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Everything posted by Kinslayer

  1. Wow, why the hell didn't I check the projects forum before!!! XD DKC2 rules!!! can't wait for this project to come out!
  2. O is for Ocarina of Time LoZ
  3. M is for Metroid Fusion
  4. I've already began talking with JaDE ARan about helping out with this project, I'll do what I can to help her with technical issues regarding this project, I'm not very helpful with music, but can do alot behind the scenes.
  5. check the signature thread...there's a present there for you

  6. D is for Dead or Alive
  7. S is for Soul Calibur
  8. I guess no one is interested in making a super awesome remix to this game I'm sad... just posting to bump the topic!
  9. J is for Jak & Daxter
  10. Hey, you should check out your Wild Arms thread, there's a whole slew of people that have posted in the last few days(including myself) who are more than willing to help you start a project...don't give up hope! You can do this!

  11. Well, I'd gladly love to help out on a Wild Arms Project, while I'm not familiar with the soundtrack of the first game, I have played the second one and plan on venturing through the whole series, I'm in full support of the project, I can try to help with some financial backing, but that's something that will be hard to come by, however, I'm more than proficient with Dreamweaver and I'd be more than willing to help with designing labels and images for the soundtrack and project site. I can also help you with management if it comes down with it. I very much like what I have played in the series and I'll attempt to borrow the first one from my friend who owns them all...play it to completion so I can familiarize myself better with the music. Also, remixers interested in the project, I can contribute vocals...that's about all the ability I have with music production at the moment. I'm learning FL Studio 8 and I'm not very good yet. Don't give up hope!!! There are people here willing to help and support you!
  12. H is for .Hack GU
  13. F is for Final Fantasy
  14. D is for Devil May Cry
  15. Was feeling random, so I thought I'd post a game for us to play... The play is simple... Reply 1 B is for Battletoads in Battlemania Reply 2 C is for Castlevania Reply 3 D is for Dance Dance Revolution Basically, you have to come up with an official VIDEO GAME TITLE that goes with your letter. If the letter you are on doesn't have a video game, then skip it and go to the next letter. For originality, if the game you're using has more than one title (i.e. a series) list a specific title for originality and creativity... Have Fun! A is for Asteroids
  16. It's personal preference, I think it's collector worthy, music I value in high regard I simply don't like just copying the tracks and throwing them on any old CD... I'm getting Winamp anyway to stream the OCradio station, however, I have to use iTunes, I have an old iPod and it won't put music on it without iTunes. OA?
  17. You're very welcome...I liked working on i

  18. Hi, I'm new, and after spending a few days lurking in Off Topic and alienating myself in a thread there, I have made quite an ass of myself. Apparently, being a 6 year forum veteran of Animechains.net and a 1 year veteran of MegamanX9.com's forum, I figured that I was too good to post in the newbie thread...apparently not, it appears I've already made some enemies in the Off Topic forum...so thanks to them for the GENEROUSLY warm welcome... Otherwise, again, I'm new to OCRemix, I was recommended by a friend who loves the music, I love music, and video games, so of course i had to come check it out, I'm one of the Administrators of the new Animechains. I do some decent Photoshop work, I've already done some over in Off Topic, another way for me to break the ice... Thanks for having such an awesome site!
  19. I see, well thanks for the intel...I'll get in touch with one of the site staff and see if I could buy one...a CD set that size retails for $30-50.00 and I'd be willing to pay shipping as well, physical copies are just better for me because I tend to have problems with iTunes losing MP3's and having to redownload them.
  20. This one took me a while...it was hard thinking of a way to make these two together...but I finally figured something out...I know you asked for Asian style text, but I lost that font with another software, so I had to go Western...but I did use my best fonts, and put as much into this siggy as I would one of mine...and it still took me longer....I present to you:


    I had the hardest time trying to play with colors to fit the Hyrule Castle background and finally had to settle on Blue and Neon green as the best fit.

  21. Allrighty, got the image of Sheik...I'll start working on the siggy immediately...

  22. I'm just curious...is there a way to get physical copies of the album, or is it only the contributing artists that get physical copies? After listening to several of the tracks of the album, I really want it...the only problem is: Bittorrent has been giving me a bunch of shit lately and it downloads so slow that it would take three years for the album to download, and I don't know anything about Ports to fix it...if it's possible to get the CD's I'd rather do it that way...especially since I don't have to worry about losing a Physical copy as much as an MP3
  23. Hey, willing to make you a sig...just read the post I left in the Signature thread and send me anything or any information you want added...I'm good and I work fast, but I don't want to make something that you won't like, so I'll wait for your input...have a good evening.

  24. The only downside to Boost Mobile and other prepaid services is that you have to pay for the phone...which can be expensive if you want a nicer phone...Boost Mobile has a really nice one I'm considering switching...I'm currently with Virgin Mobile, and while I love the fact that I have no problems with their service...I get 5 bars all over town except at home(weird) but I can send text messages and make calls with no bars, and they don't get dropped often...and I've never had problems texting... the problem with Virgin Mobile: Bad or cheaply made phones... Virgin's best: Kyocera X-tc Samsung Mantra LG Flare LG Rumor2 UTStarcom Shuttle Samsung Slash... The cheapest phones they have are the Flare and Mantra that are worth a shit... Boost to my knowledge always carries good phones...mainly motorola...they have a "Blackberry" type smartphone now that's pretty cool, but to my knowledge carry no Qwerty phones that are a must for the frequent texter. Net10 and Tracfone carry shitty phones. You can also go to prepaid with any of the major networks and it'll be cheaper... Boost totally unlimited is $50 Virgin Mobile unlimited is $70
  25. Yeah, why don't we have Texas meetups? I'd go to one...but alot of the ones you talk about are way too far away for me to go to... I'm pretty trustworthy, I just sit around reading, jamming, or playing video games all day...or watching anime...
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