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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. I heard something there, but I can't place it. What is it?
  2. Yeah, really you guys have done a great job! It's hard enough to arrange and produce a song in a week, but then to go and write & record vocals on top of that, I can't even imagine. Same goes for Brandon & Rexy, AMT, and Xarnax42 and some of the others who've done vocal remixes for the compo so far!
  3. My track's coming along... slowly. It should end up pretty decent if I can nail all the production stuff later in the week. I've been distracted today with listening to the awesome Wild Arms album tho (great job to everyone here that worked on that). Also, I really enjoyed this week's mixes. Great job everyone! And now I know that every member of the Concrete Men can sing. You guys should make a Mega Man vocal EP or something
  4. YAY! Congrats everybody! I'm downloading now and can't wait to listen! While I didn't actually contribute to the project, I've been following it since 2009 and have been eagerly awaiting this release. Wild Arms is one of my all time favorite games and is my all time favorite VG soundtrack, so I just want to thank Jade and everyone that contributed to this album and made it possible! Thanks!
  5. I don't think my song will have a lot of cheese, but I am making a song that is very different from my usual jazz/funk style, so it should be interesting!
  6. Actually yes I did. See what happens when you try to reply with a post in all caps and no lowercase letters AND OHMYGOD THE TRAILER IS AMAZING! I will get nothing done this week.
  7. That's what she said? I am contributing nothing to this conversation. And I only listened to your song once because I don't want to spoil this week's remixes.
  8. TOMORROW OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE CULMINATION OF YEARS OF HYPE WILL FINALLY BE REALIZED TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! obligatory lowercase text to offset my all caps excitement.
  9. NOTHING TO SEE HERE except the mix I already downloaded. Now I know Ecto's plans for this round, mwahahahahahahahaha. I WILL RULE THE WORLD!
  10. Hey, I'm switching this thing over to a Mod Review because I'd like to get some additional feedback before I submit. I've addressed a lot of the concerns below, but I haven't gotten a lot else to move forward on. Thanks!
  11. Nice, and then the album will be posted tomorrow. And then I won't get any mixing done for my WCRG entry this week cause I'll be too busy listening to this
  12. Aren't we going to have a cool little promo video on the front page? The album releases in 2 days, so I guess it seems kinda late for that now though...
  13. Cool, glad you liked it! It did turn out pretty good, Rozo did a nice job putting everything together. For who did what: I wrote the epiano intro (Rozo selected the instrument and effects) and Phonetic Hero did some of the accompanying percussion elements (except the bitcrushed kick & snare) Thank you
  14. That's one of my favorite Wily themes. And the suspense for this week's tracks is killing me as well!
  15. Dr. Wily stole all the Round 7 songs. We need to fight for everlasting peace to get them back.
  16. I 100% agree with you. I'm not trying to whine and complain, but I am having little luck finding inspiration to mix this source with my RM. I am trying my best though!
  17. F# natural minor? I don't think so... Needle Man is in F# minor, which has F#, G#, and C#. This Wily source also uses D# and A#. Which makes me think it is G# minor. But its' use of C#, F#, and D# are not consistent. Sometimes they are natural, and moreso than just as a leading note. It is very odd.
  18. I just want to say this source has the most mind-boggling and frustrating key signature I have ever seen. Ever.
  19. Yeah an interesting choice... I'll be The Mega Baller this week!
  20. No Ticket! NO Feedback! Yeah so I tried to listen to this again and provide some feedback, but that didn't work out. I think I've heard it too many times still and I like it a lot already. So yeah this is a completely pointless post, but hey
  21. OK, time for my track impressions for the week: Red Chamomile: Really cool arrangement and nice guitar work by Brandon. My only real complaint here is that while each set of instruments sounded good on their own (piano, acoustic guitar, elec guitar, etc.), at points they didn't seem to fit together as well. I still really enjoyed it though. Good job. Air-Cossacks!: Not quite what we've come to expect from Willrock, but a fun and good track overall nonetheless. Cool solo section towards the end. Drums sounded kind of generic and stale tho. twenty-six alpha: Nice, chill arrangement here. I like the plucked bass line and accompanying piano-y thing. Definitely one of my favorites this round. Standing On Top: I really enjoyed the instrumentation progression in this track and the lyrics were pretty good too. My only complaint was after the vocals ended, the song seemed to kind of meander for the last 2 mins or so. Like I kept waiting for the vocals to come back in or a new lead to enter. I still really like this one nonetheless tho. Northern Lights: Nice improvement here Mr. L! I really like the chilled piano landscape here. I felt there could've been a bit more variety with the instrumentation or song structure to keep things interesting, but a solid track overall. Nice job. Eye of the Storm: This one started out pretty cool. It has the good techno vibe going, but the wrong notes that started at 1:22 and continued until the end killed it for me. The 4th and 5th notes of that repeating synth pattern really sound off License to Chill: Another awesome orchestral arrangement from C7! More great performances here. This sounded like it would fit perfectly in a movie score. My only real complaints were that it seemed to take awhile to get going, and then the ending was rather abrupt once the song had gotten going. Groove, Swing, March: While the constantly switching styles might've turned off some people, I really really enjoyed this track! The first section is probably my favorite and felt like it could've been expanded on a bit more, but oh well. I also think the transition section at 1:10 went on for a bit too long, and could've been accomplished in about half the time. Overall though, nice sound design throughout. Most of your instruments sounded crisp and clear and I really enjoyed the arrangement. Nice work. No Time For Doctors OMG!!!!! (aka No Time For Rozo To Finish This Song): I'm pretty sure Rozo started this song on the Friday night before it was due, so it's actually quite good considering the time spent on it. This is actually one of my favorite tracks this round. Although pretty simple, the synths are really enjoyable and the drums keep things moving along. I wish this one could've been filled out a bit more. Villainous Revelry: This one nearly got my last vote because I really enjoyed this one too. It's got a good beat to it, between the drums, bass, and moving synth elements. I like the little alterations on the melody too (like at 1:10 for example). At times it feels like the arrangement loses direction, but overall I think the instrumentation and production make up for it.
  22. Great stuff here! Nice guitar there at the end. Honestly I don't understand how we don't have more Descent remixes. The Descent games (especially Descent 3) have some great music!
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