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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Brandon, you have created the greatest song ever. EDIT: And nice job on the guest lyrics Rexy! haha
  2. The solo in my track I sequenced with a mouse as well. I actually have a full-size Yamaha keyboard, but I mainly use that for experimenting with melodies and not for actually recording.
  3. I just subbed my entry as well! I'm excited to announce my song this week features my teammate, Phonetic Hero, on drum sequencing! My original drum arrangement was okay and fit my song, but Pete's drums add a whole new level of depth and intrigue to my mix. I think you guys will enjoy it! I also just wanted to say how much I've really enjoyed participating in this compo. I have learned so much more about remixing, particularly in areas like production and sound design that I was rather lacking in. I think my progress will show in this week's mix, as I believe it is easily my best song yet. So I'm really excited to hear what everyone thinks! As always, I appreciate any and all feedback you have!
  4. The deadline is 12pm, so noon tomorrow, not midnight right now. So you got time Brandon!
  5. Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! I plan on revisiting a lot of my older songs after the WCRG is over cause I've learned a lot in the compo and want to touch up some of these other mixes of mine.
  6. Whaaaaa? Time stamps don't lie bitch my post was at 9:57 and your votes at 10:03.
  7. Ecto I see your reviews here, but I don't believe you actually put your votes in the social group...
  8. Sam cannot be taken seriously unless addressed as Samuel.
  9. Oh sweet, well then, I will buy it. Thanks!
  10. Holy smokes this is a good deal. I will at least have to do the $1 version, but more likely the $10 version. That's a lot of music. Now if only zircon could've thrown in the "Fittest" OST as well EDIT: Oh and technically BGC's "Impostor Nostalgia" (the only one of these I already own) isn't really a game album is it? Although it sounds like one!
  11. Hopefully everybody in the world decides to vote on the round 3 mixes today, cause we're still at less than half of what we had for round 1 and just over a third of the votes for round 2
  12. I hope they put the Deus Ex: HR DLC on sale, cause I'm not paying $15 for a little add-on mission otherwise.
  13. Hey Silvernix! I like how this starts, I can tell you're getting more familiar with remixing, as this sounds significantly better than some of your previous mixes. However, there are still some fundamental issues to work on. I like how the song starts, the intro synth and bass both sound crisp and well-executed, opening up a fun, upbeat soundscape. The guitar synth that comes in at 0:13 also fits well. However, the background synth that enters at 0:15 is very muddy and really clashes with the soundscape. I'd look for a sound that isn't so harsh, something that will mesh with the other instruments a lot better. Something like a simple square lead synth would fit the sound well. 0:43 there is a really weird key change. It looks like you jumped to whatever key sig Search Man's theme is in. To avoid these awkward transitions, I'd really recommend working in one key signature, pick one and transpose both your themes into the same key sig. The whole 0:43 - 1:26 section sounds pretty empty too. I'd suggest working in more countermelodies or just background instruments to beef up the soundscape. I can hear a little bit of countermelody towards the end of the 1:26 section, but I'd like to see it played up even more. The 1:28 - 1:42 section, it sounds like something is out of key. If you're going to blend the two themes, it's imperative that they're in the same key sig. I like the end 2:35 - 2:50 section though, it's very upbeat and fun. Overall I do like what you've come up with this far. If you can work on the big 3 things I mentioned above: 1) fixing key signature issues, 2) revisiting sound design choices (particularly that background synth at 0:15), and 3) building up the soundscape with more background instruments, pads, etc., then I think this has the potential to be a very fun, enjoyable remix. Keep working at it! You are making good progress!
  14. SHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I was keeping that a secret!!!!!! But yes I heard that too
  15. If we're talking about our mixes, then I'll say mine is shaping up rather nicely. I think you guys are gonna like it!
  16. I've been listening to BGC's Impostor Nostalgia and was just thinking that this sounded familiar... hah.... great work here. This is a very enjoyable song, great transitions, great soundscape, great everything.
