so far, that's a nice mix, however, you're starting to forget the chants with all the drums and of course the overkill piano...A suggestion, put the Chants in in Slow periods of the song, whenever there's little drums, for instance fade the piano banging out just before the Violin starts and allow the big chant to take control, the one at the beginning is still hearable, and I'd also suggest something else, the Violin is not the area of climax in the song, it's over shadowed by the piano solo, harmonize the violin, bring it in stronger, create drums that just go wild, and then bring in Violin and piano for the Volvagia theme combine both instruments, think Windwaker opening theme...
Suggestion for the ending...fade out the violin, have just the basic Bolero of Fire play once or twice and fade, and feature a fading fire chant...