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Everything posted by Kinslayer

  1. I want a sequel to metroid fusion dammit...oh wait, this is a thread about the new Pokemon game... At the moment I'm not really interested in Pokemon: Racist Edition, I'll have to play thru SS first and see if getting another one will be worth my time...
  2. I've always respected Lady Gaga's work, why? Because you hear it everywhere and it's fun to dance to in the clubs...other than that, I really wish her popularity wasn't based solely in the gay community, she's like the Kathy Griffin of music, the gays worship her. And it's not based on her talent at all. While I hold her in little regard recently as an artist, she has some music I really love to listen to...and I knew she could play piano quite well before seeing this video because she performed live on Idol last year and did an acoustic version of Poker Face that went into the actual song midway thru... Adam Lambert should take a few lessons from her, then he might be able to whoo an audience without shoving his tongue down the drummer's throat. She does look alot better with dark hair though... Telephone music video ftw!!! She got the Pussy Wagon!!!
  3. I agree, I love my foam pad, won't ever go back to the crappy ones unless I have to
  4. Oh shit, I just sat around and did nothing...oh wait, I'm not an artist , I'm just an assistant...lmao
  5. I shall be downloading Episode 24 shortly from iTunes...then I shall listen to it again at work!!!
  6. I am just now listening to the bonus episode...Oh My Fucking Gawd!!! This girl is a fucking stupid bitch! "Voldemort gave me a (you...are...a...retard...look) I have Telekinesis..." This story was ultimate fail from this point onward, although the sex scenes were about as descriptive as a six year old would describe it...But fucking seriously...I would think even the movie would describe Voldemort as a "Legilimens" not a fucking telekinetic... I laughed my ass off...if I had been there playing, I would have been drunker than hell...
  7. Thank god I have decent internet for a change
  8. Gee, thanks for ruining another weekend...lmao, also, did not need to know about Brushfire's cage and basement chaining fetish >.< Another great episode, needs more guest power!!!
  9. Wow, there are more items being dropped, I got three last night...although two of them were repeats
  10. Next Weeks theme should be in honor of the Maverick Rising Project, we should all be Mega Man X baddies!!!
  11. Hey, did you get my messages the other day, what name should I purchase my SGC badge under?! And don't forget...it is now May!!!

  12. I finally listened finished of Eps. 22, great podcast...
  13. I still haven't listened to the episode yet, I've either been busy, or sleeping, I promise I'll get it fully listened to today or tomorrow...I did listen to about the first 10 minutes or so... Seriously guys, when is Autofellatio(selfsucking) count as serious conversation... Props to DragonAvenger for coming up with the topic though...I had an interesting amount of laughs/bad images that I nearly clawed my eyes out over...so yeah, thanks for ruining another weekend.
  14. I'm currently in the process of switching sleeping over to adjust to my full-time graveyard position, once I've made the adjustments, expect me back on the server for a couple of hours a day, assuming I can make my new roommate see the point that my TF2 time is my time to have my fucking computer!!!
  15. MY EYES!!! MYYYYYYYY EYESSSSSSSS! On another note...that is a creepy picture of Brushfire...and that hat's gotta go...that's the ugliest thing I think I've ever seen...XD Unless that's supposed to be a Sniper hat from TF2, in which case it's cool...
  16. OMG, David, nice dancing skills "Can the judges Brushfire?" You need sunlight!!! You get any whiter, they'll be casting you in Twilight instead of Robert Pattinson... Anyways, downloading the episode now...waiting on iTunes to work...
  17. Well, I'm going with the 9500 I think...I can get it within my price range, unfortunately, the 9800 is currently a little too expensive for me...I'll get it worked out...
  18. Um, I can find both of those on Newegg.com...however, a 9800 is too big for my computer...and on another note...my video card recovered...so I'll likely be playing again until the red goes out again...
  19. Okay, I have some questions...I read online that the best replacement for an NVidia 7600GT would be either an NVidia 9500GT, or an ATI 4670, I need some help, which card should I choose, and what would be the cheapest make and model for my computer that isn't going too cheap, links would be appreciated...I would like to find one that could handle some better games too...seeing as how some of my newer games crashed my computer on occasion. Anyways, I'm looking since my 7600 is going out, and I'd like to find something within the $50-100 range...I'm coming to the TF2 guys because I would think some of you know what you're talking about and computer hardware is greek to me.
  20. bump before the thread disappears...hurry up you guys!!!
  21. I'll be on hiatus from TF2 for a while...the red went out in my video card and I don't have the extra money to replace it anytime soon...I can't play TF2 on a green monitor because it's hard to look at...there's a possibility that it could cut back in though...I'm going to leave that computer on while I'm at work and see if the Video Card will warm up and the red comes back thru, if that's the case, then I may be on tomorrow night to play...we'll just see...if not, then I'll be gone till I can get a new one...
  22. I have a question...last time I tuned in, I couldn't help but notice that there's some VGM mixed into the station now...is this just in addition to the remixes on the site? Or did the format change for some reason?
  23. I know so far I've picked up alot of Pyro/Heavy Equipment...guess I might be getting more then...
  24. If that happens, we should erase the game he's in and demote him back down to Level 1, work your way back up beech!!!
  25. O_o well, I'm taking a break from TF2 until tomorrow, but then I promise I'll be back to kick some ass and die alot.
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