb Man for sure, cause they'd be blowing shit up. Tornado Man could be deadly too, for obvious reasons.
  15. After a few more listens, that new synth (the one that enters at 0:24) doesn't stick out as much as it did before. I think there are a few too many falls (buuaaaaaah) though, so I'm going to take some of those out. I went a little crazy with them in the beginning I'd like to hear what everyone thinks though! My box.net accounts tells me statistics, so I can see you guys previewing and downloading my track (and not leaving feedback) Thanks!
  16. Does anyone have any good, free suggestions for web hosting with high bandwidth limits? I'm trying to think of a good way to host the mixes for the compo when it starts. I don't have my own website or anything, so I'll have to go off free services. I use a box.net account right now to host my mixes (which I love), but it only has a 10GB a month bandwidth limit. That's normally plenty, but we could easily blow through that in the first round or two of the compo, given the number of mixes in the opening rounds. My plan is to have maybe 2-3 box.net accounts and just cycle through those during the first few rounds. Once we get into the later rounds, it probably won't be a big deal because there will be less mixes to host. But I figured I'd ask if anyone else knows of any other good options! Thanks!
  17. Yeah this sounds pretty awesome so far, I really like the style, and the guitar solo bit is really cool! The only concern I notice right now though is that the bass sounds a bit overcompressed and crunchy, especially during the busy sections of the song. It almost sounds like the snare is masking it at points, which could be what I'm hearing. Maybe the snare just needs to be lowered a bit. Otherwise, awesome stuff!
  18. Update: Supersonic Stardust v3 So I did a number of things with the new update here: Lowered the piano & voice clip volume throughout Replaced the old synth brass sample that plays the melody in the beginning with a square synth (similar to the one that plays the little Hydrocity melody later on) Added some more brass hits to the first half to make up for removing the synth brass instrument. I'm not sure how I feel about the new square synth lead in the beginning. It sounds better than that crappy synth brass sample, but I'm not sure it fits 100%. I might need a punchier instrument, but I've been having trouble finding something I like a lot. Thoughts? I still need to do a bit more tweaking with the piano and I want to add a bit more variation with some of the percussion patterns, so those updates are to come. What do you guys think about this version? Particularly on the areas I changed? Thanks, I appreciate everyone's feedback!
  19. Nice! Just remember everyone, when I actually start the compo thread (late April/early May) and the recruitment period begins, if more than 16 people sign up then we'll have to get 32 to sign up so the brackets are aligned correctly. We've got a lot of interest thus far, but I don't want to have to cut anyone out! So spread the word! Tell all your friends!
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