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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Rozo, you didn't whine about my track? Does that mean you hate it or that it is simply so awesome there is nothing to whine about?
  2. Yeah that's why I still try to give reviews every week, even if they are just a few lines about what I liked and whatnot.
  3. Ah, I just kind of assumed Round 10 would just start this Saturday like all the other rounds had. I didn't even know MAGfest was this upcoming week.
  4. Yes that is what I'm thinking as well. It would be cool if we had to incorporate each of our 3 robot master themes with the Wily theme, in some mega-song. That would be tough and exciting! We shall see. I'm actually kind of surprised you wouldn't prefer that type of compo. Yeah there is the risk of being eliminated, but it's a better judge of the quality of your mixes, cause voters are only comparing 2 songs, using the exact same two themes. It's a much more level battlefield.
  5. Darke - I'm curious, are you going to post details on the super-secret Round 10 sometime today, so we have some time to coordinate whatever it is we're doing with our team before the mixing period starts tomorrow? I know like not which Wily theme, but just details on what the round will involve?
  6. Honestly I don't know why this is upsetting you so much Rexy. This competition is for FUN, who really cares about the votes? And you kind of took orlouge82's quote out of context, he said "MAYBE some people vote for the remixer, not the remix, but I listened to the mixes a lot this week. A. lot. This was a very hard vote for me". I don't think he was implying or even suggesting that ALL people do is vote for the remixer name. That would just be silly. If that were true, wouldn't mixers like Rozo and Main Finger have A LOT more points by now? As of Round 6, neither have gotten more than 1 point. And wouldn't unposted or relatively new mixers like Amph, C7, and Ecto have NO votes then? At least me personally, I'm only voting on enjoyability. I listen to the mixes and think "which one of these is the most fun & enjoyable?" I don't care who made them. And you're honestly not doing that bad! "Root of all Things" got you 3 points in Round 2. Round 6 votes aren't tallied yet, but it looks like "Red Chamomile" got you at least that many points too. And you're already off to a decent start this round! Then look at my team: we've put out pretty solid mixes every week but haven't gotten more than 2 points in any round. Same thing with Dr Light's Luminosity Legion and The Skull Men. But we're not upset over it, it's just for fun. Plus with the way this compo is set up, it is INSANELY HARD to get any votes to begin with. We have 12 teams, many of them with extremely talented musicians, and we can only vote for 3 songs. So that means each time we vote, 75% of the songs will not get voted for, making it extremely hard to get any points whatsoever. When you look at it that way, you are doing quite well. How many votes are you expecting to get? You should be proud & happy of the music you're making, regardless of the number of votes. Aren't you happier with the 3 songs you made for the compo, compared to if you had never made them? I know I am at least, I'm glad I made my 3 songs and I'm glad people got to hear them, although I'm likely to not finish with more than 1 point in each of the 3 rounds I participated in. So I guess I'm just trying to say, don't let it bother you cause it's really not that bad! Just have fun! P.S. And the reason "Liquid Metal" probably had more of a torn reception is because it is a metal song. People either love or hate metal. There is no middle ground. I doubt you being a guest artist on it had any impact on the number of votes it got.
