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Everything posted by Kaxon

  1. 1. Phoenix Wright 2. Zero 3. Zidane
  2. Alright, here's a topic I have lots of opinions on! BogusRed is a piano specialist and she had my favorite track on the FF4 project, it'd be awesome to get a song from her. Patrick Burns was great on SMB, I'd like to hear more of his stuff. Taucer's already on the project, but the more tracks by him, the better. Same with djp. If you could somehow get McVaffe, that would be awesome. More realistically, I like Ziwtra's stuff pretty well and he did an FF8 remix not long ago.
  3. Yeah... on one hand, it's a really big soundtrack and you don't need remixes of all 20 versions of Melodies of Life that are in the game. On the other hand there are still some strong unclaimed tracks... Jesters of the Moon, Cid's Theme, and Eiko's theme all deserve to be covered.
  4. Is the first post still up to date? Cause that's a lot of unclaimed tracks... it's tempting me to try making an audition song.
  5. I gotta say I really like this mix. Yes, I can see the complaints about it sounding a bit dated and mechanical, but it also has a lot going for it IMHO. The extensions to the base melody seem so natural that they've become part of my internal impression of what "To Zanarkand" sounds like. On top of that I really like the piano solo... I want more of that. It'd be nice to see Orkybash make a triumphant return like a few other old timers have lately.
  6. Until the Remixanator can do this, I don't think it's ready for prime time. This is the epitome of "maxing it out".
  7. I love piano and I love the FF VII Main Theme more than almost anything, so I should like this song by klutz, right? Well... YES. I do. But it's not just that I'm predisposed to liking this song - this is a legitimately great arrangement by klutz. You need only compare this to the professionally produced version on the Final Fantasy VII Piano Collections CD (arranged by Shiro Hamaguchi and performed by Seiji Honda) to realize how great this song is. Hamaguchi & Honda's version is good, but Klutz's just blows it away. I feel like he really "got" this track better... maybe it comes from him having a greater familiarity with the game, but I can't say for sure. Either way, he wisely omits the slow middle section of the piece that worked as an orchestral buildup in the OST, but drags as a solo piano piece. Instead I feel like he really boiled this theme down to its essence and then expressed it perfectly in his medium of solo piano. I remember stopping outside towns in FF VII just because I wanted to listen to this theme to the end of its loop... this arrangement gives me the same feeling of wanting to stop what I'm doing and just admire the beauty of the song. Klutz really nailed this one.
  8. This mix is incredible, easily among the very best on the entire site. Both the dark world and light world themes are handled expertly, but the thing I really love about this mix is the piano in the transition, which is just brilliant. Absolutely freaking beautiful. Then it goes into one of the most well known, most stirring themes in all of gaming and you can't not smile.
  9. This album is really really good. Definitely the best since Voices of the Lifestream, if not surpassing that one too. The level of consistency here is high. But the standout tracks in my opinion are: - The first djp track (classic djp) - Both Patrick Burns tracks (who is this guy? I've never heard of him and he has two of the best songs on the album) - A New Place (reminds me of some late 80's / early 90's song I can't place, starting at 2:53... either way I like it) - Dave Wise's song is obviously good - Plenty of other good stuff like Simian Soiree, Roller Disco, and Us Monkeys Together. The only song on here I really don't like is the death metal song, which just isn't my style... even then the instrumental version of that one is fine. Also, there are some cool points that sound like references to other songs to me... the thing I mentioned in A New Place, plus Beneath The Canopy seems to have an Anxious Heart reference and This Chase is Haunted reminds me of Still More Fighting.
  10. This project could really use a BogusRed track.
  11. I really wish I had the skill to contribute, but I'll just look forward to the finished product instead I guess. This should be awesome.
  12. I propose the addition of Riou, main character from Suikoden 2: LT: Yep, not sharp enough, but if you go too far, it'll be oversharpened.
  13. Thanks - I think I already have that sounfont if it's called ns_piano. I've heard other people do good stuff with it but I haven't liked the way it sounds in my own songs that much. I guess I need to experiment with the effects on it, it's a very dry sound.
  14. It looks like all the piano links in the first post are broken at this point, so... can anyone recommend a good piano library that works in FL? I'm willing to consider spending money on one since I use the piano more than anything else, although getting a good free one would obviously be nice.
  15. I loved this song when I first heard it years ago and I still do. Like djp I have a lot of fondness for the Genesis Phantasy Star games, and the title theme from PS2 was a great track. Although the instruments and synths in this song sound a lot better than those on the Genesis, I still think this track perfectly captures the feel of the Genesis - I can see the scrolling world map of Mota from the PS2 intro in my mind's eye when I listen to this song.
  16. Yeah I would love to hear the longer version too, this is one of my all time favorite remixes.
  17. Well, this was a surprise - both because I didn't know anything was ready to be released, and then again once I saw it was a one person project. I think that's pretty cool actually, sometimes it seems like projects are bigger than they should be just for the sake of covering every song in the game so a 7 track solo project is kinda refreshing. (On the other hand my favorite project of all is Voices of the Lifestream, which is a monster). So far I've just started listening and it sounds pretty good.
  18. If you guys put up a higher quality version of Zebesian Midnight by Vigilante I would be insanely happy.
  19. I <3 this song so much. Back in March I set myself a goal of listening to every song on the site and rating them in itunes (about 1500 down so far!)... a bunch of other songs have made me want to post comments but this is the one that finally motivated me to create an account. EFields's instrumental mix is very chill and soothing - just like the original Besaid Island (although I didn't even realize this was a Besaid Island remix the first time I heard it). I like his use of percussion too - although it's nothing elaborate, I think he uses exactly enough to keep things interesting... I know if I were trying to make something like this I'd be tempted to just go crazy with those synth pads. But what sets the song apart is definitely DragonAvenger's vocals. As djp said, her singing style is definitely reminiscent of some Asian pop music (so much that I originally thought she was singing in Japanese) but I think it really works here. I think she just perfectly conveys the mood this song is going for and matches EFields's work really well. Finally, the "let me be in your story" line at the end strikes me as completely brilliant and haunting.
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