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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. I've remixed Quick Man and Dive Man before so I didn't want to do them again, although I had both in my Top 5, because I really like both of their themes a lot. Quick Man has been done a lot by other people before too, so that could also be why no one picked him. Dive Man though, I'm surprised isn't remixed more. I actually think I had Burst Man in my Top 5 as well, but I can't remember. Regardless, I think his theme is one of the most under-appreciated themes, as is most stuff from MM7, it's good stuff.
  2. First off, wow this is awesome. Great source and you rocked it out exceedingly well. Killer Studio Chops indeed. Overall, I'd say the arrangement is fairly conservative, but you do have some parts where you branch out, particularly at that 1:50 - 2:10-ish section. It's not a big deal to me, but I wonder if you subbed it if the judges would think there isn't enough re-arrangement going on. For the mixing, it sounds pretty tight to me in general. At points the rhythm guitar sounds a bit muddy, particular at the 1:20 - 1:45 "wall of sound" section, where they seem to be overpowering the lead guitar at times. It makes that section feel a bit too cluttered, in my opinion. The lead sounds pretty crisp and upfront in the rest of the mix otherwise. The percussion sounds a bit too harsh at times too, particular the cymbal. Not that it's too loud, just a bit abrasive. I'm having trouble describing what I'm hearing. At other times the cymbal sounds like it's being lost in the background (0:50 - 0:53). The kick also feels like it could use a little more punch throughout, especially in the bass frequencies. It feels a bit empty right now. But that could just be my preference, as I like a strong bass kick, at least for this style. Other than that, this thing is awesome man, nice work! I also gotta say, I love the other stuff I've heard from you. Your Maverick Remix Battle song from last year and the song you have on the Wild Arms album are both great. I'm looking forward to hopefully hearing more of your stuff here on OCR!
  3. Oh damn... I was just coming in here to express my interest in possibly working on a track or two. I had a jazz/big band idea for "Wild West", possibly with some live brass and sax, and a piano-centric arrangement idea for "Shadow's Theme", but I see that Jake grabbed them both! Oh well, he'll do a good job! Perhaps I'll still work on them anyway at my leisure, since it sounds like Jason is saying we will have bonus tracks. Good luck with the project! A remix project for this game seems way overdue!
  4. "Derailed at Wily Temple" wasn't good enough to get a review?
  5. ROFL Killer Studio Chops are the only important thing that's happened in the past 3-4 years. If you don't have them, then there is no hope for you son.
  6. I loved this mix when I first heard it on HvV. Completely awesome rendition of a classic Kirby theme. Great work!
  7. I don't know how I've never commented on this mix, but the shameless endorsement/comparison in the title to IR's "Life & Death of Kirby" mixpost brought me back here. So I just want to say that this is one of my favorite mixes on the site. The synths are absolutely ridiculous. I love them. Great, interesting, and fresh take on an ionic theme.
  8. No problem , it's seriously a great song. And you do have some killer studio chops too What is that instrument that is first introduced at 0:52? I can't quite place it, but it's got a really interesting sound. Also that slap chop dude has quite the disturbing facial expression... and is that Nic Cage's head dancing around in your sig? That is creepy as hell, yet hilarious.
  9. Round 9 reviews: Splash Damage: I love the atmosphere here: acoustic guitar, flute, nice hand percussion. Great stuff. The arrangement is masterful, I really enjoy how you blended the two themes: passing the lead between the two melodies and having a lot of the counter-melodies of the opposite track being played in the background and whatnot. Thoroughly enjoyable. The guitar recording is great too. This is probably my favorite rendition of Splash Women yet! About all I can say is, wow Brandon, you have some KILLER. STUDIO. CHOPS. #1 Mega Breeze: More of a chill arrangement from Will this round. I dig it. Synth work is great, as always. I think I like the way you arranged Air Man the best in this song. It's normally a much more uptempo theme, but I think it sounds great more low-key like this. Nice arrangement too. flames of youth: Another chill arrangement. It's got a good groove to it and I think it succeeds at what you were going for. It's almost a little too slow-paced though. I feel like it needed to mix things up just a bit more to keep it interesting for 4 minutes. But I still enjoyed it, nice work! Final Stand in the Castle: Superb work here Lidawg. I do have to agree that it was just way too short, because it is so awesome. But as you said, what you do have is quality. I love the guitar wankery going on at 1:19, so nice work there Cyril. Mixing sounds a bit quiet compared to the other tracks, but that could just be my speakers. Good job though, #3! We Were Once Robots...: I was going to write a review for this track, but then IARGHHHHHHHH. No seriously though, despite the overused meme title, I enjoyed this track It's got a nice upbeat groove and some nice sound design. At parts the environment sounds a bit empty, but I think with a little work and some elaboration on the arrangement towards the end, this could be very good! Disconnect: More vocal goodness from Akumajo I think I like this a bit more than your 2nd mix, but it falls a bit short of your first. I still enjoyed it a lot tho! Nice vocal performances and layering throughout, but what's going on at 0:59 (and again at 2:29)? It sounds like the phrase gets cut off, unless it's supposed to be that way. Nice little solo with Flex in the middle too. Good work guys! Very nearly got my #3 vote. Night Train to the Deep Jungle: Oooh vocal clip intro! Rozo is gonna love it! When the song starts at 0:45 that bass instrument sounds like the tone is off a bit, or just dry. It just doesn't seem to mesh with the drums well. Personally, I would've liked to see more instrument variation, as the pure bass & drums grows stale quickly, IMO. Things get switched up around 2:00 luckily, but then go back to pure bass & drum at 2:25 . Well I like the little interlude section a lot, and would've liked to see that expanded more. Raging Reptile: Oh hey I thought this was AeroZ for a second, but then I had to look up that his Snake Man mix is "Ravaging Reptile" while this is "Raging Reptile". Very big difference, my apologies. Anywho, I really enjoy this mix, it's got a great groove, particularly at the 0:28 section (and where that repeats). I also think you integrated the two themes quite well. Cool sound design too! The fadeout ending is a little disappointing, but otherwise a very solid song! #2. Derailed at Wily Temple (aka Legends of the Hidden Charge Man): Nice! I think this is my favorite of pH's mixes from the compo. I love the jungle-esque Pitfall sound design going on. The ethnic drums, flute, and strings are all very well-executed. I also enjoy how the Wily theme was interpreted very differently than the other tracks (although I would've liked to see it introduced a bit earlier in the song). I wish I could vote for this one cause I really like it! Nice job teammate! Good job everyone! And that brings us to end of the normal rounds of The Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet 2011. So I guess sometime soon we'll begin mixing for Round 10 here in... 2012? Time paradox!
