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Dj Mokram

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Status Updates posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Thanks melody. That's quite a compliment coming from you.

    Hope you'll enjoy the rest of the album as well! ;)

  2. Thanks Trism. Glad to hear you've got some enjoyment out of it. :)

  3. That is correct sir. I can rebuild it, I have the technology.

    Just gimme a couple more years and... oh sorry, what was this about again?

  4. Very kind of you, sir. I'm a bit better now. Guess I was maybe a little shy at approaching the cool people of OCR, outside of albums context I mean. But know I've always kept to heart the feedback you've given me either in the workshop or in the judge panel. :)

  5. Wait, I did. I voted on all matches. Wtf happened? O_o

  6. Well, as I said, it's mostly custom samples being processed with FX plugs. Only times I use VSTi for drums is when transcribing a source to lay a temp drumline (with tools like 'DSK mini-drum Z'), or when composing cinematic/ethnic music (with EWQL Colossus).

    Luckily for you, OCR is packed with talented electronica producers that are WAY better at this game that I'll ever be. Head over to the workshop/production section of the forums and I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for in no time. Good luck. :)

  7. Well, my memory being what it is (a 1.2M floppy disk), I admit I forgot.

    I was in the process of remixing Magical Bags of Chips myself. But you beat me to it... by a whole album! ;D

  8. Whatever, so long as you get it done before september 10th. Have fun in Vegas.

  9. Ya need something B?

  10. Yeah, Dyne's show is great isn't it.

    Trust me, I would love to enter one of those over-crowded OHC turbo... but I'm already biting more than I can chew atm.

  11. You don't need to. I haven't (and won't) forget.

    I know it's hard when you really want something and can't wait, but like I said, you're gonna have to be patient.

    Occasionally, I also happen to have a life to attend to. ;)

  12. Yup Kuz. The wip is still standing in my "to finish" folder from 2009. Alas, many IRL and OL obligations force me to prioritize somehow.

    Just know that I haven't forgotten your request simply cause I could never forget anything related to my favorite VG composer, Hitoshi Sakimoto. ;)

  13. Hey Callum! Been a while, yeah. Hope you and your billions guitarz are doing well!

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