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Everything posted by Kinslayer

  1. Kid Malicious, remixed by Rayza from Reset Generation...love this song!!!
  2. Donkey Kong Country 2: Tricky Swamp Style Remix Courtesy of OC Remix!!!
  3. Now I know what you've been busy doing, totally awesome work Dain, now if only you'd get your remix album done...XD...I want your Blood Inside remix... As for this piece, Vectorman is another game I haven't played, but with your remix from the soundtrack, it makes me want to go back and play the game.
  4. that's why I'm saying it...lol, but I still think it'd be cool, if I get good enough with FL 8 I'll remix it myself...but I'm nowhere near the standards of some of the artists though...but I'm working on a Metroid Opening Intro from Super Metroid remix right now...
  5. There are two songs from this game I'd love to see remixed...the first is the Prologue theme, the song of the opening story, which is actually two songs medlied together to tell the games' story, one side light, the other dark...I'd like to see a remix of this song where the transition from light to dark isn't so instant...plus, I'd like to see the song have a modern twist, While the PSX had great sound quality for the time, I'd like to see it done better... The other song is Mist, the general theme in the game that plays when you enter a town enveloped by the mist. Here are links to the songs via Youtube: Prologue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F40nn5KwZRk&feature=PlayList&p=3B6AEEA8CD03F43C&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=6 Mist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KcYvSHYDNo&feature=PlayList&p=3B6AEEA8CD03F43C&index=7 Any other information needed, let me know...also, the composer's name is Michiru Oshima, info that should be known in case they actually get put on the site.
  6. Listening to Donkey Kong Country--Permutation(Fear Factory Remix) by Nicole Adams and Injury...courtesy of this site!
  7. I just thought of one I'd like to see done...the boss theme with the Spider that gives you the Space Jump boots...I always have a laugh while playing because it reminds me of a Square Dance...is there anyone here who could do it Square Dance Style? Just a remix to enjoy for pure laughability...
  8. I agree, I'm just a beginner when it comes to producing music...XD, I'm just an amateur playing with FL Studio 8 right now...but I do agree, Metroid Fusion shouldn't be ignored...I'd also like to see some of the music from Metroid Zero Mission remixed.
  9. Another really good game that shouldn't be overlooked is Legend of Legaia, Michiru Oshima did amazing work on the soundtrack, but I'd like to hear a cover or remix of both the Prologue and the games Mist theme. PLOK! would make for some interesting remixes too...lol
  10. I just wanted to say that this is absolutely one of the best renditions of Donkey Kong's Fear Factory theme, I have been a long time fan of the Donkey Kong soundtracks for a long time...and you delivered a beautiful song. Injury's vocals are superb, and the background music is really good, one note though, the guitar was a little too rough, I would have went with something a little softer...keep 'em comin' Nicole...I need more music from you before I go deaf listening to i.transmit.this back to 1946
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