  10. Really? You're joking right? I'm referencing Larry Liontamer Oji, Mr. Black Dynamite himself. At least, that was his forum title for awhile I imagine he enjoys spicy things, so this shrimp recipe seemed appropriate
  11. Blackened Dynamite Shrimp: Saute shrimp in a skillet over medium heat with cooking oil. Apply seasoning appropriately. I prefer some ground black pepper, cayenne pepper (for that dynamite spicy taste), and a pinch of salt. You could also add some garlic, ground or fresh. Serve on their own, or with rice!
  12. Sorry for the double-post, but I wanted to say this too! This compo has been a ton of fun! I feel like I've improved immensely as a musician and have been able to be more involved in the community. I've always wanted to participate in something like this, but I've either never had the time nor did I think I had the skill-level to participate, so I'm really glad I decided to finally do it! I also want to thank my teammates, Phonetic Hero and Rozo cause it's been great getting feedback from them on my mixes and it's been awesome doing some collaborative pieces with them too. I also really appreciate the feedback and responses I've gotten from everybody else; I like hearing what everyone thinks. Based off this great experience, I know I'll definitely want to participate in the next Maverick Remix Battle whenever we get around to doing another one of those (I think Darke said there'd be another sometime early this year?). Thanks everybody!
  13. I think he still needs to vote on the past 3 rounds lol.
  14. This looks like a fun project! It's funny Brandon said he would've been interested in doing the FF7 Cid, cause I was thinking that theme would be perfect on acoustic guitar before I saw his post. Good luck!
  15. Yes, yes, good year all around! Amazing considering all the great albums we got! Hopefully 2012 will bring about the return of more remixers I've missed dearly.
  16. SectorZ has an independent tally going for the past 3 rounds. He posted the links, they should be a few pages back by now.
  17. I do love some well-placed and well executed sound effects When I was making the song, I kept listening to the 0:39 - 0:42 part over and over thinking "this transition could not be any cooler" lol. At some point I'll probably clean this one up a bit because, although I didn't like working on it at first, it has grown on me a lot since. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Also, thanks for posting reviews every round! I enjoy hearing what others think of my music, good or bad.
  18. Well if the file and/or your upload server is timestamped then hopefully Darke will make an exception, since it's been done for awhile already. It's only a few hours after the deadline and he's out of town anyway so it would be s shame if it's disqualified! EDIT: Completely unrelated, but I realized as I was typing this message your sexy sax from "Round the Cape of Good Hope" was playing off the Wild Arms album. Nice work BTW.
  19. LOL, go to the sheet "Tallies" at the bottom, it has total counts. And yes you did, barely, but DS's vote could shift it. Thanks for doing this SectorZ!
  20. Awesome, preferably if you have ones from the last few rounds too
  21. I stopped keeping track of votes since they haven't been updated since Round 6. Did anyone have an independent tally going on? Cause I am rather interested.
  22. I really enjoy this song (and Snake Man's theme) a lot! Definitely one of my favorite Robot Master themes. I'll agree that some of the newer stuff I've heard from Jake in the compos is better than this track, but this is still a really solid song all around. I like the groovy moving bassline in the first half of the song. The second half does feel a bit more empty, but I like the additions of the bitcrushed drums, it brings a certain nostalgia factor from the original. Nice work!
  23. I see what your invisible ink says there What have I done... PS. Don't forget to vote sir!
  24. It's a secret of the forums that took me a long time to figure out. If you type in all caps, and only all caps, then your statement must be followed by at least one lowercase letter, otherwise your all caps turns into all lowercase letters. Which is why Ben has a little "e" in white hiding besides his espresso powers.
  25. So I cleaned up a few other EQ issues that were bugging me and I tried to address the overcompression issues Will stated with the bass drum. I think it sounds a bit cleaner now. I think I'm going to go ahead and sub this one unless another Mod would like to review! Thanks! Smooth Operator v5
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