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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. I'm loving the lyrics, haha. Ah, MEGAROCKMAN does it again with another hilarious Mega Man mix that makes the Robot Master in question so much better. Funny business aside, the jazzy lounge sound is quite good, and I'm enjoying the vocal work. It's smooth like ice. Any time you can add humor to a good tune, I'm down for it, so this is great work indeed.
  2. Man, Archangel, you really know how to work a cartoonish arrangement. This is excellent. Digging the story behind the mix and I can totally picture it in my end along with the music. Sounds like ripe pickings for someone to animate, I'd say. Playful, silly and all around fun, everything you could ask for in a ReMix like this one.
  3. Merlina's theme being fleshed out and reworked into such a cool wintery track is pretty sweet to hear. You can really imagine a snowy landscape with this one and with the slight hip-hop beat, the bells, the piano and bass working together, makes for quite the holiday present for music lovers. Nicely done.
  4. Jeez, man, the production in this is ace. I have to admit that it took me a couple of listens to get everything out of this mix when it comes to the sources beyond Zero's, but once I did, everything clicked like it should have and I loved it. But even without that, the chiptune-electronica used here was excellent and sounds wonderful. Amazing collab from all three of you.
  5. The spirit of Christmas is alive and well in this ReMix. Such a terrific take on Fisherman's Horizon, giving it that "special time of year" vibe. Nice to also see that the only thing that hints to it being a Christmas version is the name, where the rest comes from the sound. That's awesome and smart work.
  6. I'm really digging the smooth jazzy atmosphere behind the music of this ReMix, and hearing it off multiple percussion points is pretty cool. Might be my speakers or ears, but the vibraphone sounded a bit sharp at times, especially on the higher notes, but other than that little thing, quite the classy mix. I quite like this.
  7. Straight up heavy rock with all the solos and hype you could possibly want. Butts may be the title, but the sound is anything but butts. This is a butt-kicker of a mix for sure with the amount of energy delivered. Fantastic ReMix.
  8. I actually find it interesting how well Saria's theme can weave in and out of the other Zelda sources like that, especially Midna. Very beautiful together and the sources blended into one ReMix in a fantastic way. Mood fits the description and title very well. Chimpazilla knocks another one out of the park. Nice work.
  9. Oooh, damn! Now this is a groove I can get behind! Such a sexy and cohesive mix, really shows the group's dynamic off well. Love the use of piano and violin throughout the song, and especially in that "call and response" section the group highlighted. Well worth the listen.
  10. I am greatly enjoying the arrangement here, combining the chiptune and bitty elements with the harder edged dubs. And when the speed picks up after almost a minute and a half leading into that switch-up at two minutes, there's a lot of great writing here and I'm loving it. Awesome use of dubstep that doesn't get obnoxious and a good mix of bits, and I don't even have an issue with the ending. Sweet stuff man.
  11. All those references underneath those slick lyrics and incredible beat! This is a fantastic collab and it seems everything the either Sir J or Sigma touch turn to gold, so it's not hard to see how they can turn out something this fantastic together. Great raps, awesome music, and the chance to hear Sunshine finally get a little more love, this is a real treat. Damn sweet stuff, guys.
  12. Anything remotely close to Beetlejuice-esque Danny Elfman arrangements are right up my alley, so this is the kind of ReMix that is a no brainer for me. It's undoubtedly got a touch of darkness, but the playfulness and quirkiness of it adds to it. Even when it gets darker later into the middle of the mix, it never seems to cross the line of evil before going back to the wilder aspects for the ending.
  13. The amount of emotion in this ReMix.....damn, RoeKaTa, you certainly have been busy busting out so many amazing mixes. Those strings are lovely and I'm thoroughly enjoying this. Certain songs bring out the beauty of music, and this is one of them. Very nice.
  14. There's something polished about this ReMix that doesn't always get heard in other Castlevania metal mixes. Sure, often or not, the production is really good, so maybe it's just me, but the production for this particular mix sounds a notch above most. Elsewise, this is a terrific take on Bloody Tears. The Saturn version being used is a great touch as well. Gonna have to say that this is my favorite BONKERS mix to date. Well done, fella.