  17. Ughhhh, this was by far the hardest round to pick just 3 songs to vote for. I easily could have voted for like 6-7 of these. Anywho, here's my track impressions: Sting Operation: I love the chill, jazzy vibe of this song. I'm not a big fan of sampled brass, as it rarely sounds good, but you did a pretty good job of utilizing the synth brass here. Overall I don't really have anything bad to say, I really enjoyed this song. Air Man in a G String: Classic Willrock here. Air Man does seem more present than the WIly theme throughout, but eh I'm not complaining. Nice guitar work and synths. Everything seems right in place here. unto dust: I love the opening guitar riffs that appear throughout the track, it really keeps things moving forward. The lead synth has some really interesting modulation on it too, it makes for a unique blend. The guitar and percussion sound a bit muffled or too compressed, but I don't think it detracts from the song overall too much. I really enjoyed this track too! The super quick fade-out ending was a little anticlimactic IMO tho. Running with Scissors: Sweeeeet. I don't know what Nekofrog was talking about when he said this song sucked. The switchup at 1:30 was pretty cool and kept things interesting. Power Outage: whoa! I like the chill, disjointed vibe of Spark Man theme's here. Kudos for trying out vocals too, most people can't pull it off, but you had an interesting take on them here. I couldn't really understand the modulated vocals, but it was a cool effect. It sounds like this could be really promising with some more polish. Tripping Through: This song sounded really good and sounded like it was produced very well, my only complaint is with the arrangement. It doesn't feel like one cohesive song. All of the Wily theme is in the first half, then there's the break, and then Tornado Man's theme. I really enjoyed it, but it just feels like 2 separate songs, instead of one mix. Topsy Turvy: I was really disappointed when my teammate Rozo didn't get Top Man (it was his top choice too) because I wanted to see what he did with the theme, but I think you more than did it justice here. This has to be my favorite mix of the round. I really like the groove, the synth choices, effects, everything just clicks. Great work man. Riding the Avalanche: YES! Orchestration done well! Orchestral pieces are so hard to pull off because 1) either the person doesn't know how to write orchestral pieces, or 2) the samples suck. Luckily you did not fall victim to either. I love that you did your own trumpet and oboe (?) recordings. Coming from a fellow trumpet player, I love to hear some good live trumpet! My only complaint is the song is soooo short , this is an orchestration, it should be like 10 minutes long! lol. Seriously, great work here! The wind instruments, percussion, xylophone, all sound awesome. Electric SLEEP: I really like this song too! The chill vibe and soundscape are really really interesting, and I think you blended the two themes pretty well. My only complaint, like Gario, is the high frequency synths are very very ear piercing on high volumes. I was in my car and thought my ears were going to explode. Other than that though, this thing is great! You really should fix that up after the compo, cause this was a very enjoyable piece. Another track I wish I had more votes for :/ Solidity: It was funny hearing the progressions on this song when Rozo was sending us WIPs cause the final version didn't really sound much like the first WIP we heard I really enjoy the beat and layering used throughout the song. The synth modulation is top-notch as well. The fade out ending was well executed too!
  18. I think quite a few people are thinking that lol. Speaking of Sheep Man, I think Brandon should make a death metal Sheep Man mix sometime in the future with lyrics that revolve around how Sheep Man comes in the night to help put you to sleep... permanently
  19. Did they ever explain why they actually disabled it in the first place?
  20. When I heard The Hard Men needed a Bubble Man replacement you were the first person that came to mind. Good luck TGH! I'm looking forward to hearing more of your stuff!
  21. Is it just me, or does anyone else who is mixing this week hear Green Hill Zone from Sonic 1 in the Wily theme?
  22. Classic. That was just what I need this afternoon
  23. I keep forgetting to say I'm glad you liked my mix so much from round 1 of the WCRG! I plan on touching it up a bit after the compo is over!

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