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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Certainly is groovy and adds a hell of a lot of fun to the Windmill Hut. I liked the additions of Zelda's theme and the secret found cameo, and the story and mental visuals behind this song is pretty cool too, especially with how the vinyl records plays into it. Cool stuff, fellas.
  2. Fun jazz piece right here. I really do like the old time detective feel that DJP brought up that this has, between the snapping fingers, the jazz flute, easy-going and loose playing style that this kind of jazz excels at and so on. Wonderful ReMix and a great track off the album.
  3. Hard-hitting and powerful, this is the rocking metal ReMix that FF battles themes benefit from in intensity. Good rhythm, powerful drums and awesome variety as the mix goes along makes for a great track. Very good.
  4. Seriously fits the soundscape I've always pictured Doom with, with a dark, crunchy, grittiness that goes hand in hand with the hellish challenges you face within it's levels. Nice work. Definitely my favorite ReMix from you so far.
  5. Beautiful and seems to keep what made the original so great on an emotional level. Nicely done.
  6. Evolve or die, the choice is yours! - Aria

  7. Sugary and vibrant for sure, this has all the best parts of a chippy little electronic theme all rolled into a neat little mix. Not bad, a pretty good debut mix.
  8. Little V!!! I've been a huge fan of this man's epic metal covers for certain SK and Killer Instinct themes (can't stop listening to his cover of Hisako's theme and his work on Cinder is sweet) for a while now, and to see him appear on OCR a few months later is cool. As for the ReMix itself, it definitely follows his quality of playing and arranging, and this rocking metal arrangement is an awesome listen. Nice work, fella!
  9. Nice to see some fresh faces and some returning remixers teaming up to put out a pretty good hip-hop rap of the sewers theme. There are a few rap pet peeves of mine in this mix, but it's just a personal taste thing, so honestly I have nothing to really nitpick at arrangement-wise. Not bad.
  10. Hot damn, this is almost downright heroic in terms of the melody and feel. The energy is high and driven, and those arpeggios truly are sweet. Hell of a track, this is the kind of rave that brings it hard! So good!
  11. Nice, dude, this has a fantastic grit to it that makes this sound super intense and industrial. Effects were used tastefully and pieced together well. Strong stuff, man.
  12. Here comes the CEO.....Aria is upon us!

  13. Pretty good orchestral arrangement with good pacing and instrumentation choices, as it did come off as a natural flow. While there are things that could be nitpicked at, in the end, it's about what sounds good and works, and this sounds good and works for me, so I can dig it. Not bad, man.
  14. Funky, but with a personalized take from the mixers. Well done, guys. The section at 1:40 really got to me, I enjoyed that quite a lot, and that constant shred at 2:19 was magic. Awesome stuff from Taucer and FFmusic Dj.
  15. Smart and extremely pleasant arrangement of the opening demo. Of course I'm a sucker for ambient sounds, especially storms. Neat story behind the title as well. Very solid mix, man, I like this.
  16. Holy shit! Damn, Sir J, there are no words for how how insanely talented and incredible this is. Super funky, fitting as hell vocals that made me a fan of yours originally, and an awesome groove that is totally infectious. The play on words for space terms was great, and I loved how you were able to get in so references like Cowboy Bebop, the Enterprise, barrel rolling and especially Portal 2's reference (Spaaacccee!!). My god, Sir J, you win. Going down as possibly my favorite ReMix of the month, and the month isn't even over yet. Straight to my Ipod this goes.
  17. Gorgeous. This is absolutely beautiful and a bit haunting in the way it uses soft piano and sax to make a great relaxing atmosphere. This is perfect for chilling out to. Love this. Also, the Prescription for Sleep albums should definitely be checked out by folks. So many great tunes.
  18. Cool dark adventurous and chilling arrangement you've got here. I unfortunately haven't had the chance to play this game, but I can easily see this being used for an environment for a cave or cemetery for an old nes platformer. Really digging the swinging used along with the chips as well. Wonderful ReMix, Hylian Lemon!
  19. The effects and the hip-hop idea of this ReMix appealed to me, and being a fan of Punch-Out, I enjoyed it for what it was. I do have to say that having someone rapping over this would have pushed it over the edge and done wonders for the mix, as this seemed like a base for that. Basically, it's good for what's here, but man, it's begging for that little something extra in the form of lyrics. Not bad though.
  20. While I don't mind sound effects or vocal clips, the "Yoooo" was used a bit too many times for me. But the rest of the mix had a great atmospheric effect and had a bit of mysterious vibe. The ending was a bit of "ehh" and it really would have been better off with just a quicker end and leaving out the cracking noises the got louder before cutting off, which was unneeded. Still, "A" for effect and some good ideas though.
  21. Early McVaffe with a good take on Relm's theme. What can I say, any mix that makes me halfway enjoy Relm's theme is a-ok in my book. While not my favorite of some of McVaffe's work, it's still a decent mix from a game that had it's share of easily assessable themes to play with. Nice work.
  22. Hahaha, well, this is certainly amusing and entertaining if nothing else. Hey, if it can put smiles on faces and get a few laughs, I'm all for it. Clipping for percussion, while an interesting idea, kinda wears on me after a while and doesn't help that my speakers are as rough as they are. Beatboxing with a capella and whistling and other weird effects......yeah, this is an experiment in voice recording, and while I can't say that this will be added to my playlist, it was well worth the listen for the amusement factor alone.
  23. The melody is pretty nice in this mix, and while dated, I can see where the mix was going in it's writing up until the end, where it kinda just fades off when it seemed like it could have gone on or ended on a different note. Still, age and nitpicking aside, this is a fine mix with some positives for Ys fans to enjoy.
  24. Intro is actually really good and while I get what the ReMixer was going for with the beats and the kick, it just doesn't really work for me as it stands. That said, if given a revamp and a polish on those areas with today's tricks and techniques, this would be quite the fun mix. A decent go at the source, I'd say.
  25. This is the update and ReMix that the Disco Train needed so very much. Taking all the groovy goodness from the original and turning it up to eleven with full on vocoded vocals and a fresh disco beat is terrific. Awesome mixpost Light Pillar!
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