  7. Round 8 reviews: Synthesize This!: My favorite song of yours from the compo Rexy! Very nice synth work throughout, they have a great sound to them! I particularly like the shenanigans around 2:45. The brass sounds a little weak (the sample, not the writing), particularly in the intro when it is exposed. Doesn't detract too much tho when it's in the background. Great work overall! Cruise Control: Very nice. I love the Wily theme in the intro, it really sets the stage with an "epic" sound. Nice guitar work throughout and particularly with the Grenade Man solo at the end. Great production value here too. #1! Drag me Up (To Heaven): Cool interpretation of Magnet Man! It sounds pretty neat slowed down like this. This is a really solid piece, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Some of the synths sound a tad harsh at high frequencies, but nothing crazy bad. #3! Tomahawk's Final Chapter: hahahahahahaha this song is hilarious. Nice spoken word vocals everyone. I like how Tomahawk Man sounds like Christian Bale's Batman too, with that cheesy low gruff sounding voice lol. Cool back-and-forth with the instrumentals too. I was expecting an exploding sound effect though after Tomahawk said he was going to self-destruct. That would've been even more metal. Towering Shade: These two themes work incredibly well together. The soundscape sounds a bit empty at time and the drums could probably use a little more kick, but overall it works well. I'm going to go check out your WIP now that I've voted to see what else you've done with this! Subarctic Nightfall: Best yet from you Mr. L. You've made some great progress in the compo. I really like the piano work here and the beginning has a great vibe overall. I feel like the song loses some steam around the 0:50 mark and kind of meanders a bit until around 1:40 or so, but overall I like it! Top This: This is yet another really great song this round. I love the bass work here, it sounds incredibly awesome. The Top Man usage here is pretty cool too, it's got a really good groove. It was really hard to decide between this and Gario's track for my #3 spot, but I felt Gario's track was a bit more creative with the arrangement so it barely inched out ahead of this one. Really great job tho, this one is definitely a keeper! Ivory Tower: Really really nice solo piano track! I love me some solo piano. And this is very well done. I particularly like the attention to detail with the various attack velocities, especially on some of the low end chord progressions. Love it! #2! Current Events: Another song that was hard not to vote too. This is indeed a very quirky arrangement, but I love how it kind of bounces around with adding/remove various elements throughout. It kept the track interesting. Great sound design too! Electropuncture: I actually really hated this song while I was working on it, but after subbing it and hearing it again a few days later it has grown on me. There are some glaring production issues that I didn't notice at the time that bother me now, but overall I'm pretty happy with it. I do really like my transitions and sound effects usage Return of Gangsta Man: Cool intro. It does indeed sound gangsta. This is probably my fav of yours from the compo! The xylophone bit around 0:25 reminds me of a Sonic the Hedgehog zone (that I unfortunately can't place right now, but it'll come to me). Nice job!
  8. I was just able to download this week's songs this evening and I just wanted to say WOW there are some REALLY great songs by everyone this week. It's going to take me awhile to vote! I'll post some more detailed write-ups later this week. Great job everyone!
  9. That's actually really funny cause I kept thinking of Shade Man too. Both themes have that "Castlevania" vibe to them.
  10. Oh man, I forgot you were even in this thing Cyril . I love Shade Man's theme, and I imagine it worked great with the MM1 Wily theme. I'll can't wait to hear what you came up with.
  11. Yeah you have received the greatest Wily theme ever, so you better make this awesome! No pressure
  12. Oh what a great theme! There better be some epic stuff coming this round! I'm pretty jealous I don't get to remix this one. So Mega Man 3 is our only MM game excluded... round 10?
  13. Another completely amazing track. Again, I was pretty curious what could be done with such a minimalist source in an 8 minute song, but damn these guys made it work. The opening choir and vocal samples throughout were very well done. That was one of the things I loved about the OST and was curious as to how prevalent they'd be on this album. Very nice acoustic guitar work throughout too! The electronica transition around 2:30 caught me off guard a bit, but I loved it. It really helped keep the track fresh and proved to be an interesting combination with the acoustic guitar. Overall I love this song!
  14. I love the epicness of this song. The combination of the strings and bells and other orchestral elements really set the tone for what is a very moving and beautiful piece. I think it really creates a sense of gravitas.
  15. This is easily one of my favorite tracks off the album. It's just such an fun, enjoyable song. The use of the rhodes compliments Diggi's style perfectly. Amazing production all around, I'm not sure I've ever heard something so crisp and clear. I am curious, are the shouting kids (?) saying something, or is it just nonsense noises? And where does one get such a sample? Regardless, this somehow fits perfectly, so props on the originality there. Totally love this song! Great work!
  16. bLiNd does a great job here with a very minimalist source. I was skeptical at first how much could really be done with the source given this song length, but I think he does a great job exploring many different facets. The song never really feels like it's getting repetitive or stale, like some trance does, so that's a big plus for me. Great job!
  17. Hahaha I can hear it now. I used to love watching the Mega Man cartoon when I was a kid And my song is now finished and subbed, despite my DAW's best attempts to crash and/or lag consistently.
