Well, that's okay, I'll just email djp and get the stuff I need for it later, mainly album art/CD label art...I'll probably just download it all and burn it...
(and I don't hate torrents, I hate waiting on Bittorrent)
Yeah, it's True, OCR has helped restore my faith in the community, after almost leaving because of a bad first day in Off Topic, I've since learned to have fun and enjoy my time here...I like it...if I could get enough money together, I'd definitely fly out to one of these meet and greets...I plan to gather lots of music and get to know the great artists here...already it's changed my outlook on music...there's no telling what else I'll learn to love here.
Or like I said in my PM, giving the Fire Temple actual music...it would be a nice remix adding effects of the Bolero of Fire, Fire Temple, and Volvagia battle, I like the idea of that...in future then, you could do the same to the four other temples...I'd like to hear mixes like that done for Forest, Water, Shadow, and Spirit...it's kind of a cool concept.
I agree, if you need an original .mp3 of the fire temple theme(chanting included) you're more than welcome to PM me and I'll get you the file somehow...
As for the WIP, I love the idea of the piano, but you should add some effects to make it less concerto, more badass piano solo, maybe some drums, some bass to back it up, make a song out of it...not just a great piano theme...other than that I really like this...and the violin is nice too...the ending needs some work, and I'd try to incorporate the violin into the song earlier...nice starting mix...keep up the good work.
it's flippin' awesome...There are so many badass remixes I wouldn't even find otherwise without the radio, and with as many remixes as there are on the site...you won't have to go *ahem* format on it...although having a DJ every now and then would be nice...
As a recent member, I've kinda jumped right in...OCR has already given me something cool to look forward to online...it's so awesome!!!
The music is so awesome I'm going to have to get a portable harddrive to start storing music, I have cool people to talk to, a radio show to wait for every two weeks, and now I've added Winamp to my players arsenal and am streaming OCReMix radio right now.
Anyone driving through Texas? If they are, I'll be able to carpool with them, otherwise I'll never be able to get there...and I would like to go to one of these...I keep hearing great things about it...I may end up putting some savings together...I think $500 would be enough in spending money...lol But I'll need a ride and a room, and I'm new here, so I don't think people are going to be so willing to share with me as with some of the older members...XD
I've got $200 in spending planned for the next month...I can't spare another cent...I love the song Wildland though, and would love to have it...I'll make sure you get your royalties...lol, but I never let a song go if I want it on my iPod...lol
Wow, it's so short, there's so much more that could be done with that track, it's so pretty...
Well pixietricks, try not to write any New Age today then, people might think your husband is singing...lol j/k...
Show is great guys! Keep up the good work, I've already downloaded several new remixes courtesy of you guys...
btw, Pixietricks, your music is truly artful...I just wish I could find an MP3 of one of your songs so that I don't have to purchase the entire CD yet...I've got too much spending coming up in VG, and music to add another CD to the list...