  15. Ah this is a beautiful ReMix. Loving what you've done with Aqua Star here, giving it some of that Guaraldi touch and the whole feel of this mix is gorgeous and fitting on the highest levels. So good to hear ReMixes of Kirby that can show more than just it's crazier sides and more of the fun, lighter sides.
  16. This is a fun ReMix to listen to. Such a good beat and a great sound with those bits and chips swimming around the melody. Like a retro sound that I would expect to hear from a great indy game, which is cool. Nice work.
  17. A little late, but a very happy birthday to the heir of the Pretzel clan!
  18. I think the judges said it better than I ever could. The instrument choices and the mysterious mood that they portrayed made this mix. I haven't seen the anime or played the game either, but from what I can see, it might be something to check out. Until then, this mix, while have I do have some nitpicks, none of them are worth mentioning because they didn't really turn me off of the mix. Well done.
  19. I like the addition of the Aquatic Ruins along with Ice Cap here. It's a nice lead-in. Truthfully, the longer the song goes on, the more it grew on my vocally, and by the end, I was really digging it. The little nod to Hard Times was cool. All in all, not a bad ReMix and certainly a fun song to listen to. Nice work from Flex and OCU.
  20. My heart, this ReMix has stolen it. This is such an interesting take on the style that I would not have expected to hear, even if it seems obvious in today's musical world. Music box (seems like the music box is getting a lot of love lately, which is cool) setting up the more intense and energetic dubstep bits entertains the hell out of me, and the weird little girl voice (what it sounds like to me anyway) is a cool touch that reminds me of the creepy pasta stories myself. Glad that you went back and forth on the music box and dubstep bits, it sounds good that way. I, for one, am all for spookystep and would love to hear more of it in the future. Strong debut, man, this is sick as hell.
  21. I very much like the idea of ReMixes like this, where an artist takes almost all the opening themes or all the ending themes or something like that and tries to meld them together into one cohesive ReMix that gives you basically a musical icon with which to enjoy a series with. There's just something satisfying about that from an organization stand point. Timaeus did a fantastic job with this and I'm sure a lot of Battle Network fans are eating this up, as they should. I agree with Larry, I'd love to hear this ReMixer tackle some Zero or Starforce, but for now, I'll just be jamming to this for a while.
  22. This does have the feel of something that you would expect from a game in the realm of militaristic spies or stealthy wars like MGS, but hey, all the better to get a wonderful ReMix out of a game that hasn't been covered quite as much in such an enjoyable way.
  23. When a ReMixer delivers in this manner, any and all doubts should be put to rest immediately, regardless of how many mixes of the same source is on the site. And HOLY SHIT that Celtic section. Hitting me right in the soul, bro. It's beautiful. This is freaking immersive and goes on a journey with it's wide range of arrangement. From the tinkling music box opening, to the more epic orchestration of the theme with the sweet flute, to that Irish whistle (Acevedo, props all to hell man), and the heartfelt ending, I absolutely love every minute of this. If you are a fan of Terra, there is a damn good chance you will be a fan of this. Recommended.
  24. So another thing I love about OCR is how I learn things about the video game industry (usually in the music side of it), like about Stewart Copeland. Never knew the drummer for the Police had anything to video game music, let alone Spyro. That's actually freaking awesome, so nice nugget of info, DJP. As for the ReMix itself, it has a damn good beat that I'm truly feeling, and I would have loved to have heard this playing while I playing the Spyro games way back when. It doesn't seem to be a track that goes for the knockout blow, but it is jabbing away with the bass and the dance elements that threaten to bust out on their own. Not bad.
  25. Oh god, so smooth and chill. If one was to groove through the cosmos, I would fully expect and demand this to be the music playing while doing so. It's got some easy-goingness to it, but the funk and the groove is so strong throughout the track. Love the quick glitch-ins that were added. Nice.
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