  18. Oh snap. Hey Main Finger, what was the other MM theme you said you referenced in the end of your song this week? I wasn't able to place it.
  19. This is quite possibly one of my favorite VGM sources ever and Stevo definitely did it justice here. The guitar, acoustic and electric, are both amazing. I love the liberties taken with the melody during the second run-thru too. The whistling at the end is great too... you really can't do this theme without whistling. Overall this rendition of the theme captures the spirit of Wild Arms perfectly and is a great opening track for the album. Great job!
  20. Ooooook, so I guess we need to call a moratorium on Electric Sheep jokes, so here's my reviews for this week's tracks: A Swarm of Voxels: This one took a little while to grow on me, but I really dig the upbeat chipytuneness of it. I don't really have much to say, except it's a fun, infectious little song. Totally Tubular Fortress: At first I thought this was Totally Rad Winter again cause the drum intro sounded the same . I really like the little variations on the melody in the 0:20-0:30 section and onward, it's really groovy. Good, solid track. Sir Nuts has this genre nailed. WHICH ONE DO I SHOOT?!: I really enjoyed this track. It reminded me a lot of your mixes from the GRMRB 2011. Nice fast-paced environment, great use of a few sound effects and transitions. Great use (and not overuse) of some dubstep bass elements. Nice arrangement of the themes too. This is my #1! Megaman Awesome: Soundscape sounds pretty thin, and I think I hear some off notes here. I think you changed keys inbetween themes too? I like the sound design overall, I just would've liked to see the arrangement and supporting instruments fleshed out a bit more! Call the Fire Department: Oh, why so short? This had a really cool intro and I like your lead synth choices. It was really promising, it just sounds like you didn't get to finish it, or expand on it enough, which is sad. Wily's Ruin: Nice! I like this a lot more than your previous Nirvana Smells Like Teen Robots song. Nice guitar & percussion work. The lyrics are also a lot of fun and the recording & layering sound pretty well done. There's a few parts where it sounded like the vocals could've been recorded a bit cleaner, but overall good stuff! #2! When the Moon Cries: All the Concrete Men sing!?! Nice! Intro vocals sounded kind of nasaly, but get a lot better at the 1:17 mark. Nice instrumentation choices and overall a really cool sound environment. Really don't have much crits here, this was a very well done track. Black Alleycat: Damn Amph, you have the chill-lounge genre nailed too. This seemed like a pretty conservative arrangement, but the execution with the style and production values compensated for it IMO. I really dig this style, so this was an easy #3 vote for me. I love the piano and the swung Shadow man melody. Nice work again! Float: Something a little different from TGH. I really like this chillout piano style too! Well executed, although it does sound like it begins to drag at parts due to the length since the sound doesn't ever really seem to change. Which isn't really a bad thing, I still really enjoyed this one. Not enough votes to go around tho! Halite: Rozo's best track of the compo right here. My my the piano intro is sexy, I wonder who wrote it. I love the synth work Rozo did here throughout, there are some really cool sound choices. The one transition at 1:50 is a little awkward switching themes, but it doesn't detract too much. Overall, I really like this one! Nice work teammate! Skull Shield: Some powerful guitar & percussion going on! Sounds like they were recorded pretty well (especially the guitar). My only gripe is the arrangement sounds more like a medley, switching between parts of the two themes constantly. Would've liked to see more blending of the themes. Otherwise though, this was a fun, hard rockin' song! Oh, but it is BY FAR the worst penis I have ever seen in my life. Nice work everyone!
  21. Happy (belated) Birthday Darke! Thanks for everything you do in the community, especially coordinating the awesome Mega Man compos!
  22. This just in! Dr. Wily has stopped creating robots, and instead is focusing his talents on engineering animal hybrid genetic mutations! His first creation: Equestrian Sheep! By experimenting on animals, people are finally beginning to realize that Dr. Wily is just an Embattled Creep.
  23. I think sequencing my piano is giving me carpal-tunnel... Oh and since everyone is talking about bass, I'll just say I have some pretty sexy bass in my song too
  24. Wait, I thought it was called "Eccentric Street"...
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