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Everything posted by melody

  1. good on you man, i remember essence of lime when it was in its infancy and it's great to see that you finally followed through. downloading a copy right now :)

  2. finally put together my tribute to nujabes.. one of my greatest musical influences
  3. haha sorry about that, i'm.. using ipod headphones to mix i really need to get a better pair of cans. for now, a good friend of mine will be doing the final mixing
  4. first post updated with a new wip. the arrangement is done, so fun production times ahead~
  5. sup, here's a more groove-oriented interpretation of megaman zero 4's beautiful title song (and in my opinion luna umegaki's best work). the arrangement is mostly on the finished side, but i cut off the second half for this wip since it isn't fully fleshed out yet and i could use production pointers. the real ending isn't a fadeout edit 12/10: original:
  6. vyse where have you been on irc?!

  7. my tribute.. this is still too much to take in.
  8. one of my favorite tunes from the sadly not-too-well known bomberman hero soundtrack. redial is a great sampler of jun chikuma's ambient and low key style, and cheesy as it sounds, never fails to give me a sense of warmth. i went with how i felt and came up with this.. hope you can enjoy original: remix:
  9. nujabes will be my day to day soundtrack til i get over this.. the world lost an amazing and inspiring voice.
  10. i feel similarly.. there is a section with nothing but pure double bass and some guitarish sounding synth playing root notes. more harmonic development could really benefit this track; it's easy to be a bassist who only plays roots but that gets stale pretty quick. just accentuating the fifth and m/M9s is an easy way to breathe some harmonic life into a piece. i think the drums need some phattening up too -- you can do that through eq and some light reverb/stereo width. also a melody is entirely absent throughout. dunno if that was intentional or not though. as far as working with acoustic samples goes, the first step to making them sound better is humanization. edit the velocities so consecutive note/drum hits are never identical, offset the timings of notes by a couple ticks, and mess around with note lengths. it helps to put yourself in the shoes of someone playing the part.
  11. thanks for your suggestions everyone. the choir does sound a little unnatural, i think a little tweak to attack and decay should help. the beat is a little on the simpler side of things -- in part due to the nujabes influence. glad you all enjoyed it!
  12. this is pretty great. i definitely get that sense of majesty and mystery you get when taking in the landscape from ocarina of time or twilight princess's overworld. the oboe part reminds me of some of the melancholy tracks from the gba fire emblems, which is great. i can't think of any production flaws to address other than lack of velocity editing on the snare. nice work here.
  13. something i wrote for last week's ohc that blossomed into a full piece. the arrangement's pretty set in stone i think, just need some feedback on the production-side of things. i tried to convey feelings of the stillness found in helplessness, and awe, followed by a sense of moving forward. hopefully it makes some sense. enjoy!
  14. if it's not too much trouble i'd like to open squid adler back up for grabs and take on the ending theme from x5!
  15. i would like dibs on spiral pegacion/the skiver, and am 80% certain i would like volt kraken/squid adler (is that allowed, double dipping?) edit: i like how no one likes x7
  16. omfg badunkabump i'm so glad the x series is getting the proper love. as much as i would love to contribute.. i have no track record! is it cool for a no name like me to hop aboard? also, it wouldn't hurt to ask - would music from the zero series be allowed?..
  17. last update (potentially)! back again, decided to get off my lazy ass and tie the knot on this song. i'm looking to submit this to animeremix sometime in the near future, so i would love any critique you guys have to give. cheers! link:
  18. what's the status on this? accepted/denied? i'm dyinnnnnnnnnnn hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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