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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Hey does anyone here know what happens in a week? I heard something big is going down... And how did "Gun LOLsters" at least not end up being a song title. That is hilarious.
  2. I really really liked this track in the compo, so I thought I'd give some more feedback. Regarding the lead at 0:16 - 0:32, I kind of see where people are coming from, but I don't think it sounds that bad. It fits with the lounge style of the track. I like the idea of having something different from the guitar at 1:03 though to help with variety. I'd say either keep the lead, but work on the EQ (boost the high freq ranges ~1500khz and up) I'm thinking or maybe do some editing to the instrument (brightness or timbre) might spruce things up a bit. Or replacing the whole sample with a nice mellow square lead synth might do the trick too, while preserving the style. I like the guitar at 1:03 a lot. The trumpet playing is spot-on (nice work C7!). The drums, epiano and everything else fits perfectly with the style too. Other than that, I don't have much feedback. Great job!
  3. Aww, you should've left it I thought maybe you were being punny since you were talking about gay drums anyway!
  4. Gun LOLsters... wow nice! I like the album title, I've just never understood why dangerous is capitalized DANGerous. I understand ARMed, but not DANGerous. Is there something behind that, or was it just capitalized for continuity with ARMed?
  5. Did you mean erratic? Or are you trying to say there is something homo-erotic about your drums Rexy?
  6. That's a lot of Wild Arms we got there. Looks like quite the impressive tracklist! I can't wait!
  7. I'm pretty sure Bahamut was asking for less tracks in general. We're only voting for 3 mixes right now... which isn't a lot. If there were fewer tracks to vote for (meaning fewer tracks to pick from), it would be easier to pick 3. Voting for less tracks wouldn't make it any less time consuming to vote... you'd still have to listen to all the mixes and then pick 1 (or 2 or whatever). So what I said earlier still makes perfect sense. I wouldn't want fewer mixes being made.
  8. I'd rather have too much good music than too little...
  9. Did you purposefully tag your song as "feat. Prophecy" just to annoy Jason Convenant? Cause that would be pretty funny . I'm diggin' the track by the way, nice job guys.
  10. So I think Rozo is mixing this week again for The Mega Ballers (CONFIRMED). If so, here's The Mega Ballers holiday mixing schedule: Round 7: Rozovian Round 8: SuperiorX Round 9: Phonetic Hero
  11. Are there details on this mysterious "round 10", or is it a secret?
  12. Fair enough. Didn't know the status of your minute of track (finished & polished vs. unfinished & rough).
  13. Bwahahahahaha that's a funny visual. Curse you Wily!
  14. Even if you only have a minute, you should still sub it so your team gets the points.
  15. no of course not. But perhaps a "yes and it will blow your mind" or a "nope no surprises here" answer?
  16. I believe that would be "high tea" time for our Brits And that dickbutt is very disturbing...
  17. Haha, the intro made me think of Inspector Gadget too! This is one of my favorite tracks on the album. Great epic vibe to the track that really builds on itself as the song progresses. Nice work!
  18. I'M SORRY SANTA PLEASE DON'T TAKE AWAY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! I'll be good I promise
  19. Do you have any "surprises" in store for us with the release Jade? I noticed the track listing has disappeared from the first post...
  20. LOL yes! There is no better way to end a mix That sounds painful. How exactly does one get dickbutted?
  21. Me too! And we only have like a week and half left!
  22. Hrmm, well don't do that! Is Brandon's contribution that critical that it would stop your song from being complete without it?
  23. It's been awfully quiet around these parts.... how's everyone's mixes coming?
  24. I did another minor update (same link). I, guess what, re-wrote a bit of the electric piano in the solo section again and added a few more chord hits throughout. And adjusted a few timing issues I noticed. I think I'm going to mark this thing as a mod review soon, unless I get some more feedback (talking with myself is getting a little boring). And I know someone is listening cause box.net is showing me access statistics...
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