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Status Updates posted by SuperiorX

  1. SZRC match-ups are up! Mixes due on 2/2!

  2. Thanks Corey! I was so excited and humbled to have gotten first place! I can't lie, it definitely made me feel good that everyone liked my track so much :)

  3. Thanks DiGi! I appreciate it!

  4. Thanks for all the info B! I won't clutter your inbox with another PM, so feel free to delete mine if you need space :razz:

  5. Thanks for critiquing those songs Michael! I appreciate it!

  6. Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it!!

  7. Thanks for the kind words and for participating in the compo! Your song was excellent, I hope to hear more from you soon!

  8. Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! I can't wait to hear more of yours too, it was shaping up nicely. Who's Palmtree Panic mix will be the most awesome?!? heh heh :-D

  9. Thanks! I had a great time creating that one!

  10. Thanks! Yeah I'm actually a little surprised there aren't more on the panel, but they might just be backed up in the judging queue. I was really excited when mine passed though, it'll be my first mixpost!

  11. That's fine. The date is going to end up getting pushed out a little bit anyway because there are some others that will be late as well. I'm probably going to be aiming for mid-late August now.

  12. The Sonic compo isn't starting until the Street Fighter compo is over, so you don't have to worry about them overlapping if you want to join!

  13. The text file just showed all of the participants; it didn't specifically list the songs submitted. Those 3 were participants, they just didn't end up turning anything in. That's all!

  14. They didn't submit remixes those rounds, which is why there are missing, because they never existed.

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