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Everything posted by Kinslayer

  1. L is for Legaia 2: Duel Saga
  2. She'll crash eventually, then wake back up and get right back to work...and so far it is an impressive list so far...definitely enough to make the project official...yay! LOL
  3. J is for Jurassic Park
  4. wow, looked this up on Wikipedia, looks like an interesting game...
  5. Just wanted to stop by and say that after hearing you and Injury's Magus remix from Chrono Trigger on OCRadio, I wanted to say that it's badass, also, love the Riddick lines thrown into the song, classic!

    See you around!

  6. E is for Earthbound
  7. C is for Centipede
  8. :tomatoface:Take that Brushfire... Blue Gender freaked me out more about the humanity of it, and the main character...and the truth about the sleepers...I didn't like Blue Gender after the Blood changed from red to purple
  9. A is for Asteroids 3D
  10. Y is for Yoshi's Cookie
  11. she only mentioned that because I IMed her...lol
  12. W is for Wario Land 3
  13. wow, I'm gone for 12 hours, and everything changes again...LOL btw, since people want to deviate the name, I was thinking Filgaia's Enchanting Melodies, Or, since there's an 'a' theme running around..."Melodia Enchantica Filgaia" I dunno... Awesome, good cast list so far Jade, keep up the good work I think I'm going to do some work on a draft of Defeated this weekend to see if I have the skills worth adding to the album... keep up the good work guys!
  14. If you want Gerudo Valley backwards, I can just use the original MP3 and reverse it for you...
  15. G is for Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved
  16. E is for Everquest
  17. Only movies I've ever seen Swayze in(that I can think of anyway) Are Red Dawn and Dirty Dancing...I thought he was a good actor in both, shame that he died in such a bad way...who's next this year, geez.
  18. B is for Battletoads in Battlemania
  19. Z is for Zelda
  20. Hmm, seems like I have a word to add to the banners then...I'll get that done once I get home...
  21. I plan on playing it tonight at the earliest, it might end up being Wednesday before I start though because of work.
  22. Q is for Quake IV
  23. so far, that's a nice mix, however, you're starting to forget the chants with all the drums and of course the overkill piano...A suggestion, put the Chants in in Slow periods of the song, whenever there's little drums, for instance fade the piano banging out just before the Violin starts and allow the big chant to take control, the one at the beginning is still hearable, and I'd also suggest something else, the Violin is not the area of climax in the song, it's over shadowed by the piano solo, harmonize the violin, bring it in stronger, create drums that just go wild, and then bring in Violin and piano for the Volvagia theme combine both instruments, think Windwaker opening theme... Suggestion for the ending...fade out the violin, have just the basic Bolero of Fire play once or twice and fade, and feature a fading fire chant...
  24. O is for Okami
  25. J is for Jak II
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