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Everything posted by Kinslayer

  1. Jade, I believe you know my situation, unless I can get a ride I'll have to take a bus down there. If anyone is passing thru Texas, I'll need to arrange a rideshare with someone...I'll s;lit gas/food money... Also, I would have to share a room with someone as I am extremely poor and probably can't afford my own accomodations by myself...I'll just have to see how much money I can have saved by the meetup date...but it isn't likely I'll have a whole lot.
  2. I love how you keep us in the dark
  3. wrong, X2 came out back in October of last year http://www.ddrgame.com/ddrx2.html Here's the info on it...I would know, I found it right before it came out and bought it three days later... now, if you're going by Japanese releases, then yes, X is still the most recent, however, knowing Konami, Japanese version is probably due out by summer.
  4. not always...I've seen some songs on the newer DDR's that make the older ones look hard...for instance, there are very few really difficult Stepcharts on DDR X and DDR X2
  5. I still think Rhythm and Police is one of my all-time favorite songs from the older DDR games...even though it kinda kicks my ass just because of the speed and stream level... I miss the difficulty of the older stepcharts. and if I recall correctly, there's an excellent remix of butterfly on dance maniax...
  6. I've got my fingers crossed on that JaDE, and here's hoping my compy doesn't crash anytime soon...
  7. I think that's what it's called...I love some of the music on it though...I just don't like it much...
  8. I don't have a PA...I just got my ears pierced...and I never want that piercing either.... @Stevo, more than ready for 14
  9. hmmph, I actually give you decent input atmuh, and you ignore it...gah! Damn you Hubbard!!! And Beatmania sucks!!! It's almost as bad as that DDR spinoff you see in arcades with the lights you put your hands under...
  10. Yep, the WIPping date has passed...glad to know there's some improvement... just crack out your whip JaDE..there's gotta be someway to make the page bleed less...
  11. Yes, because he's simply determined to finally make a thread to outdo one of my first...j/k Anyways...I'll listen to 14 once I've finally gotten caught up on 13...gah! I'd listen to 13 now, but I can't wear headphones at the moment until my piercings heal...
  12. At Malkyre, the only reason Conjure One is even considerably popular is because he convinced Sinead O'Connor to come out of retirement and sing that "Tears from the Moon" Song, otherwise, they're really not that great...I've heard better Electronica from artists on this site.
  13. Well, atmuh, the only advice I can give is to find yourself an old broken arcade machine and mod it...since you hate ITG(don't worry, I do too!) then get yourself a machine...replace the monitor with a computer monitor, that's pretty easy...and then add stepmania. And whichever songs you like... Also, it is possible to get the MAX-EXTREME2 vids on Stepmania, you have to download the graphics pack and build them yourself...which can be quite tedious. Good luck...if I could afford a DDR machine, I'd have an Extreme JP in no time... and if you need any help with that...or want a really good selection of songs from all the American DDR releases...just lemme know!
  14. Not bad, love the instrumentals, however, don't forget to add some original interpretation to the music, otherwise it'll never end up posted on the site...you could definitely get a good solo on it...so keep up the good work...I'll keep my eyes and ears on this one.
  15. To beat Tetsu, you need to be REALLY high level, and it's also suggested that you get the ability to summon the Ra-Seru, go collect the eggs while levelling up, and if you meet certain requirements, you can get Meta in Rim Elm, Terra at Mt. Rikuroa, and Ozma in East Voz Forest...(these are spells, not the actual Ra-Seru again) and the eggs also contain Ra-Seru spells for the other 4 elements. And speaking of Legend of Legaia, I have a few more bosses to add: Juggernaut: Because his Stone Circle move is unpredictable, he can really wear you down fast Van Saryu of Ratayu, I totally forgot how much of an ass he is... Gaza of Sol The Astral Slash looks so cool, but god it can damn near kill a character Sim-Seru Gaza--not only is there the Neo Star Slash, but the Astral Wave can almost wipe out the entire party, and again, like Juggernaut, it's unpredictable. As a Kid I used to think these bosses were hard...now they're child's play... Pinstripe Potoro and N. Brio from Crash Bandicoot Tiny and N. Gin from Crash Bandicoot 2 Neo Cortex from Crash Bandicoot Warped...
  16. OK, noticed Lacuna Coil mentioned, and Feist as well... However, nobody mentioned: Nico Vega Flyleaf The Yeah Yeah Yeahs Alanis Morisette(I know she's kinda cliche, but she does have SOME good music) Avril Lavigne Evanescence (they're not together anymore, but Amy Lee is an impressive vocalist) and Lily Allen (I'm so gay, get over it!!!) Also, if you're not opposed to listening to Classic Rock, there are: Heart Cyndi Lauper Blondie Pat Benatar If I really wanted to dedicate myself to it, I could probably think of more...but I'm too tired and weary, not to mention at work right now to care.
  17. You also can't go wrong with a few artists that have branched out from their days as Bemani artists for Beatmania/DDR and such. Several worth listening to are: Be For U Riyu Kosaka Tatsh (Tatsh is actually a strange mixture of techno and J-rock, but still worth a listen) I also second Camui Gackt as an artist, he has some great music. Also, you can't go wrong with Haruka Shimotsuki, she has some very relaxing music that is wonderful for slow paced days...
  18. Prophet, please remove the following from my list: Chrono Trigger Donkey Kong Country 1-3 Super Mario All-Stars I'm currently finalizing these purchases with Maxfrost and AMT, so they don't need to be posted anymore.
  19. Alot of the classics mainly... NES: Mario Bros. Mario Bros. 3 SNES: Super Mario World Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Donkey Kong Country The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past N64 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Gameboy(Advance) The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Metroid Fusion Metroid Zero Mission DS Chrono Trigger Playstation/PS2 Megaman X Collection Legend of Legaia Nintendo Gamecube The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker Metroid Prime I own no next-gen systems and these are my favorites to replay...
  20. O_o I didn't ask him to go to that level... *runs away and hides* EDIT: Here's your screams! http://rapidshare.com/files/350032110/tortured_screams.wav.html
  21. NO!!! THERE WILL BE NO FORGIVENESS FOR FAILURE!!! YOU FAIL AT LIFE!!! Sorry you guys had more technical issues, hopefully you'll be back on your feet soon.
  22. I asked you to remove Suikoden from my want list Prophet...now you're just taking up space!!!
  23. Sorry that I can't suggest anything next-gen, because there really aren't many, however, if you're willing to go back a few generations...there's always: Wild ARMs series, 1 and 2 aren't great graphically (PS1) but they have a great storry Suikoden, again, 1 and 2 are on PS1 so don't expect anything graphically, but they have a wonderful storyline Legend of Legaia, combines fighting game style combinations with turn-based gameplay, a good combination in my opinion, good graphically too assuming the system PS1 If you're a sucker for Capcom, you could go through Megaman X: Command Mission for PS2, it's Megaman X as an RPG I'd list more, but sadly, I haven't even played thru most of my collection...so I can't help you there.
  24. I really wish I could remix...then I'd be glad to do Sigma Fortress 3 and Blast Hornet, but sadly I can't
  25. @Brandon Strader, I'll get on the mic at work this weekend and see what I can come up with...you'll have tortured screams from me if you have to torture me to get 'em.
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